just LOVE lah this two pics!!
haha.. just posting themm.. lol.
ytd went grp studying.. and believe it or not..
we actualie STUDIED.. for half an hour only. LOL
buat penat jer gue bwk buku A-maths. =p
mid year is coming.. WELL apparantly.. ITS HERE. hah!
and i didnt noe exam is like this monday. wth ritee!
i just know it like 3 days ago.. sheeeshh. then like SUDDEN shock.
seriousness sehh.. ITIK HANGUS betol!
kayy.. so ytd went library.. had a shock of a lifetime when wani saed she wanna follow and STUDY. hahaha! well.. its a good thing lahh. she can be good. =))
so went library. study3.. then wani and fariani watch the "L" world on laptop instead of studying.
like in the library. watching L world?? my god lahh.. Amira came later. weee..
and we keep on laughing in library like we're at the pasar mlm.
take2 pic in lib. haiyoo.. like HELLO! do u like noe its a lib.. haha!
and fariani actualie accidentally jatuh & rolld down when she wanted to crack her leg.
haha! fariani dun0!! i can do two. u can do one onie. LOL
and i did this gymnastic thingy ( puttin my leg behind my head) but without my prior notice
i did that when the police is walking past me. so the paiseh sehh! HAH!
and me and FAHMI saw S.STYLE!! hahahahhaha!! and we were like walking past her many2 times. action2 "eh ****. tk nmpk lahh."
S.STYLE : "sorang jer? " HAHAHHA! cant stop laughing sehh. seriousness laughness. lol
so then. head to neos. tiber2 jer in the mood to take neos.
and WANI!! stop being self obssesed with the neo print. WAHAHA!
JUUU!! "i see everythin i tell u" haha!<br>
so yea.. pictures pictures pictures!
i noe i look like those mat mats.. but im NOT one okay. its raining so i wore a long sleeves and 3/4 pants so my pants wont be wet and a cap. =))

okayy.. now we've created a new game call "THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS GAME"
its a cool game. =)) every PE lesson we play pussycat dolls game. haha.
oftenly me and fariani wud do that in class.. sitting down like a PCD after greeting the teacher.
haha!! and getting up frm the chair too. LOL.
aso fariani and yayat has created a new yoga session for the class.
hah! like wat is that? lol. it goes like this....
lean back.. stretch out yr legs.. relax yr arms.. and relax yr mind let yr constant be free, now rolling in the sound of the BBE now... BOOM!!! kay enuff. hah!
blablabla.. exams are coming.
like how many days jer..
for maths.. im doing alrite. showing IMPROVEMENT.
seriously.. i dun understand one bit of CHEMISTRY. like wtf sehh.
and i said calcium was a non metal..? pffftt..
history okayy. understand fully. why do ppl create history in the first place?
social studies.. its fine wimme. ms CHALA the best! chocolates!! hahaa.. better fulfil our wish!
MALAY.. duhh.. duhh for english too.
A-maths.. MY GOD! im dead in a maths.. pffftt..
can i die when its A maths paper and then alive after the paper?
kayy.. nvm.. hah!
so every eng lesson.. MR SHAHRIL's name will never be fail to be heard.
every single time when miss mazlinda is talking.. like..
MS MAZ: "one time i went to thailand"...
THE CLASS: "with mr shahril rite??"
MS MAZ: "im going to the phantom of the opera this friday"...
THE CLASS: "with mr shahril rite??"
MS MAZ: *talks abt sumthin related to cars.*
THE CLASS: "u go sch with mr shahril ritee? ride the car together.."
and ms maz said: "HELLO. i have my OWN car"
and XIN EN (the steroid girl) interupted: "ms maz.. i thot yr sharing car with mr shahril?"
then ms maz said: "HELLO. that was like long time ago. now no more"
and the class goes AHHH BOOO at xin en. hah!
AND LIKE FINALLY ms mazlinda said.. "FYI.. mr shahril has already has a GF"
and HONG HUI say: "then u must jelous rite cher.. so i conclude that u cant deny that u like mr shahril" HAHAHAHHA!! enuff abt this aredy! lol.
just writing down wat ppl owe me. haha.
wardah.. my PE shrit.
farah.. my calculator and my a maths o level book.
ayu.. my umbrella.
yayat is so kind can..... haha!
saturday was fun lah cann..!! seriously sehh..
so yea.. the FAMILY POTRAIT went to bugis at ferst and then to marina pierre.
so siap3.. i thot i was the LATEST one. came.. shai was going to be the LATE one.
hmm.. so the bus ride to bugis with juu beside me was crazzyy.. haha!
lip-synching all the wayy.. I WANNA HAVE YR BABIES..!! haha. lovee that song lah.
shai was depressing alone behind.. seeing outside the window.
anyway.. reachd thre.. went to OG.
kay so.. got lectured by one of the saleswomen..
i was only touching the WIG. i wondered how they wear a wig.
and thre she goes.."excuse me. we are selling clothes not wigs"
btw juu.. thx for checking it out witme. lol.
then.. ate MC. and i dint noe thre's such thing as a STUDENT MEAL. hah!
yayat!! whre are u now??!! HAHAHA!
kayy.. so juu and sap were sick lahh. kesian kann. haiss..
so.. shai ate MCchiken. fahmi & sap ate FILLETOFISH. and ju and me ate MCSPICY...
weee.. i rmbred. yay-ness for me! claps!
camwhored in mc as usual. duh ness..
after eating.. head on to marina pierre.. i thot like wat only that place.
haha.. then came to that place jerr. like whoaa!!! LOL
cool sehh that place.. like u can release yr stress thre and throw away in the sea. hah.
the place is good for like couple2.. for SWEET2 friends bonding.. HAHA!
so hang out thre.. sit2.. dance dance.. like everybody watching us.
eh good thing its free show u noe! haha! then make a fool out of ourselves..
we were the noisiest lahh.. hahaha! so yea.. i tasted this thing calld beard papa or sumthin.
nice mann!! like u can feel the pleasure in yr mouth when the choco is melting.
aaaaaaahhhhhhh.. i want more cannn?!? kayy..
hmmm.. relax that marina pieere. like can relax yr mind body soul sehh.
seriously.. im IN LOVE with that place sehh.. hmmm..
so.. stayed thre till night like 8.45pm.
i got to watch sunset for the FIRST TIME lahh..
and the stars were all beautiful.. like can see loads of stars mann!
played games.. bla3.. ferst timer for that game. insaf aku! haha..
klahh.. pics.. here.. i dun hav all.. some only.
the pic explains all. lol.
birdnest!! i cant upload the pics.. i upload it soon tho.
byeee!! muackz!! lol.. kay2.. enuff.. haha
BaByBoY YaYaT. <3
okay.. MATHS is hard lahh. like wat is bearings and all..
haiss.. and i keep FANING myself in class. lol. hot u noe..
hmm.. ISHH! just n0w nadhirah fainted sehh in class..
it was like as if the class was on fire.
everybody was evacuated. seriously sehh..
kk.. thre was no teacher i was like infront sitting with shazmira talking abt S.S. (doesnt stands for social studies ahh) HAHA!
we didnt even noe nad pengsan.
ferst i heard ms teng shouted. i thot she was scolding the class.
then me and mira turn.. BOOM! everybody was crowding over one side.
ms teng was like. ANY RED CROSS?!
then MISS MAZ go in our class and she was like..
i was like.. whre the heck is mrs GOH.. pffftt!!
haha.. satu org pengsan sepuluh cikgu dtg..
haha.. aisyah thot nad was sleeping.. wth sehh. hah!
and shazmira.. we were so into S.style sampai org pengsan pon tk tauu. hah!
thenn.. we had to sit outside of class which is HOT. see lah. becoz of one person.
hmmm. haha!! but like very hard to see ppl faint u noe. ONCE IN A LIFETIME jer..
just now got fight at canteen.. i was far away.. dun0 wat happend. just heard shoutings.
haiss.. ape nie gadoh2.. kan blh WRESTLING skali. haha! kay mepek.
okay.. now like deciding on the class t shirt. some agree some dun of coz.
like pffftt.. NVM.. integrity THE BEST!! haha..
WOOOO!! *claps*
3 integrity is cute lah.. we clap everytime we can do one A-maths question. hah
like very cutee sehh. mrs wee aso lahh.. dpt solve jer sumer WOOO!! *claps*
haha.. ouhh well..
okay. so wassup..
my brother is officially off to NS
and i got the room!! weeeeee... wanna change every single bit in that room.
can i like call the room groomers.. and groom my room.
lalalalalala.. ouh! and malay dance SYF won SILVER.. yay-ness!
my FIRST and LAST syf tauu.. memories.. =)))
soo.. when mira announce infront of the WHOLE sch..
she was so nervous lah every1cud tell..
and she breathe so loud.. like.. "haaaaaaa-ahhhhhhhh"
evrybody laugh.. haha!! and she said..
"our mly dance won the syf competition..............(after 5 sec)...............SILVER"
hahaha. funny lah herr.. ROFL.
okay so fri the 13th.. met jummy. sappy. shai. and mimi.
weee-ness lahh.. dtg jumper jer ketawe2.. haha..
and mimi had to explain all of the jokes.. haha!
EHH!! abeh tgk! haha..
tweet tweet tweet. piak!
moyang size!
itik hangus!
hahahh.. macam sehh. tiber2 jer ehh.. lol
and like everybody depress one by one.
ferst shai.. she went to dun0 wat blk the other side.
then mimi.. walk past PB. then suddenly dud0k tgh2 jln.. kan basah. tk jage kebersian.
then juu laugh at me.. that helps juu.. HAHA!
then.. me.. i walk alone!! yalahh.. kiter kan nie saper. haha.
so depress until i walk on a kayu to cross the lecak part. sheesh!
then sappy.. he mati2 want me to teach the pussycat dolls step. hah!
ONLY I CAN DO LAH SAP! hahahhhaah. chillz kay. lol.
ouhh and the carpark thre looks inpirational.
omg lahh. tmr SS and CHEM test.. am i ready? lolz
alah. this one retest.. haiss.. and tmr got REHEARSAL for the GOH thingy.
pffffttt!! mly dance lor.. hmmm..
n0w like suddenly im motivated to go to schh. lol
seha style btol.. HAHA.
okayy.. can we talk joke it again?? haha..
i cant stop laughing lahh.. seriously.. balek blh ade stomach muscle. hah!
ouh and guyys.. can we meet up again? i wanna laugh my ass out!
OMG! i loveee ASHLE TISDALE lahh..
she's a hot blonde.. hah. her voice very cutee.. =))
i got her albumm.. weeee...
haha.. =))))))))))))))))))
kay soo just now went dwntwn east.. bla3..
i say wanna ajak go escape. they dunwan. sheeshh.. then just sit at the chalet.
eat2.. bla bla bla..
ISHH!! monday SYF!! scary sehh.. ferst time im in.
mly dance plak tuh.. haiyyooo.. i hope i dun mess it upp.
imagine lahh. UCC hall.. me.. dancing traditional.. haiss..
just pray hard dayat.. pray hard.. ohhmmmm..
okay so now im assigned to seat next to fariani.
and fariani is officially my shoulder partner. hah.
we can be irrtating at times. anoying at times. playful at time. hah. best lah.
then behind me farah. weee.. can disturb2 her..
everytime i face the back i will do this... "EH!!" and she will respond dgn penuh smangat looking at whre im pointing. wahahahaha!
best lah kacau farah.. haha..
i was foold by shazmira ytd. i keep forgetting ytd was april fool's day. lol.
she say she need's to go hospital lah. check up. she got penyakit blah3..
i believed her coz that day she got stomach ache. haiyoo..
i loveee my friend! i looovveee u too! =))
haiss got alot of hmwk sehh..
1) karangan dialog.
2) maths 5 years series
3) A maths.
4) eng vocab book. which trust me is alot!
to me its alot sehh! haha..
haiss.. =ppppppppppppppppp
i miss dancing. i miss hanging out at the MPH. hmmm...
i miss joking the LAME jokes. i need to find more. haha!
i miss buying bubble tea. esp mango red tea. i could buy more than 2 in one day. lol.
i miss hearing the loud2 music. =((((((
and ayu!! dun make me remind of that video lah. walau weh! haha.