hah..i failed 2 subs
bt its okay..at least juz 2 subs
gotta work harder man!!
dayat signing off 2 study!!
yesterdae was fun!! i gt 2 b an usher..
it was so tiring!! i had 2 stand infront of the silly door..
n i hav to sillyly keep opening n closing the door..
bt the best thing is tat i gt to wear a blazer..ya tatz rite..BLAZER!! haha
yea i noe wearing a blazer wit a short is funnie..bt it was cool!!
hot? dun mention it!! my uniform inside was all wet
oya..n i gt 2 wear tie too!! ferst tyme!! ahahaha
den at abt 9:30..my job has ended!! hah!! FINALLY!! ive been waiting fer tat
hahaha...den all the debaters n the ushers gather at parade squares..
gt nuthin 2 do den take2 pics..it was so kecoh!!
here's the pics..ENJOY!! :p

tatz all folks...i dun hav much pics.. if ya wanna see wanna see more pics..go nissa's blog!! thre gt thousands man!! haha..
wokayss..bb. *wink*
scared of haunted buildings? well u shud b
coz it can make yr ears sound eerie..or even bleed
it can also make a cat scratch u..n a grp of children stare at u
u noe hw i noe u dunnoe abt tis?
cuz we experienced it..muahahaha!
here's the fcuking scary freaky exciting interesting story..
well..the dae b4 yesterdae i went 2 tis haunted building wit ayu,asrina,malissa n fahmi after sch
the building is strictly to b kept secret(haha) well itz a HDB flat...
so, we're reaching our destination.. n asrina was like scared
malissa keep sayin 'eh lets go back!'
bt we ignore her..huahua! so the 5 of us keep walking 2wards the building
we've reached it. ferst, we see all the windows were all kosong.
thre was no curtain nor light..scared? well, here cum's the chilling part
sunddenly we saw tis one head wit a scary face n a long hair n a white dress staring at the window
hahahaha!! juz kiddin!! :p
okok..lets continue frm thre was no curtain nor light..
den we decided 2 go 2 the stairs..bt it was locked on the 2nd floor..
weird!!..den tis freaking silly ayu started 2 whistle.
n we were all shouting 'STOP IT!!'...so she stopped bt was still puzzled y we stopped her
i didnt noe she was tat SLENGER
haha. we were planning 2 picked the padlock.. bt was too scared 2 do it
bt den i saw tis one door bside the stairs n they asked me 2 opend it
well, 2 show tat im a guy, i opend it!!
to my surprise it isn't locked!! i only opend an inch & they aredy started running!!
OMG!!seeing them running makes me wanna run away frm tat door..so i let go of the door n it slammed hard n i ran wit them
so, i failed 2 show tat im a brave guy
well fahmi was the one whu ran ferst(ish3)..malissa was second
n asrina was 3rd..i was 4th
and tat freaking silly ayu didnt run at all..she was juz relaxing,chewing her gum,lyke walking in a park lyke thre's nuthin happening while were running lyke tre's an earthquake
so..we was lyke going 2 faint n decided 2 go back 2 sch
bt b4 tat..we sat at tis bench n stared at the building
okok, so we were sitting at tis bench..den we started 2 talk abt the building
enuf talking..we were heading bck 2 sch as it was going 2 rain
weird huh? itz been long since it rain here
b4 we head bck 2 sch..malissa was scared..n she saed tat if a spirit is following us
a cat can tells it all..we went 2 tis one cat n malissa tried 2 pat it
n the cat started 2 scratch her..she was damn freak out
den wen we walk past the nursery sch, all the children was lyke staring at us!!
it was so WEIRD!!...can u imagine tat? pfff
afta tat, we reached sch n meet hidayah n qasrina..
wen we saw them..they were happily eating fries while we were fcuking freaked out
den sit at sch, n i started 2 tell abt a movie called the "THE GRUDGE"
huahuahua..n they was lyke closing their ears begging me 2 stop
haha..it was a tiring dae!! we went home
the nxt dae..malissa,asrina n ayu told me tat their ears starting 2 hears eerie stuff
ayu was the worst..she saed her ear bleed at nite
ape tk?! dier lah yg jln plahan2 biler kite tgh lari!!
oklah..im freaking out rite nw..
buhbye!! watch out bhind u!!..hahaha
Everydae is a new dae..im reminded of my past. pffff
i've been wanting 2 chat wit ****. bt too bad she cannot b online
i dun hate U.. well, i hated u ONCE bt tat was wen i was so mad!! cant think twice
guess im nt the one fer u..
rmbr u once told me tat if i really lyke/luv tat person, i muz nt giv up on her
u noe wat? i will nt giv up on u! keep tat in mind.
bt for how long?! mayb i shud juz giv up on u..
even if i giv up on u. i will still luv u in my heart although u r wit sum other guy
for u, is bad=good n good=bad?? well, mayb tatz yr opinion
everybody's talking all tis stuff abt me, y dun they juz let me live..
i dun nid permission 2 mke my own decision..
n i cant force u 2 luv me.. juz bcuz i luv u
oh! hw beautiful luv can truly b!
i got a question 4 u, see i'd aready noe d ans bt still i wanna ask u
well tatz all i got 2 sae. guess u understand my feelings
i luv u. i dun hate u. n i'll luv u till the end of tyme
yea luv hurts bt sumtymes tatz wat so gr8t abt it
haizz.. i wish u all d bez wit him.
Ouh ya..kecian nab. really pity her.. she broke off wit her guy
bt at least she noes the truth tat he dun luv her
BT she luv him .. get it? the gerl LUV the guy bt the guy DUN luv the gurl
it can b the OPPOSITE too!! rite?! rite?!
nw, nab is very sad.. n she keep sayin tat he's a jerk.
actuallie itz nt true, i think she doesnt mean it bcuz she's all frust
so nab, juz go on wit life okiess !hehe
oya, b4 i 4gt. nab told me bout tis sentence:
'single woman cannot fart bcuz they dun hav an asshole b4 they married'
get it? nvm..if u dun get it nvm. bt the meaning can b the OPPOSITE too! rite?! rite?!
as in 'single man cant fart bcuz they dun hav an asshole b4 they married'
huahuahuahuahuahua!! THINK ABT IT!!
hey!! i cant blieve i wrote tat all.. guess im letting it all out!!
yeah tatz the way..LET IT ALL OUT!!
hmmpphhmm...okiess tat all i gt 2 sae fer nw..
[i m me & i wont change fer anyone]
YAAAAAAAAAAAY!! i bot my mp3..actuallie itz mp4 largh.
bt whu cares!! as long as i gt a DEVICE tat i can put songs in it!!
itz so c00l!! i wont spoiled it tis tyme!! i promise myself..
nice rite?? itz so brand new!!tis is mine..
tis is nice too..tis is my sis'
nw..black vs white..HAH!! dun care bout the colour lah..the function is e same!!
alah..bt nid 2 charge it fer 4 hours seh... i cant wait 2 use it!!
haizz..enuf bout tat. common test has ended YAAAHOO!!
well..maths i gt 31/45 nt bad rite..well, u noe i tried my bez..mm mm,no doubt!
history i gt C..i cant rmbr my mark, bt i noe itz C graded..pfff!!
tatz all i gt 2 noe..the others the teacher haven marked yet.
i haven tell my parents yet.. shud i or shud i nt?
or shud dey noe bout tis or shud dey nt noe bout tis..alah nvm lah kekeke
haizz..tis march holidae i nva go aniwhre. boring!!
bt at least i gt my mp3..LOL
see ya soon.. gotta check out my NEW mp3
ahaa!! yesterdae my parents aniversary!!..HAA!
HaPpIe AnIvErSaRy MuM & DaD!!
i didnt noe untill my sis told me..hehe
bcuz of the aniversary thingy..our family go out eat "siam kitchen" at cwp
hahaa..eat seafood!! the dishes all yummy yummies..bt OMG!! itz so spicy..
can't take it man..drank 2 glass of water..hahaha!!
wat sia..i wondering, if itz thier ani..we shud blanja dem ryte..
bt den,.,tis is the opposite...hahaha
den after eat2..go jln2 at cwp
bro came later...den we did survey!! hahaha
actuallie survey on mp3..YEAH!!
mum&dad sae we can buy mp3 4 each of us..n tat is lyke mp3 for 3 of us..
my sis my bro n me..& of cuz i gt to choose the expensive-est one..haha
mine can watch video..bro n sis is ipod shuffle..*evil laugh*
bt too bad...parents sae nxt sat den buy bcuz wait fer salary..
haizz..cant wait!! i dunnoe y dey suddenlie wan 2 buy us mp3s
mayb gd mood..or........well i dunnoe!! bt dey r gr8t wen dey r weird!! LOL!
i haven bought the mp3 bt i keep thinking wat song 2 put in it..
actuallie..i HAD one bt spoiled. haizz
so gotta buy a new 1. so excited!!
haizzz. nw im trying 2 get over her. MUST!! or else it'll distract my exams..
hah!!..bt wenever i see her. i lyke "omg!! itz her"
den everytyme saw HER wit HIM!! it hurts my hart
dunnoe y...den ytd chatted wit her bezfrend on msn
she noes im hurt..den im lyke WATEVER!!..
den she sae..'asl nk mrh2 nie?!'......haizz.
hey!! i only sae watever!! is tat wrong?! she shud understand me wat
okok..im getting mad!! better nt rite bout tis anymore*buek*
den summore i ask help frm ayu n she lyke dun wan 2 help me.
hmpf!! wat sia!. nvm
gt so many problems 2 handle..
1) my frends...(name nt real) as,ma,da,qa...
2)my another frends...(name nt real)fa,if...
3)my luv prob...dunnoe wat 2 do
4)studies...dun hav tyme 2 studies
hpmmphh...wat a werld man!!
Gd ByE My LoVeR!! Gd ByE My FrEnD!!
cya soon..!!