hmmm. november is ending soon.. december's coming.
i haven bought my books tho.
- i got into 3e4 (im happy with it.)
-literature (hate it. so much.)
-physics/chem (yea okay with it)
-Dnt (not interested)
sheesshh!! well i appealed for history instead of literature and POA instead of DnT.
still waiting if i got the subs that i appealed.
like god-knows-when i will receive the ans.
last week like i went vivo 4 times.
getting sick of it. but like the view tho.
yea the thing is BIG.
but hell yea the items are all expensive.
like the place is only for ppl with EXTRA cash. ( i didn't say rich )
the standard i can buy there is from IP zone and SnK.
hmmm.. so thinking of joining the dancework.
atikah's like wanting me to join badly.
well i wanna join but im not that kinda person who have commitment.
heyy. i wanna go out too u noe. hah.
wada say this friday the latest i can confirm whether im joining or not.
like lazy sehh. haizz..
like need to go practice.
well i wanna dance. its been awhile since i dance.
but suddenly get back to dance like alamak mls nyer.
okay2. chao!
ytd was fun. like crazy wacky silly fun. hahaha.. okok. i woke up at 11.30. fatin sms me asking me am i up aredy at 11. i say i am. but actualie im still sleeping. wahaha.. okok. so meet fatin and ctee at interchange at 12.30. i was the earliest. haha. then we waited for amira. we were in our own theme of clothes. fatin was family. ctee was kiddish. mira was emo punk. and i was... abg2? haha. okay watever. lol. so then went off to the mrt. arnd 45 mins reached vivo. reached there wanna eat long john. carik mcm nk mampos. was starving man! finally found long john. grab some of ctee's fries. lol. then went up to see the view. wonderful. nice. pretty. romantic. hah. sit at one corner. take2 picx. then tkde keje joget2. off to te bookstore. spend arnd 30 mins in there. ctee wit her japanese books and mira with her french book. hahakzz. then getting boring in vivo. planned to go bugis. so waited for the NEL. we waited on the wrong side of the platform. we didnt noe that it was on the other side. then saw sign. the train arrived on the other side. so ran inside. door was closing but fatin and me still can sit on the bench outside like idiots seh. then we laugh like hell in the NEL. heyy. that ryhmes. hah. so then take the MRT untill marina bay. then we allight at marina bay for no reason. went up. then the station was so deserted so decided to go down back inside the train. the door was closing. mira was the last. she ran so fast. lucky got in. we laugh like hell again. lol.
so then decided to go esplanade instead of bugis. fun lah! so allight at city hall. i alomost fell down while allighting seh. all fatin's fault. hahah. paiseh seh. she go step on my slipper. lucky i got my balnce. hmm. lol. so then walk a LONG way to esplanade. then take pic along the corridor. mira pose as ghost with her all-black-clothing. wahaha. so reached esplanade. and believe it or not we walked on water. wwahaha. went one round outside the esplanade. we felt like we were not in spore. hahahh. so then sit by the sea. fatin and ctee wanted to go toilet so me and mira waited by the sea. hah. and boy was there a great show! haha. couples kissing. not like muackz. it was like mwahmwahmwah with the tounge. okay watever. haha. well enjoyed the scene tho. hahahahh. so fatin and ctee done with the toilet. take pic by the sea. then the couple kissed again. me and fatin wanted to go see close up. so me fatin poses as couples too walking by the kssing couple. but they stop kissing instead. sheesh! hahahh. fatin bought popcorn then went to the merlion. dark clouds were above us. like it was following mira bcoz of her all-black-clothing. hahah. take more picx. stand there for awhile. saw ppl meditating. we meditated too. hahhah. funny seh. stayed at esplanade long enuf. walk back to the mrt staion. while walking we were singing so LOUDLY like the esplanade is ours..then suddenly insult hilary duff's singing. i was like hmm.. hahahh. so took the MRT again to go to cwp. take neoprint for memories. fatin was like real worried coz she's past her curfew. so after that went home lah. weeee.. tired seh.. but it was REAL FUN!!

(okay. this is just a few of the picx. waiting for loads more picx from ctee's cam)

yay. cant wait to go go vivo.
3 days in a row.
today. tmr. wednesday.
hmm.. now lazy to blog seh.
whoa. im almost pokai.. hmmm..
kiss my duit raya goodbye. *mwah* haha
wahh. holiday i go out often seh.
now often go out with the double Gs.
lovin it. =))))))))))))))))
heyy guess wat. i regard the double Gs as my bestfrend now.
nxt week going vivo city. can't wait seh.
heard it was HUGE and beautiful.
i wan take2 picx.
tk sabar!!