MY GOD!! im totally flat.. my legs r soaring..
2dae's dance practise was lyke shit! dun even noe wad we're doing
frm 8.30 to 4.30 we did nuthin except fer the steps for the chorus..
i was lyke wad the............
if we carry on lyke tis 1 yr pn tk bleh abis.. serious seh..
but fun lah.. we were lyke goofing arnd after the dance pratice
shikin was so cute.. on any songs n she'll b dancing lyke a pro. LOL
meanwhile, chatting wit 7 person at msn.. tsk3..
klah.. im beat.. malas nk type2 nie sumer..
buaizz.. toodles.. *wave*
=) =) =)
everthin is f'ed up
straight frm the heart.. tell me wad do u do wen it all falls apart
got to pick myself up but whre do i start..
haizz.. kk.. found out again tat thre's sumbody admiring me..
tu tk psl lah.. itz normal for anyone 2 admire me..
i dun mind at all.. but wad i mind is..
the gerl is in SEC 3.. hmmm.. im juz in sec 2
imagine sumone whu is 1 year older den u lykes u.. freaky rite..
i was lyke.. whoaaa!! wat!?! hah.. realie surprise wen i came 2 noe abt it
i cant possibly go out wit a gerl whu is 1 year older den me..
i noe itz nt THAT wrong.. but thre'll b gossips here n thre..
as if u dun0 evergreen.. hah..
haizzz.. dun0 wat 2 do nw.. mayb i'll juz ferget abt it
i dun wana hurt anione no more..
its even painful fer me 2 see sumone hurt.... BY ME
i dun wana b the reason y..
budden agen.. wen i tink agen.. its kinda possible.. *shook my head*
juz let fate giv the ans..
meanwhile.. toodles..
luv ya all lotzz..
yay! June hols finally came.. LOL
hah..very excited.. gt plan here n thre
BUT thre's too much hmwk. not fair at all
june hols is fer us 2 rest not to stress ourself up..
haizzz... alot sia
okok, ytd so fun. gt BATTLE OF THE BANDS
i tink the horizon won.. yeap.
so congrats! huuuuraaaay!
heh, i luv the vocal guitar.. wish i cud play lyke tat! hmmm..
haha.. i cant play lyke tat. itz so freaking hard.
hah, i was so into the rock concert ytd i shout lyke HELL. lol
the music was great but the vocals.. omg. haha
but its okay lah.. not bad too
hmmm.. ytd watch X-Men3 wit my beloved family
it was soooooo great!! i wana watch it agen..
but too bad the show gt 3 person die.. *sobz* so sad seh
haizz.. if only i was a mutant. i wud hav shadowcat's power
her power is passing thru walls..
hah, imagine i hav tat power.. i cud sneak out of my hse wihtout my mother noeing
nyahahaha.. i really wana watch it agen. haizz
den 2dae went 2 NEWater.. my god!! the smell..
phhfff.. my stomach ache bcoz of tat smell!! sheeshh.
okiess.. later wana go out.
bubye!! cya in 30 days.. lol
toodles!! toodie!! =)
...and i noe tat he noes im unfaithful n it kills him inside
to noe tat i m hapie wit sum other guy,
i can see him dying.
i dun wana do tis animore
i dun wana b the reason y
coz evrytyme i walk out the door
i c him die a little more inside
n i dun wana hurt him animore
i dun wana take awae his life
i dun wana b a murderer.
heh.. the words thre r sum part of the song
aww.. the song so sad n swit seh.. u muz hear it.
go find whre ever.. u MUZ hear it..
realy nice song.. haha. =)
haizz.. another prob juz crops up in my life.. well, nt really.
i hate wen im being the center person wen 2 person r fighting
u noe lah.. aku jdi org tgh. benci seh.. pphhffff
i dun wana interfere or wat.. but the two of them is lyke rely on me seh
well, the two of them r my frends..
so meanwhile.. trying to convince each other is innocent......lyke ME!!
heh.. prasan nyer.. nyahaha.. tau tkpe
ouh n yea!! cant wait fer tis thurs..
gona watch X-MEN 3 wit my beloved family..
hey.. u noe wat.. my dad saes tat i can join the christofori music sch
if im realy realy realy realy interested.. but i dun if i can handle the pressure.
PRESSURE!! haha.. u can sae tat agen.. PRESSURE!! LOLzz
so.. so.. ermm.. ayu saed if im joining she wans 2 join wit me too.. yay to the both of us!!
haizz..still in a dilemma.. LOL
cant tink wether 2 choose to learn organ or piano..
organ or piano..
organ or piano..
hhrrmm.. still tinking..
klahzz.. wana chowwzz..
and im still tinking.. LOLzz
ouh.. wana ask.. anybody noes watz the meaning of "PROMISCUOUS"
tag me the ans kaess.. muaxx!! hakzz!!
kk.. buaizz! *wave*
.... MEMORIES ....

(edited by fatin)

LOL.. me eating. candid camera!..
(see fatin's blog fer more picx..)
=) =) =)
wow!! yesterdae lyke many things happend..
dun0 whre t0 start.. hmm, let me see
okok, well.. juz nw gt sports dae.. crazy sport dae
too bad red hse gt last..BUT! we won the cheer competition.
we hav names fer each house.
RED CRUISADE(red house)
okaess..enuf abt sports dae. i almost lost my voice! shout here shout thre!
at last.. we lose.. so dissapointed =(
Then, after tat went hme sleep bcuz later gt class party arnd 2 plus
& u noe wat.. i overslept! went hme at 1+ sleep untill 3pm
sms fahmi, he saed he's otw. so i was lyke hah! great..
tsk2.. so erMm, klam kabut tke a bath(quick one) :p
den tke the bus.. i allight at the wrong bus stop.
i was really paiseh.. i went to the ROSEWOOD condo instead of WOODGROVE condo
den at the rosewood condo i was lyke trying 2 get in the gate.
it was locked.. i tried many tymes.. still cannot! feels lyke breaking the door
was realie2 paiseh.. coz gt 1 kid saw me.
den i thot 2 myself.. ey, mayb nt tis one lah.
so i walked quite a long wae to alamin.
i was running coz it was drizzling.. run run run.
reached thre.. i still nt sure which condo.. so, hmm. called fahmi using the my hp
guess wat!? my ppd finishd. gt no money
so i asked fer a 10cent coin frm a siling kid.. took alot of tyme finding a coin
BUT he gav me a 20cent coin instead..
no wonder he's frm siling.. hehe(no offence)
i mean lyke.. cant he different shape between a 10cent coin n a 20 cent coin..
so, no more choice. tke it..
found out the payphone only accept 10cent.. OMG!! i was so frustrated..
dun wanna giv up.. gt tis one stall near the 7eleven..
asked fer a 20 coin change to 10 cent.. i was lyke AH!! FINALLY!!
calld fahmi.. i askd whre's the condo.. n wat do u noe..
its juz bside the alamin.. whre im using the payphone..
ALAMAK!! feel lyke smacking my self seh!!
okok.. so. well.. i scared to go thru the gate..
ayu n fahmi fetch me at the front of the gate!!
saw ayu's mini skirt.. LOL..
*clear throat* wen i went in.. i feel lyke i was in a paradise!! haha
the place was so beautiful!!
so went to the party place.. saw them
and i heard.. HEARD them sae -eh dayat cute seh- many2 tymes
den.. if my ears r nt wrong.. i heard sum1 saed -dayat hot seh-
i was lyke eewww.. ye ker? hahaha.. im nt kembang-ing eh!!
felt hungry.. grab sum food.. n b4 i get my ferst bite..
all of them wana tke pics wit me.. hah! here thre.. all over the place
wit evry person thre.. afta tat went bck 2 eating..
only a few bite.. n they're lyke eh i wana tke pic wit dayat
i was lyke OMG wen can i even start eating.. LOL
i feel lyke i was a superstar.. hahah! juz kiddin
take pic here n thre lah.. i was tinking abt my stomach.. haha
i lyke the pool.. we play wit waters.. so fun!!
den gt 2 noe fatin & farrah better.. talked 2 each other..
but i lyke the movie room the best!! its lyke our place!! teehee
played pillow fight thre.. ahaha!! we were lyke hanging out n slacking in tat room..
we barbequed.. chickens, satays n fishballs..
it took almost a few hours to set up the fire.. tsk3
farrah was so into barbercueing..
den saw stefie's condo.. OMG!! so the beautiful..
okiess den.. hav fun at the condominium untill 8pm.. den went hme..
Yeah baybeh! exams has ended long tyme ago hehe
now only i post.. LOL
okok, many things happens after exams.. WEEE!!
go neoprints wit frends lah.. family go timezone lah..
watch movie.. ouh my god! i wish tis will nva end!
den after all tis exams sch conducting many many things
fer lyke tis fridae gt sports day.. den the nxt fridae going on an excursion
to the NEWater factory.. haha! very excited! nva been thre b4
wonder wat they hav thre..
ouh n the best thing is.. tmr no sch! yeah.
but the besttest thing is june holidaes r cuming man!!
can't wait.. aaawww.
but im gona miz all my frends.. esp the close ones
n esp my bestest bestfrends.. load n loads of em.
yea i tink i'll rite out the name of my frends..
yupz..i tink tatz all.. haizz..gona miz them all..
u noe.. sumtymes i keep tinking wat will i do witout frends..
hah! ill b all alone lyke a loner.. SERIOUSLY
sheess.. still waiting to noe if the "THING" is true or nt..
waiting waiting waiting... abt the 2 of them..
kaess.. gotta go waiting sumore..
buaizz!!.... =)
hey.. long tyme no blog.. wellzz, now blogging
bz bz bz... bz studying. exams... errgghh!! hate em!
whu the hell lyke exams! ahaha, so ermm, left only two more papers!
yay!! glad itz gona end.. den can enjoy for AWHILE.
awhile only.. den cum bck to studying agen. haizz..
okok.. 2dae maths paper two suck! it was so diff..
i was told tat mrs ong set the paper..
im gona find her n throw tat paper on the face..
ahaha.. nah juz kiddin!
but the worst thing is, itz only 1h30mins..
lucky gt calculator.. borrowed frm fahmi.. ThAnKs BrO!!
my god!! i didnt finished three questions.. damn!!
haizz.. hope i can pass.math paper one is my only hope to
get high marks.. gotta pray hard. LOL
hmm.. so juz nw during assembly in the morn.
nab came to me.. ask gt calculator anot. didnt noe she cared.
n she even saed sorie she cuden find me one..
haizz..actualie im the one whu shud sae sorie 2 her
for wasting her tyme.. IM SO SORIE!! REALY SORIE!! wen she talk 2 me.
saw her lebam eyes.. wen ask, saed nuthin
asked agen, den she saed she cried the whole nite.
i ask y.. she saed nuthin n juz walk away witout a 'bye'
guess she's realy in a nt so gd mood..
wonder how she's doing now... nva seen her lyke tat b4
so sad... nvm, u gt alot of frends to comfort u. include me pls..
kaess.. ermm, found out i gt many admires..
frm inside sch n oso outside sch..
well, not to b proud of lah. complicating lagik ader..
sum here sum thre.. itz not lyke im sum kind of superstars.
alredy i hurt 1 gerl.. i think she hate me. *shrug*
haizz.. i gotta choose which one i lyke..(or more lyke love) heehe
kk.. wana study..
bluekzz.. hate tat, wana pass rite hidayat? den u gotta study
study study study...
byetzz!! toodles...
=] =] =] =] =] =]