oh myyyy.. i haven update for a while.
School's getting better day by day. =)
monday was okay. break was super looooooong ! went junction 8 with mia and farr. lol.
first day break aready go junction 8. hahha..
and yes i signed up for some CCA.
just listing down.
foreign bodies. live audio. stage arts (dance). piano essemble. guitar club.
but i confirming with foreign bodies (duh!) and live audio. cool or wat my choice. hahahh..
alrite.. so thurs, started at 3 and ended at seven.
and baby sms that her, nifa, nad, aisyah, aaron, hong kiat, boon chuan (pasar malam), jeff and yi wei watching movie cos hong kiat's birthday. at first i was like huh?
like so sudden go watch movie with ex evgians. haha.
so i rushed to cwp. and i missed 20 mins of the show. damn ! its 17 again.
and when i came its aready Zac Efron. so i dun really get the story. lol.
but the show very funny.. haha.. *yay (trying to avoid hugging. lol)
after movie, we all bought cake for hong kiat. WHITE CHOCS ! I LOVEEEE !
and went fushan garden to celebrate.
and i cant believe hong kiat wear evg PE shirt and short to go to sch ! hahhahha !
embarassing or wat ?! LOL. haiss..
and another one simply lazy to dress. boon chuan. he wears like he wanna go pasar malam.
and we could'nt stop laughing. HAHAHH !
and we joke all around. how i miss them jokes. haha. yi wei was irritating as always.
okay american idol.. i soooooo enjoyed the grp performance choreographed by paula..
hahah.. best dancer would be between Adam and Danny.
worst dancer would be Matt. hahahha.. but it was cool. lol.
and David ! haha.. mum was like "budak nie yg dier gi tgk kelmarin" at my dad.
haha.. pity david got call "budak" lol..
and anoop and lil was out. aww.. sadding.. =(
okay sch.. gotten student pass. so proud ! lol.
and i found out quite a few i noe went to NYP but never saw them.
weird huh. lol. and i think im getting use to my classmate. yay me !
and thurs lesson was damn boring. the teaaaacher is simply old.
wearing specs with thick lenses. and talks very slow.
i was soooo looking for a forward button. dragging sia !
worst than indonesian dramas. really..
if indonesian drama 50% slomo right. this one 87% slowmo. omg lah !
im soooooo not looking forward for thurs.

omg ! bithday bash by Aaron ! haha.

aww.. love u dear. <3
i need a new BFF. gonna make it Paris Hilton-ish. lol. kdding lah. i still have my BFFLs. :D
First and foremost..
since this post is abt yr birthday.. im posting it in BLUE.
am i sweet or wat..?
dun cha wish yr bestfriend was sweet like me.
wait.. how come like Deja Vu. riiiiiiiiiiighht.. cos i wrote this kind before. lol.
so on 11th, baked cake at aisyah's.
and we planned to celebrate it at Bottle Tree Park AKA Bottle Pop Park. =DD
ouh yea farr could'nt make it. so aisyah, nad and this cute guy(refering to me btw) went there first with the cake. and i tell u.. we did this ALOT ALOT of time for birthdays. haha..
so mia and nifa came later. and sooooo we surprised her. haha !
eh guys, this surprise thingy kinda getting old u noe. haha !
so after celebrating.. ouh yah.. did i mention that the cake was a "popcorn chocolate cake"?
haha.. yes it is. lol. well, are'nt we a very creative bunch. LOL.
yea after celebrating, just have fun. feed fish. and i realise i love feeding fish. :D
then at 8pm, spontaneously, we went orchard. lol.
nifa treat us KFC. and she shopped at cotton on ! own birthday gifts. :D
it was a cool day and a SPEACIAL day for nifa i guess. 270409.

okay.. i think this is lame. well not really. ahhaha.. i just felt like editing it like this. lol.
hmm.. funny story. kay, so i put the camera on self-timer. then i ran back then i accidentally knock my head onto the i duno wat bone is that.. i knocked on it hard ! and it was damn painful lahh ! and look who came to my rescue FIRST? aaaww.. ain't she a sweetie. haha.. the camera caught me in my agony. shit. lol.

and i kinda think this is cool. HAHA ! or is it lame? ouh well.. hah.
wow ! i just realised i really did shake David Archuleta's hand.-_____- hahahha..okay so i was eatching ellen on youtube. the Bathroom concert series.the one which she sang with jennifer hudson was HILARIOUS ! hahhhaha !really.. i really did laughed out loud. LOL. its like Ellen didnt expect her voice was that good. hahah..
nifa's birthday coming soon ! wheee..~
really.. i've never in my life met a superstar that close. or even go to concerts. pity me.
at least i met David Archuletta ! he's a superstar. if only it was Nicole or Hilary. or mayb Miley.
hahaha.. the five of us sanggup buy his album at that point of time just to get his autogragh.
yes we bought for each of us. haha. if not cannot go meet David. hah.
anwyay... he's sooooooo not punctual ! well.. that defines superstar ain't it. lol.
seriously i was sweating waiting for him.. its like my ownself was raining. hmph.
and seriously iwas shaking when holding my camera i duno why. hahahh..
went on stage for autogragh. AND I SHOOK HIS HANDS ! yes i shook his hands ! :D
the ones guarding him really need to be more fair. JAHAT !
they simply pull ppl away frm David.. we cant even say "thank you" to David fully. hmm..
after we all got his autogragh. HAHA ! funny story.
we went down the lift and up the escalator(cos thats the only way to get close with David, the closest) many many times just to ask him this question "David ! we heard u like Miley?!"
hahahahh ! really ! we went up and down alot of times. we keep on shouting that but he dunwan answer. LOL. we are sooooo paparazi-ish. hahahh !
sooooo.. then headed to plaza sing and eat Secret Recipe.
how nice of nad and aisyah to treat us. hurhur..
don't cha wish your bestfriends was nice like mine. HAHA !
thanks guys ! pictures3..
is this picture cool or wat ?! standing right next to his face.

aisyah's scarf terbukak ! HAHAHA !
this cute boy was so cute he got squeezed. LOL.

SECRET RECIPE ! thanks !
yes ! we bought for each just for that day ! :D
now, when will PCD come? pleaseeeeee come ! pretty please ! 

and tada ! i wish to become a superstar !!!!!!!!!!!