hello2. yes this is the official flyer for that tuition thingy. whoever wanna apply go ahead. pri can. sec can. everyone can.
hey.. im just promoting aite.
im doing something good here. its next to marsiling MRT station.
interested? call that number.. or can call me first. hah..
but make sure must say my name hor. cos i will get cash.
hah. just trying my luck and also, of course, helping. hurhur..
ytd spent time with my SuperBaBy alone. hah.
yay ! glad we meet. lol. u noe i noe ha..
hahahha.. i wish time could freeze at that moment. kan3?
i love u dearly.. <3
weakness eh? heh..
watched Push with aisya and farr just now.
its exciting ! i really loved it. but i dun understand why must they shoot in China. hmm..
nvm.. gonna watch Coming Soon with everyone !
hear that.. Coming Soon ! dun chicken out ! hahahha..
whoa.. im stuck with Taylor Swift's Love Song.
and also stuck with my dearest PCD - Jai Ho.
i really3 love that song. wth.. i love every song by PCD. hah.
okay.. i found this joke on a site.
and i think its quite funny but at the same time like ouch liddat. hah. *shrugs*
Man: "Haven't we met before?"
Woman: "Yes, I'm the receptionistat the VD Clinic."
Man: "Haven't I seen you some place before?
Woman: "Yeah, that's why I don't go there anymore."
Man: "Is this seat empty?"
Woman: "Yes, and this one will be too if you sit down."
Man: "Your place or mine?"
Woman: "Both. You go to yours andI'll go to mine."
Man: "I'd like to call you. What's your number?"
Woman: "It's in the phone book."
Man: "But I don't know your name."
Woman:"That's in the phone book too."
Man: "So what do you do for a living?"
Woman: "I'm a female impersonator."
Man: "Hey, baby, what's your sign?"
Woman: "Do not Enter"
Man: "How do you like your eggs in the morning?"
Man: "What sign were you born under?"
Woman: "No Parking!"
Man: "Hey, come on, we're both here at this bar for the same reason."
Woman: "Yeah! Let's pick up some chicks!"
Man: "I'm here to fulfill your every sexual fantasy."
Woman:"You mean you've got both a donkey and a Great Dane?"
Man: "I know how to please a woman."
Woman: "Then why aren't you leaving me alone?"
Man: "I want to give myself to you."
Woman: "Sorry, I don't accept cheap gifts."
Man: "If I could see you naked, I'd die happy"
Woman: "Yeah,but if I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing."
Man: "Your body is like a temple."
Woman: "Sorry, there are no services today."
Man: "I'd go through anything for you."
Woman: "Good! Let's start with your bank account."
Man: "I would go to the end of the world for you.
Woman: "Yes,but would you stay there?
so NYP called and asked me and dad to come down cos theres a form which i have forgotten to sign.
went NYP and i signed. and thats it !?
my father was like "how abt my part?"
and the person said "ohh.. actually u need to come too cos u need to witness this"
both of us looked at each other and gave that WTH face.
how can he be sure he's my father.
i can bring The Rock and say he's my father.
hmm.. waste time only.
but a waste actually cos i saw my baby and katek there.. =))
i miss u badly. =((
then met the rest of family at wdlnds interchange.
went to eat at Sakura at the Admiralty garden besides RP.
its a first time for me. lol.
soooo.. i was all over the place. hahahh..
2 and half hour being in there was actually worth it.. frm 6 to 8.30
hah. i love it when all family members go out.
i can appreciate everyone and i feel appreciated too. hurhur..
bonding is cool...!

the Blackie and the Fatty. cool it ryhmes.. hahahh.. =P
dad.. he ran all the way to find a seat. hahahha.
the retarded one.
okay. pick one.. lol.
the women. she was dancing to "oh, baby" LOL.
lets say.. after 5mins these were all set on MY table. we were first to come in at 6pm. =D
relaxing and letting the food flow in our stomach first. HAHA !
and when going out the Restaurant.. the waitress asked me "hidayat eh?"
abit shocked. haha..
and of cos i strain my brain wondering who is she.. i think i hurt my brain a lil bit.
she told me were in the same class during primary sch.
primary three somemore she said. wow.. she can rmbr.
haha.. i was like.. "eh really?" while tilting my head with a puzzled face. hah.
shocker there.. i cant rmbr. lol.
no wonder she kept on smiling at me. hmm..
sister's wedding card was taken and the bag for berkat also.
i feel excited for her already. lol.
sooo that is my part time job ! weeehee..
i fold the cards. put it into the card holder.
and2.. i did write this on some of the cards behind "Bus service no. 912, Berth 8"
just telling how proud i am to be able to write.
everyone will read my handwrtting. how cool ?!
LOL. how can ppl read my handwriting be cool? stupid yayat.. haha..
i love my part time job. if only there were jobs like this which pays 6dollars an hour.
hahahh.. how i wish ! =P

the 5 different colour card holders ! im sooooo excited ! =D

hahaha.. a little sidetrack from folding cards and stuffs. =DD
Love you Baby ! and miss u ! =))