i think im back.
at least i think i am. hah.
been awhile since i blog.
and i mean really long. lol.
but still duno if i can commit to blogging. haha.
i wanna have fun ! holidays lah seh ! =D
so now.. waiting for Olevel result. excited plus nervous much.
and what do i do for holidays? HAVE FUN !
haha. as much as i want to. i need to at least work.
haiss.. why must i work? *krg.. half account blh? haha.
hey ! i applied for jobs already okay !
but i think we're really late. its like end of november already.
its hard to find jobs this time. i noe its my fault.
thats what u get yayat for having too much fun first. hmm..
&& i applied for isetan, sports shop, seoul garden and swensens.
the seoul garden was random though.
i want to become sales assistant. so i can get discounts !
haiss.. and i havent dance for quite long time.
where's EDC? hmm.. i want dance uh !
dancing dancing dancing mee..
wait.. i wanna say something abt prom night. huahuahua..
prom night. i think it suck. seriously !
firstly, its at Safra Yishun. i wanted it to be in a hotel.
then, the event was dreadful. yes, all the way.
there was no lucky draws. the games sucks. cos its all abt singapore.
and they had to rush us to eat ! like WTH kann..
&& most importantly.. there was NO DANCEHALL !
i noe ! and its like we have to move all the tables infront to the back in my beautiful newly worn white blazer.
and then we can dance at that very little space.

and there's food all over the floor. EEWWW !
and the music seriously sucks too. slow dance was dreadful.
and i cant take the pathetic styrofoam decorations. haha!
seriously EXCOs, u need alot of guidance.
okayy lahh, mayb i can excuse u guys cos this is EVG's first prom night but... haiss..
i spent nearly 200 for that i-wont-remember-at-all prom night. =(
ouhh well..
eyy ! i dyed my hair like ytd ! i pretty much like it !
haha. i was scared that it wont turn out well.
but its nice !
highlighted red and highlighted blonde on the fringe. *raise eyebrows.
for $30 only ! =))
alright. lets pray hard i'll post another entry soon !
haha. TPRAWKS ! Blue Hoodies 4 ! outing on 131208.
ouhh. and just wanna say i love my BFFL !

I Wanna Be Famous.