Aisyah turned 17 ytd !
since this post is abt her birthday.
im posting it with her favourite colour. GREEN !
see.. im sooo sweet.. hahahhha..
before the day we baked muffins.
and yes it is delicious ! =P
i do bake okay ! and i noe how to. =P
i duno why the hell is she mixing egg with milk.
that thing is hard to stir !
Asmah Laili ! LOL
me and baby went to Hort Park first with the muffins.
and the rest went on later. surprise lah katerkan.
they all lied to aisyah. aisyah didnt expect anything. LOL.
so they then reached Hort Park and we were there.
and aisyah was suprised. hurhur..
spend time at Hort Park.
How cute is this !?
Its really delicious. im not lying this time. =P
then decided to go to Hendersan Waves. (i duno if i spell it correctly)
and we walk 2KM frm Hort Park to there !!!!!!!!!!!
the bridge was a long stretch !
i really couldnt take it !!!!
hello ! its damn far okay !
and i already told im not an outdoor person.
i kept whining. its like i was hiking u noe ! shit..
thats the first and last lah i tell u ! pfftt..
go and try out the bridge and tell me abt it !
lucky went home with lorry. sheeshh..

Guess which is melody? HAHA !

In the lorry !
okay so.. class pit at East Coast was quite successful.
quite a few didnt turn up.
but nvm.. it was FUN !
yah2 FUN ! get to see each other all.. bonding. joking. and all sorts.
so i woke up at 7am. YES ppl ! in the morning !
i force my very cute butt to shower at that hour.
nedd to go to mia's to marinate the chicken together with wan yan zul.
and aisyah nad nifa went to fariani's to make sandwitches.
and they didnt let me marinate the chicken. HMPH ! (wat a liar !. haha)
so 6 of us took off with lorry.
and seriously speaking.. all the our stuffs covered half of the lorry. pfftt..
and it rained ! it was POURING i tell u !
and we covered ourselves with canvas and we were still at north.
and everybody was like asking for their bags.. okay including me lah. hah.
"BAG AKU ! "
some even.. "TEDDY BEAR AKU !"
like its only raining. if we live together right guys.. we would be dead if our house was on fire. cos we would save all of our stuffs first. LOL ! haiss..
and reach ECP at arnd 3.
started BBQ and stuffs.
the Sandwitches was laku. hah.
and yes we did overnight !
sang Halo in the middle of the night.
and i woke up the latest at 11am. hah ! who said i was a sultan ?!
u guys only noe how to talk behind my back only. hmm.. hahah..
and there was still like alot of raw food left that was not BBQ-ed.
okay.. so pics at nifa's camera !
will be updated soon ! =DD
okay so last two days..went to nad's house.took photos. and we edited it in phone.we did the mirror image editing. LOL.we laughed like wat ! couldnt stop laughing that time.stomach cramp ! hah. the left side is the original pic. HAHA !
HAHAHA ! wat a face ! =D
HAHA ! nad looks like an alien child ! LOL.
OMG ! i look ugly ! hahaha ! look how adorable i am in the original pic (kidding) ! oh and please.. in real life i dun where my cap like that. HAH !

and i just post this cos my cap looks cool. i think lahh. hah.

took with nad's phone while she was bathing at 5pm. eeww right.. (yea right, u do that all the time too yayat) shhhh.. shit ! my blog has a mind of its own. is it unhygienic to not shower for a day? LOL. stupid question. if u dun shower for a day kan, then the next day u go shower, u will feel fresher than ever ! and i like that feeling. goshh.. im soo gross lahh.
and ytd went sheesha with farah and nad and aisyah and mia. before that went to eat at Thai Express. i cant get enough lor.. i added a bowl of rice to my dish. i noe.. greedy ! embarass right u became my friend. hah. and i already ate at Thai Express twice. and i still want more. LOL. and the first time we ate, they didnt charge service charge, we didnt have to pay for the mango drink, we got a 20% discount for everything and we got tom yum soup, a desert, prawn toast and alvocado drink for FREE. how cool is that.. credits to mira and nifa's manager. LOL. and sheesha this time was mucuh better. hmm.. i duno why. =D
soo long PCD's fans !!