im sooooo gonna blog about my appearence on OKTOLIVE !
hahahh.. i wanna be detailed.
so i wont ever forget wat happened. hah.
and please vote for me..
The Trip
so woke up. and i asked mira to come over to help me take a pic.
and i have to send it via email.
and that made me late.
supposed to reach mediacorp reception by 3.
and i went out at 3. ( i noe.)
and i took the train alone again. yes alone.
hmm.. like do i really have to say like this whenever im out alone? lol
so i told the ppl there.. "i got sumthing on just now and i will be a lil late."
and the lady, nurul seems nice.
i swear i was like almost an hour late.
just as the bus stop. i ran to mediacorp.
so reached there. and nurul waited for me at the reception.(star karat ah yayat !)
and rushed me to the studio.
The Rehearsal
to my surprise.. the studio was PUNY !
it was so small. smaller than my bathtub ! (wait, i dont have a bathtub)
so put my bag in the guest room and went straight to rehearsal.
everybody was like doing the rehearsal and i just came in.
it was REALLY awkward.
seriously, i did not noe wat was going on.
so. lucky2 me.. hakim explained to me wat to do.
the finalist are very cool ppl lahh ! very friendly. =))
so have to do the cat walk.
i wont forget the "sandwich" position.
hakim standing in the middle of two tall ppl. lol.
and me & raymond being proud wearing giodarno's T-shirt.
hahahh.. i dun0 wats there to be proud abt. lol.
so ate dinner. and told the guys that i was changing to my collared shirt.
and thank u lahh guys for the superb comments !
hakim said "im not gay or watever.. but i think yr really hot"
and raymond and leo nod their heads.
and one of the lady said. "omg.. thats a very good compliment u get there. u shud thank him"
and so i thank him frm the bottom of my heart. i was so flattered lah. lol
and then we did another round of rehearsal. yes the LAST round. finally.
and raymond hated me. haha.
he kept saying "i hate u".
cos he was the only one w/o collar. lol.
and during all the rehearsal.. u might see the host like very lively.
but everytime the director says "HOLD IT! CUT!"
there goes their gloomy faces. rolling of eyes. whooping. tsk3..
ouhh and we got to talk to Kim in the guest room while she's eating her sandwich.
she's humble. i like her. very down to earth. =D
and she's gorgeous. =))
she commented on my hair ! "oooh.. nice hair"
*raising eyebrows*
Going On Air
we were all wondering why the hell did they ask us to bring our nice clothes.
so we got the last min notice that u can wear yr stylish clothes instead of all black.
but need to change back to all black after the catwalk.
and it was like 20mins before the show started !
hah. and raymond dun hate me anymore. lol.
and i swear everybody became MR VAIN when changing.
we had to change in a place with no mirrors !
and everybody was like helping each other. hah.
eh hows my tie? help me centralised my tie ! shud i button? shud i tuck in?
the girls get to change in the guest room. where theres mirror THRU OUT.
no fair. *frowning face*
Backstage (5mins to show starts)
so all the finalist put their hands on top of each other and shouted "1, 2, 3 TOP 10 !"
and the idea was created by proudly me. hah.
i was thinking of pcd. they usually said "1, 2, 3 PCD !"
haha. so got into the sandwich position.
and seriously, everybody was on the verge of tears.
it was nerve wrecking !
jamie kept holding my hand.
the 10 of us can't shut our mouth.
the show started.. and there goes our que..
End of Show
ended !!!!!!!!
and i so love the smell of irony !
hakim.. congratz ! most stylish and unstylish at the same time !
hah. how ironic is that? lol
so then.. everyone hug each other in the guest room.
aawww.. i need a moment.. -----------------
okay.. it was sadding.
nvm.. hope to see them this friday for photoshoot.
and thanks mira, far, and aisyah for coming !! =D
and ppl ppl ppl.. please vote for me if u want me to win a laptop.
please please please kayy ppl !
i love u ppl lahh !
and i think i just put up the link twice. hah.
overall. it was a good experience. no.. it was a GREAT experience !
i soooo not gonna forget abt this.
the cool friends i made. the jokes we laugh at. the tiring rehearsals. the bond we share.
its just so wonderful. i think im gonna cry.. *faning my face with my hands*
kay2.. i think this PRANKSTAR talk too much.
so.. ending here before someone throws a piano at me !
im so gonna watch the encore telecast !

I Wanna Be On Tv