hmm.. well.. the midsummer nights dream was fun.realie exciting and funny. hah!so reachd fort canning. and i was like "we're sitting on the grass?!"haha, and thx to fahmi. he brought the mat. which is the biggest among all.HAHA. seriously sehh. mcm kenduri.and we were the noisiest as owaes. lols.and seriously guys. its not "it" lahh.oh c'mon! its just the light that pass thru okayy. well think so.thx ayu for telling me. u reali made me freak out.and shazmira. im sorrie. apologies aites.. =))so then head home. in the bus.shazmira irnifa fahmi and i were the noisiest again like nonstop.and it feels like we just came back frm KL. haha!like at night. in the bus. driving in the quiet road. hahs.andandand.. *making that down syndrome face.haha! STOP IT SEHH. took alot of pics. but most of em in irnifa's phone.
ouhh well. since im gonna do this survey. hah. i noe its lame.but WTH. thx to my dearest sharifahah. haha! sharifahAH. LOLs.
first thing you did this morning?- pee?what's bothering you right now?- urmm.. tmr's parent teacher session? yea..where was the last place u went?- VIVO city you have any siblings?- elder sis and elder you smile often?- yea i do. and it makes everybody's day. you wish upon stars?- well.. shud i? are you a friendly person?- duhh ness.. then how'd u think i live? pffftt..what colour shirt are you wearing?- white. specifically, white and red. the new balnce 1050 shirt.what were you doing at 12 last night?- asleep while hilary's CD was still playing.when as the last time you cried?- truthfully this morning when i woke up. well i did not cry lahh. but i teared. becoz i DREAMT of my father getting into jail. like seriously. NO you get angry easily?- nope. im nice. =Dtake any vitamins?- yea think so. LOLs.what are you about to do?- sleep. ouh c'mon! duhhness.did you ever check your phone while waiting for someone to call?- duhh ness lahh. thats like everybody's daily routine. haha.rate life as of right now... 0-10?- 7. quite happy. just a slight problem here and thre. hah.
I don't know who you think I amI don't know who you think I amI don't know who you think I amI don't know who you think I am, am am am...
He been gone (down) since three thirtyAnd coming home lately at three thirtyI'm super cool, I've been a foolBut now I'm hot and baby you gone get itNow I ain't tripping ah, I ain't twisting ahI ain't demented ah! well just a lil bit, ahI'm kicking asses, I'm taking namesI'm on flame don't come home babe
[chorus]I'm breaking dishes up in hereAll night (Oh-oh)I ain't go stop until I see police lights (Oh-oh)I'm a fight a man (tonight)I'm a fight a man (tonight)I'm a fight a manA man, a man, a ma-a-a-anA man,a man, a ma-a-a-an
I'm still waiting, come through the doorI am killing time, you know bleaching your clothesI am roasting marshmallows on the fireAnd what I am burning is your attireI am getting restlessI am getting testyAnd I can't believe he is always out all night and never checks inIs he cheating? Man I don't knowI am looking around for something else to throw
I don't know who you think I am (I am...)(I don't know who you think I am)But I really don't give a damn right nowIf you don't come I am going to huff and puff untilI am going to blow this blow this holeI am going to blow this blow this holeI am going to blow this house house down!Dishes! breaking! dishes! breaking! dishes!
WEDNESDAY~weds was SEX day lahh. all day talking abt sex.and the sex education realie helps. weee..its abit disgusting lahh. like eeeww.. then somemore the proggramme was exactly before recess. and i had to eat with all that in my mind. sheeshh..
THURSDAY~thurs was FUCKTARD dayy. like seriously.firstly. WORLD WAR 3.. 3commitment VS 3thinking was seriously a fucking unfair match.integrity joined forces with commitment to support and shout and fahmi was like non stop shouting vulgars at thinking.and soo.. everybody followd and kecoh-ness was everywhre.we were not at all satisfied with thinking. coz they used their legs and were not pinalized.ASS!! hmmm.. ouh well.. at least we vent out our anger at them. haha!after that match. 3integrity VS was a fair match. both team played fair. COOLness!but i just cant take it lahh that BITCH. ouh well..and i recorded the match. i watch it all the time.but not becoz of watching it. but becoz of hearing those nonsensical stuff saed by fahmi and farah. seriously lahh! hahahhhaha!u guys gotta watch it. and LAUGHoutLOUD.but since i DO NOT noe how to put youtube vids in here.might as well go youtube itself. integrity scores on the left. character scores on the right.the first vid is the funniest. haha! hear out for fahmi's and farah's voice.dun take it too hard kay character. hahs. and secondly. our performance for EVGdance was CANCELLED. IAB sehh!!ms pushpa saed thre's no slot for all of our performance.the other two grps were realie fuckedtup sehh. last min!!
FRIDAY~friday was sports dayy. boring lorr..the same old thing. but dunhav cheerleading. haiyoo..and thats it~ GREEN WON. duhhness.
kayys.. off to sch going to fort canning for the MIDSUMMER NIGHT DREAMS play. weee..~
and it will end at like 10.45
hmmm.. see if i can survive. LOLs.
hmm.. ytd was a day of grand-ness, rich-ness and polite-ness.the trip to safra yishun was fun indeed! ESP the FOOD!
had this SOCIAL ENTIQUETTE thingy. cool lahh! esp the food! lol.
the food just blows my mind away. haha. seriously lahh.
it was like out of this world sehh. i feel high class-ed.
haha. ouhh well.. =)))
all of the pics explains everything.

HAH! tell me abt it! can i take the course again?? hmm.. so actuallie before the chicken chop there was mushy soup and garlic bread. but guess it was too delicious that i had to eat so fast and i almost fogot to take the pic. hah! haiss.. i want MORE cann? i feel so king-ish sehh. for one day jerr. HAHA! then came the chicken chop after the soupy. and after that the pie. -SUUWEEET!! fuuhhh! seriously blh pengsan. haha! and came the tea lastly. aaaaaahhhhhh. *drools. i feel so ROYALTY making them picking up the plate everytime after finish eating. and served us the other food. can we do it again? lovee it so much. still can taste the sweet taste in my mouth. and i eat with ENTIQUETTE okayy.
haiss.. im realie sad and disappointed. 3 integrity lost 3 netball matches. seriously if GUYS were to allow to play netball. the story would turn out the other wayy. haha. i dun0 for the football ah. but i noe we lost one today. duno abt ytd. and just now shazwan askd me to play football coz our class was lack of players. and i was like "seriously?". c'mon! like me? playing football? pffftt! IAB! its all bullshit! im not WILLING to sacrifice my legs and getting bump by the other stinking players. okayy so i duno how to play soccer.. BIG deal! i cant coordinate my legs as WONDERFULLY as compared to my hands. haha.
okayy so wats up ahead.. TMR there's SEX EDUCATION! weeee.~ haha. some sort lahh. and i cant believe the mly dance outing to seoul garden tmr is cancelled. haiyoo. UNCOOL!! hmmm. andandand!! THURSDAY we'll be PERFORMING in schh hall for the EVGdance. yayness! shiok! and*dragging lazily* FRIDAY theres sports day. and finally june hols will arrived. WHOAA!!
hmm.. cant believe i miss farah and fariani.miss hearing their voices in class. the loudness. the laughness. the EH-ness.haha. seriously i miss seeing farah eating chiken cutlet before assembly.and i even miss farah say "EH" or "AH" at the end of her sentence. HAH!miss fariani's loud laughter. and her grandmother stories.ouhh well. have fun at sarawak!! weee.. =))
did flag day today. and yea its a thing that i wouldnt want to do it again.i feel so dumb. i prefer sending out flyers sehh. hah!amira and irnifa got notes. wowness! haha.
frm now on im gonna donate at least 20cents if i see ppl asking for donation.
coz i noe how they feel like standing thre showing off the tin can. LOLs.
so yea.. went bishan. as owaes.. shazmira was the smangat-est. seriously.
look at this. she was the one who puts on stickers first. hah.

so yea. at bishan. forgot to camwhore. haha. i was doing my job okayy. pfftt.
and i realie pity ayuu and nadhirah. haha. tsk3.
they're like runaway sisters desperately need monehh.
aisyah and mira and apul was like the other side sehh. hah!
then. getting bored. thot first wanna go town to collect donation.
in the end. went citylink mall. is it? i forgot the mall.
so yeaa.. went thre. and starting to feel rich again. HAHA.
and tiber2 gi starbucks. feel home-d. lol.

got the two drinks free frm ayu's sista and nad and ayu bought the pie and cupcake.
weeeee!! CUPCAKE. love it. love just saying it. hah.

yayness. so then. head bck to sch.
and THE END of the day.
ouhh. and i watchd celebrity deathmatch just now.
hilaryduff VS lindsaylohan.
hah! FUNNY SEHH!! and of coz. hilary won. duhhness! hah.
kayy so.. NAPHA is officially ended. phew-ness lahh.well. i think i did alritee. heck cares abt napha mann. haha!and we were like looking at ppl's boobs when doing the shuttle runn.SHUT UP LAHH GUYYS! LOLs.and fahmi said. "eh aku seram tgk pmpn lari. mcm berat gituu."and the gang. shazmira nifa fahmi amira aisyah notify all the diff types of running.HAHA!! funny mann! KUTOK org number satuu!! LOLs. ouhh well.. but its just so funny. cant help it.and rahmah gave me goosebumps mann.she bend her body. then she CANT bend it straight back. ouch-ing sehh.making fun of her is NOT cool okayy guyys!stop making fun of her like in the toilet, she will freeze sitting on the toilet bowl.its UNcool lahh. =well. did i started it?= HAHA! cupcake lahh. ssshhhh.
kayy ppl. im gonna be an IDIOT for tmr. like seriously.tmr's flag day. so yea. im gonna be like a realie desperate person looking for money for the can. and passing ppl stickers. bringing a can opener tmr! haha! kidding! LOLs."are u tryna rip me off?""but in here we dun call it santa claus. we call it SANTAI CLOUS"HAHA!! that is just soo funny lahh. haha!
ouhh ouhh! and i realise i just FAILED maths and sciences. yayness!and i realie pity for ppl whos taking literature. sedehh sehh. haiss..wahh! now i wake up i never make my bed sehh. WHHHAAAAAAAAAATTT LAHHH?!hey! i IRON MY CLOTHES okayy.hah! ouh well.. that was unexpected.
i want coffee.
*wat kind?*
well u noe the coffee in the cup.
*well yea. wat KIND?*
ah yea u noe. the paper or the syrofoam.
Don't get me waiting
Anticipating Treating me like a fool
I have got for you
I'm turning my back
I'm dropping a bomb on you
You want me
You need me
Believe me
You'll be crawling
You love me
You hate me
Believe me you'll come crawling
So get down and get off
Let me show you what you'll be missing
We break up you break down
Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming
Don't get me guessing
On your favourite obsession
To give me a lame excuse
It's with me that your messing
At the same old confession
Your no one that something would lose
Watch out now
A black out
There's no doubt
You can't have it
Control you
I'll own you
I'll show you but you still can't have it
So get down and get off
Let me show you what you'll be missing
We break up you break down
Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming
So get down and get off
You're not the only one that I've been missing
We break up you break down
Gonna drag you through this kicking and screaming
You'll be kicking and screaming [2x]
I'm so deceiving
You'll be kicking and screaming!!!
Watch out now
You'll find out
You'll cry out
There's no one above me
I play hard
Don't run far
Come back now
I really do like you
You'll be kicking and screaming [2x]Kicking and screaming [2x]
i HATE u!! like so much! i hate u sooo much!u make me feel this way. i cannot believe u.u drag me down until u pull me under.u make me hate u.u make me hate my frends.yr the ferst and last mann! GOSHH!u seriously dun0 wat i felt.*cool wind on my face*do u noe how it feels to be afraid?sitting thre frozen. with my eyes closed.u make me OVER IT!i HAD IT WITH YOU!!
and this thing that im refering to is not a PERSON but in fact a THING.its the ass-craking-i-wish-i-could-end-my-life VORTEX RIDE!!!!pffffttt!!! yes people.. i rode that ride. and it was like the craziest thing i've done.its like im hanging on a piece of thread. thinking that this is the end of my life.i was shaking. and mira ayuu and fahmi FORCED me to ride.thats it guys. im gonna hate u until i turn 15. hah.i gotta admit that it was worth it tho. like me crazy. but they're insane!! my god never gonna ride it again man. i couldnt controlled my legs. and i was closing my eyes all the way.ayuu and mira was like cursing. HAHA!mira shouted "rambot aku terbukaaaaaakk!! *vulgarities*" as if shes going bald.ayuu shouted"AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! *vulgaraties* " like all the way non-stop.fahmi shouted"i love u guys!" like as if we're gonna die togetha.yayat shouted"can u stop this thing?!" i realie cannot tahan anymore.haha! its like i can feel the wind mann. seriously.and i hope the people down thre didnt hear all the vulgars. HAH!and we were like the most kecoh-est. finishd the ride then sat down on the floor like as if it was OUR funfair. sheeeshh.
before all this happens.we went suntec and bugis.and i keep pronouncing suntec as in "SOON-TEK"
and everybody's like addicted to that and keeps calling that.
and i ate alot. seriously. gotta loosen up those fats.ouhh well.. tmr is another day. school! yay. i miss school!i just got two pics. =((
camwhored! and i just love this pic!! haha!
they're like realie into each other. lols.
goodbyee everybody whose going to sarawak.!!
farah.. bring me some souveniers aitess! haha. =))
when somebody ask "wanna ride vortex"
ans "NOUHH!!"
im bored. so just posting one picture.
yay-ness! and i pretty like the pic. =)))
kehh. bla bla bla and bla.
buhbye! OUTZ TO TOWN!!
finally getting out! weeee...
so yea. on friday. ended exams. weee-ness lahh!
and a day at ayuu's house again. =))))
thats like my runaway house. i feel soooo home-ed. lol.
but before that. went cwp with fariani fahmi farah amira and ayuu.
then head to ayuu's house.
fahmi me and mira made a mess in the kitchen.
but we clean in up. we as in mira fahmi and ayuu. haha!
WAT?? i dun0 how to do chores. pffftt.. hah!
fahmi left first. and only enjoyed the food.
he lost the chance of seeing cupcakes.
me mira and ayuu. watchd dirty deeds. that movie is hot lahh.
seriously.. hahaha! *drools* okayy. sshh! focus! hah!
and the deeds were real dirty lahh. esp the second one. gosh!
then. it was THE slumber party. funn lahh!
like its real sehh. do each other hair. watchd movie. make capcino ice blended. make maggie. and ayuu.. im waiting for u to polish my nails. lols.
then ayuu's mummy brought home roti john. yay-ness!
ahahha.. its finger lickin good.
my god! my house is being INVADED by ANTS.
and i hate ants so much lahh!! its like everywhre sehh.
and they're like small. they bite. the have ticklish legs. eeeww-ness.
so i thot to myself "TRIPLE T. K.A."
i had my weapon. that is a newspaper. and the spray.
this..... is war! and i had to spray the whole house. my sister was choking.
lols. hah! ASSWIPE! in yr face u ants!!
ouh well..
today mothers day. yay!!
i LOVE my mummy. *singing the ibu song*
went out. me my brother my sis and my BAKAL bro in law shared $$$ to buy our mummy watch. first thot wanna buy her the 25hours watch. then decided to buy the "titus" watch which is more expensive. pffftt.. but hey! its the thot thats counts ritee. hah!
ishh. that sounds wrong. haha!
people. lets pray hard for our MYE results.
weee.. feel like posting pics.
bored lahh. tmr no sch! yay!

thre.. my paris hilton-ed eye. hah!
kayy. self obssesion. lols. i miss that eye.
ouhh well.. enuff bout my eye. time to look at my feet.
im not at all SATISFIED with my maths paper two lahh! cupcake sehh.
i never got to finish every bit of the question.
all of each questions was not complete. Ass mann! tsk.
but at least i got to finish just one question COMPLETELY which is TRIGO. my fav topic!
weee.. lucky i did graph first. if not.. not enuff time. sheeeshh! tu pon tk complete.
i was rushing sehh. haiss..
mrs goh said, "okay everybody stop writing"
*me still writing.*
and she said,"hidayat. stop writing. i noe yr not writing yr name"
pffftt!! in the end everybody was still wrting. HAHA! and she has to stop everyone. lol.
seriously.. can i like do it again! the questions come arnd like a storm man. urgh!
*calms* haiss..
so yea. on tuesday went to cwp with fariani, fahmi and his "friend". made new friend. yea.
went mcdonald. and his friend mati2 want to blanjer. HAHA! haiyoo..
said i just a mcchiken burger. like JUST the burger. and mati2 dier nk beli meal.
upsized pulakk tuu. hhaha! best lor..

omg. i eat too many fries. HYPERTENSION! ahhh!
so yea.. today amira fahmi and me went ayuu's house. after the pain i had for maths.
had a slumber party. LOL. food party lagik ade ahh. haha!
watchd titanic. EH! i mean silent hill. HAHAHHA!
which i dunwan to. but they degil wanna watch. cupcake btol!
haiss.. so goreng mee goreng. eat cupcakes. i like to say CUPCAKE lahh. haha!
it sounds nice. like CUP-CAKE. lol.
then acted as if if was our house. and in got sleepy. slept for just like 2 mins. hah.
and amira did something which almost give me a heart attack. LOLs
"bouncy bouncy smack smack. im gonna give u a heart attack"
and ayuu. i dun like JUN!! she sepak my hand. bj kang! hmph. =p
tmr chemistry! which means the LAST paper for mid year! yea!!
im gonna study for chem like realie2 study and memorise. =)) im good.
i wanna prove to mrs chew i can do it! lol. seriously lahh.
hmm.. lets see..
i cant wait to ride the funfair. VORTEX! weee-ness lahh!
cant wait to go to seoul garden. yay-ness!
and i cant wait for exam to finish!! cmon! its just tmr. heh.
and the kids will go "yay i wan i wan barney!!"
hmmm.. today was maths and physics. maths was KINDA easy.i LOVE trigonometry lahh!! like fun sehh. haha! physics was okayy.and some students are so BRIGHT that they did the whole 3 questions for section c.padehal need to do 2 out of the 3 questions only. wahahahha! never read intruction! lol.YEA!! two more days and thats it for MIDyear. JUNE holidays are coming! yay!meaning my bdae is cuming too!! weeeeeeeeeee...........
i LOVEEE hilary duff.tiber2 jer ehh.. HAHAHA!!
okayy. serious stuff. weeeeeee.. eh! serious whre got weee.. lol.kk.. i just hate people who cant keep people's secret. DAMN!the whole proccess of telling people's secret away is just to let other people noe that "hey. i noe this person's secret." and when somebody dun believe it. they will tell the secret just to prove it. well people dun tend to tell a person's secret to backstab or watever. they just tell em to let other people feel like "whoa! this person noes that person's secret. thats cool!" haiss..
thre's maths tmr again. and someone PLEASE remind me to bring FLEX ruler tmr.i keep forgeting mann. but if i bring aso i dun0 how to use. lol. like how does it work sehh.haha! wow! i just realised that i blog oftenly now. heh!kayy. off to studying maths! paper two tmr. and i cant wait for the mly dance to go to the seoul garden. weeee..
A-maths just sucks my brain out was so HARD! like a rock u noe. hard. seriously sehh.
just fliped the pg jer dah nk pengsan.
and my prediction was ritee that we're gonna have to take 10 pieces of foolscap. haha!
see nad.. tknk cayer kann.. haha! ah amek kau. WAHAHAHA!
history was alritee.. i concentrated on the inference since i cant do the SEQ.
everybody studied the wrong question. well majority. hah!
and it was like 1 hour only. i saw farah was realie rushing! haha!
ytd was SS and DnT.
and i cant believe ayuu find it easy. haha! she was the smangat-est.
and DnT exam period was full of fools. many ppl sneeze. then still can laugh loud. haha!
like hello!! its mid year EXAMINATION. lol. ppl sneeze the class will go "TSK" esp commitment!
HAHAHA!! and art was like 3 hrs. fuuuhh!! best dong..
im bored. lets not talk abt exams. getting my mind turning and turning. hah!
okayy. so here my CD collection. tiber2 jer ehk.. HAHA!
from top left. simplePLAN. ashleeSIMPSON. ashleeSIMPSON. hilaryDUFF. hilaryDUFF. joJO. joJO. fantasiaBARRINO. lindsayLOHAN. ashleyTISDALE. dianaDEGARMO. avrilLAVIGNE.
HILARY duff's is like the SHINIEST one. haha!!
she's like the main focus of all. is she hot or wat?! lol
but actualie kan kan kan.. i have 2 more CDs. kelly clarkson and another hilary one.
kelly clarkson the "breakaway" one and hilary the "most wanted" one. i SEEMD to lost it.
okayy ppl!! sorrie coz i do nonsensical stuff when im bored. well mayb to u it is.
but to me its not. coz these are my LIFE. =))))))))))))))
okayy. so lets see wat they have changed. MOSTLY the hair.
hilary obviously changed her hair. from a NATURAL blondie to a brunette. a good change tho!

ashlee simpson changed her hair frm(since shes a natural blonde) blonde to black to blonde back. (yay! i just created a tounge twister. haha!)

jojo went frm a black hair to blonde too. shes the youngest among my CD collection.
its owaes the opposite hair colours. =)))))))))))
so yea.. thats it.
off studying.
wish me luck everybody for maths and physics tmr!!
okayy so yea.. ytd watchd spiderman 3. it was cool lahh.was sleepy sehh in the cinema.. ouh and seriously.. i teared at the end.coz it was so touching and SAD lahh. i did not CRY. but i TEARED.SO SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADD!! haiss.. why does the ending gotta be sadding. haiss..and the movie like started at 11pm and ended at 1am sumthing. so long mann.and thot wanted to go to MCdonalds at civic centre. then found out that it wasnt 24 hours. then went home.. bla3.. with my sleepy eyes. i go change to sleep. and i found out i was wearing my boardshort inside out. haha! sis realise it ferst. haha! maluu nyerr.. lol.and i actuallie shuden be wrtting it down here. but its like once in a lifetime jer. hahaHAHA!
just now went NYP. my mum and aunts all bukak kedai kat canteen ferst time i step into poly. so BIG. thre's road in thre. many2 buildings. many2 food centers.i can lost my way sehh. hah!and seriously lahh. im addicted to ms swan. HAHA.telinge! telinge?! knape ngan telinge?! errrhh.. hahah! kay cukop!
wat relief lahh.. i finally understand 10 years after... i understand wat is covalent and ionic compounds all.ahahhah!! after much of full attention just now in class.. so yea ppl.. this is wat will happen if u pay FULL attention in class. ahaha! seriously.sooo yea.. im touchd by mrs chew. realie! she like suddenli very caring.shes like "study okayy. for yr future." im touchd. aaaawww..i was so into chemistry just now. i didnt even talk to anybody during chemistry lesson.except ask fahmi one question only. im good. thankyouverymuch. =))
ishh.. i haven gotten my hilary album. haiyoo.. i 4gt to bring my money that. lol.exam's ending in one week's time. can't wait to perform for evgDANCE in school.soo excited lahh. haha! so yea..watching spiderman later at 11pm something. with family. yay!and the ticket like cost 9.50bucks.. hmmm.. watever.and shazmira fahmi and amira.. pls stop with the telinge.. hahhaha!!TELINGE!! lol.. mcm2 sehh krg.. lol.
weeee!! im loving my laptop. haha!
my ferst post using my laptop. lols.
and i didnt noe i can get internet connection in my room.
haha. sooo.. shhhh.. mummy and daddy and sister dun0. HAHA!
best lahh!! just typing arnd... lol.
andand.. juu.. tmr go UK funfair ahh? i only believe in wat i see. and not wat i hear. HAH.
kayss.. OUH2!! just now miss mazlinda said "duff" in class. yay!
haha.. she saed"im not duff" but i dun0 wat duff means. or is it spelld that way.
i just LOVE my mummy and daddy lahh.
i mean who doesnt ritee..? hahah
they bought me a new laptop. weee..
and the old laptop is repaired.
so one laptop my sis and mum share.
one laptop for ME. and a desktop for the whole family.
haha. parents are cool lahh. lol.
i say buy wan buy the cheap2 wan. then my dad say "buat ape? murah2 tk bagus"
haha. theyy sooo the best lahh.. tmr getting my lappy. yay!
i love mummy and daddy!!
andand.. i LOVE hilary too!!
just love this song. "stranger" cool lah the lyrics(below).
getting her album tmr!! yay!!
hilary rocks lahh.. hilary.. if yr reading my blog. i LOVE u.. im yr number one fan! u look good in that hair. she's like everything. hah!
haha. mcm dier blh bacer jer.. lol
seriously sehh.. i wan meet hilary. shake her hands. hug her. get her autograph.
dreams yayat... dreams... LOL
i hate juu for not wanting to go.. hah.
i dun like my phone lahh.. (notice i didnt use the word "hate")
i drop down like frm the sofa.. like how many cm jer..
then most of the contacts TIBER2 went missing. haiyoo..
okay so.. tmr eng paper. goshh. i dun feel like its exam..
i miss shai juu and sappy. krg dah action sehh.
haha. tiber2 jer ehk.. lol. =)))))))))
ouhh well...
im off studying. wish me luck.
serious i go study now..
cmon.. u only believe in wat u see??
see wats inside.. HAHAHA!! get it juu?? lol.
i love my sis too!! yay! hope she's having fun with her fiance.
and she got $250 hangbao frm her boss. gimme some!
Nobody believes me when I tell them that you're out of your mind.
Nobody believes me when I tell them that there's so much you hide.
You treat me like a queen when we go out,
wanna show everyone what our love's about.
All wrapped up in me whenever there is a crowd,
But when no ones around;
There's no kindness in your eyes,
he way you look at me, it's just not right.
I can tell whats going on this time,
Theres a stranger in my life.
You're not the person that I once knew.
Are you scared to let them know it's you?
If they could only see you like I do,
Then they would see a stranger too..
Did I ever do anything that was this cruel to you?
Did I ever make you wonder who was standing in the room?
You made yourself look perfect in everyway,
So when this goes down, I'm the one that will be blamed.
Your plan is working so you can just walk away,
Baby your secret's safe.
Such a long way back, from this place we arrived.
When I think of all the time I've wasted, I could cry..