i rmbred i start back blogging. hmm.. so.. common test ended.. and yay!!
yesterday and saturday was a great day for me.. wheee!!
it was like "meeting the superstar" weekend. hurhur.
saturday, went to the "manjalara" roadshow. the channel sensasi lahh.. got sheila rusley and others2 lahh.
at first i thought it was gonna be boring.. budden starting performance jer Styles From Beyond.
goshh was i happy!! at least there's sumthing to start the show with. hah!
after the show.. salam2 the artist. i touched eka mairina's hand lah sehh! hurhur..
took picture with SFB and didi saszly.
yesterday went the "rewang-rewang: kpak bing bing" haha! fun sehh!
yesterday went the "rewang-rewang: kpak bing bing" haha! fun sehh!
kalau kodok kahwin ngn katak jadi ape? KOTAK.
klau katak kahwin ngn itik jadi ape? KATIK.
klau kodok kahwin ngn itik jadi ape? HAHAHAHH!! seriously i laughed my ass out man!
andand.. i love nurfasarie!! i gave her a fyling kiss while she was singing and she hit me back!! yay!! haha.
aliff.. abit proud when out of stage. but when he's singing i peaced at him and he peaced at me back. it was okay. hah. and he's only 17.
imagine if im 17 and i am a succesful singer.. okay *unimaginable*
this is dreams okay!! bluek!
ouhh.. before i forget.
ouhh.. before i forget.
dah blh msk NC16 lah sehh.. without sneaking2 in.
bought her canadian pizza and a little2 small cake.
and thank you last year's graduating classes!!
and thank you last year's graduating classes!!
monday will be half day because u guys did well for Olevel. yay! haha.
its okay.. nxt year will be one day full day no school because of us. huahuahua!!
if its real ahh.. u better be kneeling down and thanking us evgians. hah.
just pray for us lahh okay!! hee..
ouh ouh.. and i watched a rugby match at school on friday.. and thats like the first rugby match i've seen in my life. seriously i thought they were fighting but then turns out the game was like that. pffftt!! i noe i noe.. embarassing. there's alway a first time u noe! just like when u masturbated in the toilet the first time. =P *u get my point?
im addicted to leona lewis' bleeding love. and im so addicted that i pass the addictiveness to my bro and sis. haha. they keep singing *KEEP bleeding. the "keep" very high pitch. huahua..
seriously.. in the toilet, when sleeping, when plain bore comes.. i listen to that song. i love it!
and singapore ARTISTE is not enough for me.
i want hollywood artiste!
i NEED hollywood artiste!

kayy.. off to my bed. i wanna to that song again!
and i wanna try tmr.. =))
with love.