shheessshh.. lil did i noe tat we hav started schooling.. lol..
itz lyke so fast seh. lyke PHHOOFF!! holidae started. den PHOOFF agen. den sch started
hah.. so 2dae FERST dae of sch.. yea! it was exciting..
many many different things we made.. hmph
change of tyme table
change of seats in class
change of CO-FT
change of going home tyme
change of periods.. now 1 period is 45mins.. can u imagine tat.. cant take it!
and the worst part is recess is juz 30MIN.. y not 45min also? =(
if 2 periods aredy 1h 25mins.. my god! imagine if itz maths.. hah
haizz.. todae no lesson except fer science..
miss my frendz. teachers. but i did nt miss the studies.. lol
okok.. gt a camp going on tis thurdae.. so tat means no lesson!
cant wait!! thurday til fridae.. gona hav al0t of fun!
kaess.. a very short post..
so.. toodles!
hey.. urmm, juz wana add on to shikin's post abt love..
hmmm..yea, luv sumtymes hurt.. budden agen it can realie make sumone hapie.
itz lyke very confusing.. heh, u'll nva noe wat luv cud do to yr feeling.
very unexpected.. lyke seriously.. *sigh*
i gt a lil story to share.. hahhaa! yay!! story tyme.. lol
okok.. thre was a guy whu realie2 luv tis gerl.. he do watever it take to b wit tat gerl.
but the gerl doenst lyke tat guy.. well, mayb a lil.. but nt as much as the guy.
so.. the guy try his shot.. but too bad.. the gerl rejected him *sobz*
he took the rejection to the negative side.. now tatz the bad thing..
so he thot tat itz over between him and her.. but itz nt!
after a few daes..the guy found out tat the gerl had aredy hav a bf..
he was damn jelous and sad.. so he den thot agen tat itz realie is OVER!
but itz NOT agen! hah, pretty weird isnt it?.. hehhehe
kk.. suddenlie the guy found out tat the gerl had broken up wit her bf.
so the guy gav himself a second chance noeing tat he can make it.
the guy then get the permission frm the gerl to let him convince her to lyke him.
so the gerl agreed and gav him a second chance.. the guy was fcuking hapie!
days and days went on.. the guy convince the gerl..
den one day.. the guy gt to noe all of the gerl's secret.. well nt ALL
the guy gt to noe tat the gerl doenst wana hav a relationship wit him
and tat the gerl doenst lyke him at all.. the guy was fcuking damn dissapointed
he also found out tat the gerl is hapie being single.. which he dun blieve..
noeing all of that.. the guy decided tat he is gona giv up, stop convincing the gerl, let her go out of his hand since the second chance was nt successful..
so.. he told the gerl tat he will stop convincing her and let her b single coz the guy wans watz best fer her.. and letting her being single is the best bcoz tatz wat she wans.
he dun wana bcum enemy so does the gerl.. so the guy told the gerl tat they're gona b bestfrend
only if the gerl agree to b bestfrend wit him..
and so.. the gerl agreed.. the guy thot tat itz better us being BESTfrend then being 2gether.
so now.. the guy and the gurl is hapie being BESTfrend.. aaaww! isnt tat swiitt??
the moral of the story is.. hah! i dun even noe watz the moral of the story..
kk how bout tis.. itz better to b BESTfrend than being 2gether and after tat broke up, both get hurts and it will leave a scar in the hart.. am i rite??
coz if the gerl aredy dun wan the guy.. wat to do.. LOVE CANT B FORCE
and wat do u noe.. both of them is hapie being bestfrend! no more shy2 towards each other..
heh.. haizz.. see wat luv can do.. it can totaly change sumone.. well, u noe wat i mean.
hehehehehee.. hmmm.. so tatz the story lah.. pretty hapie ending isnt it??
yup.. i noe i noe.. hah..
okok.. so enjoy the story?? hahhahha
itz abit lame tho.. rite? rite? rite?.. lol
so toodles!!
( so do wat u hav to do to make him/her hapie)
whoaa!! yesterdae was super duper puper buper huper FUN man but sedih!! cant ferget abt it.. okok.. here how's the story goes.. panjang citer nyer.. came to sch arnd 7.. bump into ayu so we walk 2gether..reached sch staight awae practise.. coz we only hav lyke 7 hours so practise3.. we were all lyke nt serious. esp irnifah with her mouth non-stop. heh..we were all worried sick coz scared if cant practise enuf.. then shikin came arnd 9. we practise without the radio.. pretty hard. so then mr liang open up the music room.. gt music and AIRCON.. hahhahaha! tat tyme me and shikin juz came bck frm food shopping. hahh. then
we the sundalz: me,shikin,ayu,mira,nifah,fahmi,asrina,hidayah go get change into our beautiful wonderful costumes..hahhaha.. den shikin bcum hairsylist. pretty gud!me and fahmi finished changing.. waiting fer the god!! take hours man.. of coz.. gerlzz!hmm.. nifah was cute ayu was sexy dayah was cool asrina was bubbly mira was soooo adorable..den head to music room back.. decoratiions was done..evrybody was lyke very scary looking coz the them was halloween.. ouh and u noe wat?! i wear celak!! ferst tyme. gothic baybeh! rehearse with full dressing to make it perfect. then at 2pm the step down ceremony started.. ferstly, ms mazlinda gav a speech.. den singing performance frm sufie, zul, din, riduan and syafiqah.. pretty g0od.. raw talent man! then they welcum us the sundalzz AKA juniourz:
so its our turn.. shikin bcame the radioman.. hahha! so dance started.. evrybody made a couple of mistake.. so then concert ended.. party tyme.. food? nasi lemak.. bllrwwhh.. nasi lemak wit egg and chilli ONLY.. imagine tat.. hhahha! the sundalzz was sitting at the bck making alot alot of noise.. we were the kecoh-est grp.. while eating, take video of shikin eating and drinking and dancing and crying at the same tyme! hahhaa.. so funnie seh.. the sundalzz without me and fahmi did the sexay denbow dance to ms mazlinda and sum other sec 4 students! very sexay!!then head back to music room. gt briefing.. then we chit chat wit teachers. joke here and thre..then dismiss tyme.. went out of the music room.. sit outside.. talk2.. take pics!! den ayu, nifah and mira went swimming.. me, shikin, fahmi, asrina and dayah went home 2gether.. i was lyke so sad.. is tis the end of the sundalzz AKA the juniours?? *sobz* i plan to dance during teacher's day but sum didnt agree.. hmmm.. ok nvm, meanwhile heres all the pic

heheh. Nissa asked me to do tis so i do lah.
20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people. At the end of it all,choose 5 people to do this.
1. Ayu
2. Shikin
3. Fahmi
4. Iffah
5. Asrina
6. Malissa
7. Qasrina
8. Hidayah
9. Rosahzmira
10. Nissa
11. Nabillah
12. Amira
13. Hilary Duff
14. Ashlee Simpson
15. Kelly clarkson
16. Tom Cruise
17. Mummy
19. My Brother
20.My Sister
How did I meet #14?
[Ashlee Simpson] Never meet her before. I wish.
What would you do if you never met #1?
[Ayu] There will no sexy girl in our group.
What would you do if #20 and #9 dated?
[My sister] and [Nissa] Lesbian no doubt!! Laugh out REALIE loud
Did you ever like #19?
[My bro] Like duh!! Wan me to say that agen.. LYKE DUH
Would #6 and #17 make a good couple?
[Malissa] and [My mum] I’ll slap my mum!! haha
Describe #3.
[Fahmi] one-word. TEETH (no offence)
Do you think #8 is attractive?
[Roshazmira] uuhhh.. VERY!! And I mean it!
Tell me something about #7?
[Qasrina] MOLY MOLY MOLY..
Do you know any of #12's family?
[Amira] uurrmm.. n0pe.
What are #8's favourites?
[Hidayah] Mrs chew. lol
What would you do if #18 confess that he/she likes you?
[Daddy] Doesn’t matter. He’s my dad!
What language does #15 speak?
[Kelly Clarkson] English (does it even matter?!)
Who is #9 going out with?
[Roshazmira] Me? Hah, I wish.. but nobody in the MEANTIME. xP
How old is #16 now?
[Tom Cruise] n0 idea..
Who is #2's favourite band/singer?
[Shikin] She saed it’s Gayle Nerva from S’pore idol
Would you ever date #4?
[Iffah] NOUH WAY MAN!!
What school does #3 go to?
[Fahmi] Evergreen SS.
Where does #6 lives?
[Malissa] Woodlands. That’s all I can tell
What's your favourite thing about #5?
[Asrina] She’s a joker. Joke around
Have you seen #1 naked?
[Ayu] OH NEVER. But if she expose herself its alright wit me
5 people to do it?
1. Shikin
2. Ayu
3. Mazlina
4. Anybody
5. Anybody
fuuuhh! im so beat up frm the dance prac..
juz left 2 daes till the big dae! hmphh..
dun0 if we hav enuf tyme.. coz we r lyke cant get the steps properly
hahhhaha.. juz now very funie..
reached sch.. meet them.. dance dance dance
then go find radio.. play the music and dance to it baybeh!
lol.. okok, they sae tat ayu's body is too sexay.. ahhahha
kembang lah tuh.. sumtymes, too sexy body is nt gud..
lol.. hahhahha, budden agen its gud in the opposite way..
sampai di sini saje lah..
i noe its a very very short post..
coz im dead tired..
so............ chiowzz!!
(on 9 of june, friday)
hah! my morning is ruined agen coz hav to wake up at 9:15
hmmm.. went to watch movie with shikin,ayu and nabilah(sec 3)
i was a LITTLE BIT late agen coz hav to wait fer my mum to go out ferst
then, meet them at cwp..
they say wanna watch benchwarmer at 10:40
hah.. okok, then bought the tickets.. i thot shikin wana blanja me
lol.. so, ermm.. bought the tickets.. ayu's sister in law was thre..
so gt free hotdogs, wedges, fries and nuggets and drinks..
ayu was lyke wan all of themm.. hahahahhah
went in the cinema.. only gt 2 person inside.. plus us 6..
hah. pretty weird watching movie in the morning..
so.. shikin and nab were lyke very loud and crazy seh..
hahhhahaha.. ate the hotdog.. lyke it so much..
if wana watch movie nxt tyme.. i wan the hotdog!! lol
afta the movie.. nab and ayu was picking sum shirt to buy..
while me and shikin was having shushi picnic in cwp.. lol
my ferst tyme eating shushi.. okay lah.. can lah
afta tat.. we were lyke tinking whre we wana go..
shikin wana go bugis..
ayu wana go bishan..
nab wana go sembawang..
me? hahhah.. i juz go whre they wana go..
then while we were standing at the mrt station..
a donation-picking-up guy came to us..
he was lyke forcing us to donate seh.. alamak!!
then, shikin tk smpai hati.. she donated two dollars
then she bad mood coz her 2 dollars was given away..
hey! at least it was for a good coz.. rite?!? =)
so, then i suggested to go to civic.. lepakzz at mac..
lepak3.. then sent nab home..
after she went home.. itz my turn.. so i went home coz family wana go out..
left shikin and ayu only.. aawww, wonder wat they did after i left
okok.. so tatz all lah..
wow!! 4 days in a row i went out..
tired liao!!
okiess.. buhbye!!
nite evrybody!!
=) =) =) =) =)
(on 8 of june, thursday)
FINALLY!! my wait-ness is over!
hahahhaah.. twas so fun on tat day!
here's how it goes..
met nissa, her sis, amira, and afiqah & family..
alrite.. so i was a LITTLE BIT late..
ahhhaha.. then a few minutes later nad & yana came..
so, then.. ermm.. take the 969 bus..
walau! long journey.. hmpphh.. wat more, my morning is ruin coz i woke up at 8
hmmm.. so, sit in the bus listening my mp4
then mira and me started sms-ing each other in the bus..
hahhah! she was behind me.. the last seat..
lyke very silly seh.. still can sms in the bus.. hahhhaha
we were all lyke very sleepy seh.. i tried nt to sleep in the bus..
coz wen i sleep in the bus.. my head will go side to side.. lol
tat will b so embarassing.. =) so, i didnt sleep
reached tampines.. take mrt to pasir ris..
then take another bus frm pasir ris to escape..
hah! i was lyke finally!! phew! lol
then went to the entrance.. nissa paid fer me mira.. yea!
ThAnX agen nissa!! wuuhhuuu! hehehhhzz
then went inside.. cant wait to ride the rides..
ferst.. ride the pirate with nissa, her sis, and mira..
it was lyke okay.. nt dizzy yet..
then ride rainbow.. i sit nxt to afiqah.. lol
i keep bumping into her on the left..
and she keep bumping me on the right.. lol
ahhhaha.. then!! nad and yana force me to ride the pirate agen..
at tat tyme i was aredy nt feeling TAT well..
so, they force.. i almost wanted to vomit during the ride,,
hah! luckily i havent eaten yet or else all the food will b puking out of my mouth to the person infront of me.. lol..
aawww.. then yana saw me cried..
hey! i didnt cry okay.. juz a couple of tears came out of my eyes..
after the ride.. i feel lyke the werld is turning.. my god!!
hahhhaha.. nad felt bad coz she forced me into tis..
went toilet.. washed my faced.. wiped my face..
went ta haunted house lyke COUNTLESS tyme seh..
sempat amek gmbr ngan hantu.. ahahhha
thenwe were lyke scaring ppl in the haunted house
and omg!! the shout-ness of the gerls..
my ear can bcum deaf.. ahhhaha..
i lyke the haunted house the most.. wana go thre agen..
the ghost very funie.. ouh yar.. then sum part in the haunted house
our teeth and our eyes were glowing lyke vampire seh..
evrythin tatz white glows.. hhahahah..
hahah.. altogether i only ride the pirate and rainbow..
the rain lah!! spoil seh!! wat only..
okok.. then after had enuf ..went home..
i went to TM coz my mum was thre.. boohoo!!
(on 7 of june, wednesday)
hah.. so im juz updating now coz i was realie realie tired bck then..
hmmm.. so went ta sci ctre with cuzie and relatives all..
dun0 y sunddenlie they wana go sci cntr. *puzzled*
lol.. reached thre, then they sae gt tis dinosaur excibition..
i wan to see it but too expensive! so.. juz went in the sci cntr..
rounding2 arnd the sci cntr.. kinda cool.. i luv science!!
ahhhahahaah.. so, tried out all the experiment/display/stuff and all..
but wat i most lyke was the bubble..
hahhha.. so fun..
ferst, slide the cloth inside the soap
then hang it up
then blow it.
hahaha.. i blew the biggest bubble!! yay me!!
hahhh.. so then eat at mac.. ate mcspicy..
i was realie hungry at tat tyme.. mcspicy will do..
yum yum! but spicy.. well nt exactly.. juz a lil tender hot in the tongue..
lol.. so then, my 4 cuzin below 4 yrs went to play the water..
i tink the place is call "water works".. all the water splashing abt..
so, arnd 1 hour of playing wit the waters..
i saw tis roller coaster poster at sci cntr..
then ask them whether wana ride or nt.. so they were lyke ouh yea!!
ahhahah.. went 2 the place.. bought the tickets..
the shocking part: i thot it was a real roller coaster
as in tracks and cabins all.. ups and downs..
skali found out tat it was a morphus ride..
u noe... whre u sit inside tis car then at the front gt a big screen
then the car will be lyke shaking abt..
silly sia!! thot it was a real coaster.. waste $4 on tat nt-so-scary ride..
pphhhfff.. so, tatz it..
went home ..felt realie tired..
sleep.. *snores*
gona post another one soon..
fuuuhh! almost 5 daes i didnt update.. they're all lyke forcing me 2 update seh
okok.. wats the used of having a nice cool wonderful blog but its not updated??
ahhhahaha.. so, im updating for those ppl out thre.. u hapie now?? =
trip to the zoo
(on 6 of june, tuesdae)
my god!! i regret going 2 tha zoo..
actualie i planned 2 go 2 watch movie wit ayu and shikin..
but too bad my mum forces me 2 follow her..
hah.. went to zoo wit relatives and cuzziess..
fun lah coz long tyme didnt see them.. =)
so, we reached 2 tha zoo..
itz raining..
my mood aredy draining..
hey! it rhymes!! hahahha.
okok.. so waited fer relatives at thre.. almost two hours coz they nid to send my
grandma 2 the doctor.. aawww..
so 2 hours of waiting finished.. went in the zoo..
eat3.. coz i was realie2 hungry!! cant stand it..
THEN!! it started to rain agen..
tat was a bad dae.. my god!!
the smell of the zoo..
the wetness of the rain..
the tiredness of myself..
haizz.. realie2 a bad dae.. okok, so thenn went to watch sum animal show..
ouh and the monkey's butt was sooooo pinkish.. ahhahaha!!
the butt lyke bergelebeh seh.. hahahah..
lyke hanging at the back.. pinkish.. realie bouncy.. LOL
okok.. then arnd 6 went home.. took taxi..
very tired.. watch sum tv then bang! sleep!!
wah.. wat a dae!! wait3.. let me catch my breath
*breathe in breathe out*
*sigh* hehehhzz.. i gt my air
LOL.. okayzz. i tink tis is the only dae tat i post 2 tymez.
heh.. yea 2dae's my bdae. tatz y
so so.. afta doing the history project wit iffah n fahmi
wen hme.. rest fer awhile..
den suddenly mira msg me.. hah! =)
she asked me is it my bdae 2dae..
hmmm, cant believe she cant rmbr.. LOL
hey.. at least she msg me.. hahhahahha
so den get ready ta go out wit family..
ferst plan to go ta dwntown east.. aawww den too bad..
coz too far.. so decide to go orchard..
yea baybeh.. only one word to describe abt orchard..
SHOPPING!!! hahahhhahakzz
of coz shopping..
i shop alot alot.. lyke it so much..
bought many2 items.. parents doesn't complain..
hah, coz wat u noe.. itz my bdae!!
hahahhaaaha! den my siblings lyke very jelous of me..
aawww.. too bad sis n bro.. kekekekke
itz ma dae!! i rule the dae.. haha
together i lyke spend abt more den 60 dollars seh..
hey! at least i didnt exceed 100..
lyke tat melampau aredy.. hehehhzz
hmmm, bought shirt, flip flops, jeans and many2 other things..
cant wait to wear them.. hahahaa - seriously seh.. LOL
oklah2.. wana end here.. so excited ta rite..
summore wana admire my things.. hmmm..
okayzz.. toodless
cya soon.. whuever u are..
heh.. byetzz!!
wow! can't believe i've turned 14..
yea! 14... hahahakzz! isn't tat c00l..
hahah.. okok
meanwhile, here i am in sch doing history project..wit fahmi and iffah
hah, they gav me chocos.. aawww, tat so swit.
i realie2 appreciate it guyz.. yum2!! haha
den going home at 12pm.. go out wit family.. clebrate my bdae
duno wana go whre..
den tmr going movie outing wit ayu and shikin..
cant wait!! shikin saed she's gona balnja me..
den ayu saed she's gona buy me watever i wan..
tatz so so so so so swit..
feels lyke i wana cry.. *sobz*
heh.. hmmm... so den thurs going to escape wit my frends
they treat me too.. whuuu! itz gona b fun..
tis week i tink i didnt fork out any money.. LOL
juz a shout out:
tata.. toodles..
hmm.. woke at 12pm.. watch sum dvds..
eat den bathe.. hah, evrytdae the same routines
boring seh!! i wan sumthin new.. lyke a surprise or sumthin. lol
aniwae.. YAY! my bdae cuming up soon.. 5th of june. keep it in yr head. hah
but to me 5th of june is juz a normal dae to me coz my family dun celebrate it
i wish thre's sumone special to celebrate wit..
frends? yea i wish i cud celebrate wit them.. haizz..
aniwae.. im turning 14!! yeah baybeh!!
wow! tyme do flies very fast..
hey.. altho im 14 meaning im a teenager.. i still am a kid..
coz thres a kid in everyone.. rite rite rite?? hahahh
even u and u and u and u and u and ermm everybody largh..
haizz.. now, im realie having a tough tyme..
whether her or her.. i dun wana brek anybody's hart..
god help me..
here we are face to face save energy.. u and me dun wana b enemy..
hmmm.. okok, thre's tis gerl whom i realie reali lyke.. but she lyke me only a lil bit
then thre's another gerl.. whom i lyke a lil bit.. and she lyke me quite al0t
so itz lyke equal seh.. itz lyke wen i add thr love together itz the same
but if im standing in the centre.. and both gerls r at each side..
aboviously i will slide dwn to the gerl with lots of luv rrite.. coz itz heavy
wait! ....tat doesnt realie making any sense.. lol
well, u get my point..
ive been hiding out fer miles(underneath tis smile..)
and anonymous.. i noe whu u are! heh..
trust me.. i realie noe whu u r.. *wink*
tatz dangerous to noe.. lol
okayzz.. byetzz!! gtg
toodles!! see ya soon..
dayat signing off thinking!