okay.. so i haven been updating for awhile.. well im updating now ppl!!
hah.. okay let catch up..
evg dance got 2nd.
our grp for da shocase was cockd up.
today din go sch. lol
tired sehh.. eh2.. im addicted to avril's girlfriend..
hey hey you you... bla ba bla.. and bla..
haiyoo.. lazy lah to update..
kay2 abt sat.. after the da shocase.. went to eat at MC with shazmira ayu amira fahmi wanie mazlina and syafawani. its like the ferst time ever these ppl go out together. pretty big grp sehh.. then make a fool at Mc. lol
jokes.. lame jokes all the way.. hah!
fun lah!!
BaByBoY YaYaT. =))
phewww.. back frm GIANT and expo.. spent qualiaty time wit mummy.
hahahahh.. im nice okayy.. lol
went giant.. saw this jacket like the diesel kind. thot wanna buy.
budden tk jadi.. hmmm.. seriously sehh. haiyoo..
afta that went expo.. lalalalala.. i thot the trip thre's gonna be bored.
happy sehh!! haha.. was eating inside the hall 6 i think..
then the emcee say later thre'll be hip hop dance and dangdut after that..
guess the trip to expo realie worth it. haha
cool lah their dance..
thre was three grp.. funky stylers, the hotness and one more i 4gt. hmm..
suddenly my mood bcame goofy.. haha..
ouh and ayu.. have u like get over it.. i mean that lady. haha. lily allen clone. hah
and i wanna see u skate ahh.. lol.. i see u skate. u see me act SAW 3 can? haha. JOKE!
seriously sehh. that LEG CRACKING is still in my mind.. hah..
ouh well.. *leg cracking.. pls be gone out of my mind!*
and sch's reopening in like one more day?? WHAT!! haiss..
malas sehh.. wat to do.. its nature. hah.
kayss.. im outzz..
BaByBoY YaYaT.
wahh.. i watchd SAW 3 aredy.. thx to ayu's laptop!! =DDD
disgusting mann that showw.. so the ewww-ish.
starting jer dah seram. omg lahh..
after watching that show i did a gimmick at mira.
and she teared!! haha.. i just bang a slipper at the floor hard2 and just shouting as if my leg was being hit by the toilet seat like in the movie.. and she scold me fer that. mann!!
haha.. and yes the dance for da shocase is goin on pretty well.. =))
and yes mazlina can dance! hahahh.. she catch up pretty well.. just need more impact kay. =))
monday back to SCHOOL. hmmm.. haven done my maths.. just left one more wksht.
yay!! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.............
wahh.. im blogging almost everyday..
that is so unlike me.. hahaha.. mayb im bored.
sheeshh.. YAY!! hilary duff's NEW album coming out soon..
gonna buy it!! everybody out there.. hilary's dignity album will be out this april.
buy it kay.. cheh! im promoting hilary's cd..
better thank me for this girlfrend..
kay so just went plaza singapura with amira and ayu..
giler-ness. slenger-ness. bello-ness was everywhre..
hahahha.. went h0me arnd 6..
my mummy aso surprised im home early.. lol..
yay imma good boy.. hmmm..
just finished eating this belgian chocolate.. nice mann!!
its my brother's.. his gf gave him..
i steal 2 of them.. haha.. choc just made my day..
but still cant get over chips.. imma chipaholic. wat do u expect.. hah!
kay thats all.. tired ahh.. tmr still got mly dance SYF thingy.. haiss.
must dance traditional and hip hop aso.. tired mann..
-kay so now i noe whre's PLAZA SINGAPURA-
hahahha.. kay h0pe yr smiling.. =))
BaByBoY YaYaT.

haiss.. just now physics and chem remidial.. fun man i tell u!!
esp chem lesson. haha... the whole class did a prank on teacher. lol.
sssssshhhhhhhhh.. WAHAHAHA!
kay so after that went kfc with shazmira irnifah farah amira ayu fahmi and fariani.
laugh2 in kfc.. tsk3.. btw, thx fariani for giving us 4 dollars!! haha..
kiter kan miskin.. tsk3.. satu hari miskin jer.. hehe..
then went amira's house with ayu shazmira and irnifah..
we were making as if it was OUR house.. didnt noe her mum was inside..
made noise.. like SUPER noise..
we were given jellies.. but only 3 glass of water for the FOUR of us..
hahaha.. thx anyway mira!! =DDDD
after that.. went to irnifah's house to watch movie..
me and shazmira mcm tkde rumah gituu gi rumah2 org..
haha.. so only me and shazmira went to nifah's house..
watch house of wax with nifah's family.. =))
cool lah her family.. i emptied her kropok..
ate roasted marhmellows.. LOVE IT MAN!!
then when watching mira kept on shouting.. my god lahh!!
sheeesshh!! and guess wat.. mira drank THREE glasses of HL milk at nifah's house..
ishh3.. then mum called.. ask to wait at cwp to eat..
left nifah's house alone.. walk to cwp in the rain..
sorie yr cap is wet now.. heheh..
hmmm.. then ate at banquet..
and and i want the ASHLEY TISDALE cd album lahh..
askd my sis to blanja me.. she say haven gaji.. haiyoo!!
alasan mann.. tskk3.. ashley is my scandal.. ssshhh..
hilary is my forever girlfriend.. weeee...
kayy self obsession.. hahahahh..
babyboy yayat out. =))
just do it with love..
hmmm.. today was fun.. oklah..
but was realie stressd out just now. seriously sehh!!
everythin was in rush.. my god!! slack abes sehh!!
wake up dayat cmon!! *slaps myself*
haiyoo.. kk nvm.. painful lah..
after schh.. A maths remedial.. sheeshh!
hidayat!! its for yr own good!! =)))
then went to the mother tounge week issit?
duno lah.. since thre's food i go lah.. FREE summore..
so couple of rounds eating.. full.. went creative circle..
then.. haha FUNNY lah this one..
me and mira waiting for ayu farah and amira at the toilet..
the the light outside the toilet was flickering..
haha.. then mira dance disco.. funny sia!!
silly but cute but bello at the same time.. haha..
everbody laugh their socks out.. lol..
heh.. smangat sehh dier joget..
ouh well.. hmmm..
dun0 wat i'll do with amira, shazmira, farah, ayu, irnifah and fahmi..
mayb my werld will be in darnest with no laughters.. hah..
gladd to have u guys!! =DDD
hmmm.. today as usual..
thre was house meeting for home period..
and we did all the mepekz stuff. cheer2 lah. clap2 lah. haiyoo..
lucky red house meet at hall.. dun hav to go undergo the process of dehydration. =D
then at class during maths lesson.. mira very the slenger..
she asked me for calculator.. it was actuallie on her hands.. haha
bello lah her.. she paiseh aredy.. wahaha.. *so excited moves* LOL
after school went meet them.. long time didnt see them..
miss them so much lahh..
bitch arnd at mph with yana jummy shai sappy fahmi and ayu.. dance2..
then mira came later.. finally i got that DA sho' case form!! whooo!!
cant wait ahh.. =))))))))))))))))) see i smile BIG2..
i realie kesian kan shazmira lah.. haiyoo..
why he liddat.. tsk3.. ouh well..
anyway.. im sorry tau mira!! i feel guilty.. hmmm..
haizz.. ouh well..
my god!! im in need of so much moneyy!!
need to buy thermometer.
$12 dollars for maths.
$6.50 for my chem book which i haven bought it for like how many weeks aredy.
$5 for the remix song.
i wanna find a one day job.. hmmm..
klahh.. chowz!!
out to work!!
which is sleeping.. eh!! sleeping is work aso okay!!
u need to snore.. which need energy aso...
hmm.. peace out!
SERIOUSLY!! i hate most of the maths teacher!
esp that OLD man teacher!! (he's not actualie old tho)
but still.. i refer him as OLD DAMN FCUKING teacher!
realie hate siaaaaaaaalll!! pissed off sehh!!
im letting off my anger here rite now!! mannn!!
maths teacher sux! and bare in mind in case u teachers in evg read this.
i hate MOST of the maths teacher. MOST okayy. i dun care wat u think of me.
i have the rite to stand for my opinion.
all bcoz of him.. i got all the blame.
our class is ruined.. and its not my fault okay.
he saw my maths file WHICH happend i got a 0 for an indices quiz..
he scolded me for that and bang that file at my table.
wey !! i just got a zero for one quiz.. at least im improving after that quiz!
and he saed that i saed A maths is easier.. like wth!! more like WTF!!
so wat wat if i think A maths is easier?! its my opinion wat..
i didnt mean that way anyway.. A maths is easier doesnt mean A maths is EASIER..
i meant was A maths is quite easy to understand and is simplyfied.
why u gotta spread to the whole maths teacher abt wat i saed..
if u realie wanna pull me frm A maths.. pull lah!
then i'll complain that why u gave too many classes for A maths!! stupid fool!
i noe u regretted it. hah! IN YR FACE U OLD DAMN FCUKING MAN!!
look.. u got yr OWN opininon.
the LEAST u cud do is RESPECT my opinion.
i respect yours. u respect mine.
and for the record.. its my OWN opinion..
ouhh.. and in case u dun realie noe wat opinion means..
go check out the dictionary.. cool?
FYI.. yr old.. =DD
fuuh!! sdapp siket hati.. nuff bout that.. realie makes my blood go upstairs.. haha!
BETOLL!!! *widen eyes* lol
hmmm.. i realie need a dance competition.. its like without dance.. my life is not complete.
heh.. realie lahh.. lerrmak! hahahahh..
boring ah not dancing.. later i bcum fat.. tsk3..
ouhh well.. if anybody found out there's a dance competition.. tell me kayy.
cool!! weeeeeeeee......