hey.. how ya'll d0ing..
guess wat?? many things happend in my life..
well.. n0t tat many.. heh
okok.. ferst.. found out someone admire me..
she's a nice girl.. =))
didnt expect sumone to like me.. hehe
wats more tat girl is quite close to me..
she realie2 like like me seh..
well.. we'll just see the future.. =]
now.. azri is now my abg angkat!! =))
and i pretty much like it..
he's my one and only angkatzz..
he is like so so caring..
im crying now.. haha
im glad to have him as my abg..
just a reminder..
tmr the starting of fasting mth..
hah! i was like realie ah? seriously?
haha.. so.. tat means tmr gotta wake up arnd 4am
to eat with my eyes closed and head swinging side to side and food dropping frm my mouth.
wakakaka! =))))))))))))))
so ppl out thre!
slamat berpuasa!!
sshhh.. i didnt come to school today.. hah
went seoul garden instead.. lol..
ey. but i have mc okay.. so no nid to see VP.. ;p
2nd time eat seoul garden.. suweet!
haizz.. tmr gt MOE test.. lyke wtf seh..
but i hope i get english.. hate maths!!
wat kind of research is tat.. y? wanna n0e ppl's intelligence ah?
hah.. tatz lame.. no offence! hmm..
well.. just updating to let ppl out thre n0e tat my bl0g isnt dead!
till here.. hmm..
happy teacher's day to all teachers!!
heheh.. had a great time during teacher's day..
the chicky dilanto perform well!!
so happie!! lucky i didnt forget any steps. *phew*
we were all very nervous sia..
u noe wat happen.. when we were backstage waiting for our turn.
mr viknesh came to us and told us that our CD can't be played.
the whole of us just had a shocked of our lives!!
den i thot tat this is the end.. haha
but then mr vik told the ava members to try it again..
and a miracle happens!! omg!!
well actualie, i dun realie believe in miracles. heh.
then its our turn to own the stage..
hehehe.. turn out successful!! =))

that's all folks.. video coming up soon. ;p