seriously.. i thot this one week holiday would be relexing but HELL NO !
e-learning sucks. makes everything more confusing. haiss..
i rather go to sch.. hmmm..
ohh well.. and yeaaaaa !
its really been awhile since i felt this happy winning a dance competition.
hahahahh.. i missed that feeling.
well.. just posting some pics.
and plssssss make sure i wake up for e-learning !! damn.. =P

WOW !! FFDC WON THIRD PLACE FOR LAH! De' Fuse Dance competition yesterday !
i wanna say CONGRATS to FFDC for getting the third position !!
im proud of us !! im proud of u guys !!
all our hard work and sacrifices finally paid off(with $300.haha.) right..
good job guys !!
Message from Yayat to FFDC:
exciting right the feeling of getting THIRD. =DDDDDDD
we didnt give up. we believe in ourselves and people also believe in us.
thats why we made it !
Amira, Arman, Fee, Haziqah, Hidayah, Khai, Mia, Rush, Zul.. im sooooooo proud of each and everyone of u ! oh and im proud of myself too. LOL. =P
we worked hard & help each other out.
and mostly.. we worked together as a TEAM.
thats what FFDC is all about.
Amira, good job ! i can see u put in alot of effort. eventho yr corset's zip broke and it was hanging(haha) u went on confidently ! be proud of yrself !=D
Arman, gosh ! i love being friends with u. u never failed to make me laugh every single day. with all yr funny sayings and silly movements. oh and singing too ! hahahha.. u were HAWT ytd ! seriously ! well done ! =D
Fee, u were great too ytd ! yr very confident ! keep it up ! nice friend-ing with u too ! yr crazy.. hahaha. =D
Haziqah, OMG ! without u, i duno who to share my sayings to. haha.. u noe i noe lah.. u were FANTASTIC ! all those hard and esp gloomy days paid off right.. u didnt give up ! keep it up ! =D
Hidayah, im esp proud of u ! u really improved alot ! u didnt give up.. u strive far and u also push yrself to become not good, but GREAT ! i really look up to u for that. and eventho yr corset fell off, u went on confidently too. =D
Khai, i can tell yr very helpful ! its great to befriends with u. yr presense always cheers me up. u were SEXAY ytd ! oh and u put nice eyeshadows on my face. HAHAHA ! =D
Mia, my baby !! good job good job ! HAWT and SEXAY ! u didnt give up too ! u stay strong and speak up. well done ! =D
Rush, yr very responsible. u take care of each and everyone of us very well. u show great concern, i noe u want the best for FFDC. and ytd u were FANTASTIC ! im proud of FFDC. =D
Zul, yr very caring and u also want the best for FFDC. all that sweat and worry-ness paid off.. u did SPLENDID ! =D
and FFDC ! we won third ! haha.. be proud of this group.
and remember, make sure be HUMBLE, and rendahkan diri.
tegur WHOEVER u see and dun be arrogant !
and a SPECIAL thanks it IZZY ! THANK YOU !
Thank you for helping and i noe u want us to strive to be the very best.
u believe in us. thank you ! and chase yr dreams okay ! and omg.. u must love yr fans ! =D
oh and Nad and Fariani !
thanks for coming !!
yr always there to see us perform ! ALWAYS ! love it ! hahaha..
Yayat, outzzzzz !

(khai and Hidayah not in the pic.)
Prac just now was okayyyy. haha.
went there with farr and an-an. and i was freaking damn cold in the bus !
it was sooooo cold. tapi tkpelah.. blh feeling2 kat aussie gitukan. haha. -__-
and im excited for this saturday's competition ! wheee..!
i bet baby's gonna love this dance routine lah. u noe i noe.. haha..
and i also noe that u noe that i noe that they duno. hahahhha..
*kening naek2*
went home.. and same routine in the bus. LOL. *CHOTTTTTTTTING(very pekat-ly)*
HAHAHA ! and that word also cracks me up. seriously !
*arman goes.. "eh -----" slumberly* LOL.
ohh myy.. "and im a coke bottle" HAH !
omg i cant stop laughing..! haha..
then reached home.. got durians.. wheeeeee..!
ate 4 bijiksssssss.. nice........!
and i duno why.. i always crave for some food. seriously !
that day i told baby i wanted to have some PASAR MALAM food.
then the next day i go buy.. like cannot tahan !
but then cannot find CENTENG. hahha.. i want that..
then i wanted to eat MAC. then cannot buy then go fry fries. weird right. hmm..
i wish im Timmy from the Fairly Odd Parents show..
then can wish for my cravings.. =DDDDDD
AND OMG ! its like 6.30am. i ain't got no sleep yet.. haissss..
all blame assignment lahh.. shitstuff.
i never went a day without sleeping u noe.
now is like 6.30am. and Foreign Bodies camp is like 11.30am.
i dun think i wanna go to sleep. cos if i do.. surely cannot wake up..
wahhhh.. no sleep then go camp. like stupid kan? kan? kan? kan?
me and assignments... haiss.. really bring me down and pressurising.
if someone says "yayat, yr cute" NOW.. i will be less stress for sure.
hahahhah.. blh gitu. lol.
and i want change phone aready. tkleh angsss..
the hold button on top very the hard to press..
even the cute owner finds it hard to press. hah.
it really takes up alot of my energy u noe. must press hard2.
haiyoo.. OMG !
i dun want eyebags !!!!!!
wow.. my legs very pain ley.
all those stretching. goshh.. haha.
a lil bit more and i can do the split. yay....!
wahh.. why this two weeks like alot of ppl go Mesya.
Nad went like thurs morning. duno when she will be back. monday i think.
she better get me sumthing ah !
i asked for a shades/christian dior perfume. LOL.
i don't want from PETALING STREET one ! haha.. so eww.. =P
oh oh.. Zul bought me bagde frm Mesya with my name written on it. whee..!
mine's blue.. baby's pink. and i was like.. " fariani." hahahh..
laughed like mad just now with Arman and Mia. lol.
we were very noisy. hahahh..
and the bus was so damn quiet. but then we just had to make it lively. lol.
*cubit yerr* haha..
oh oh ! *chot yerr* HAHAHAH !
oh and and.. *abg KOPI mana?!* LOL.
oh well.. just a short post.
chiowz !
OMG ! OOG ! i am freaking exhausted !! and i almost dehydrated. sheeeshh.
okay exagerating only. haha. i swear im not gonna walk that distance again !
okay so went to Botanic garden alone(yes..alone ! its been awhile since i do this. haha) cos the rest all go already. leave me only u guys.. haha. cos i couldnt wake up early in the morning
thats why i came late. huahuahua.. needed to go to botanic garden to do assignment.
okay.. so my journey was like this.
i went out at around 11 i think
took MRT to orchard.
then took 171 bus. then drop at the Botanic Garden, Jacob's children park(i think).
it was at the END of the Botanic garden !
so i needed to go to Sun Garden to meet them.
so i ask the ranger for direction. and Ziyaad told me to follow the path to Ginger Garden.
the ranger said "Sun garden very far. like 20 mins walk from here"
when he told me that, i was like.. "cmon lah. botanic garden is not THAT big."
hahahha. i didnt believe it at first.
but THEN ! i started to believe him after i walk for 20mins and still haven't reach Sun Garden !
HAHAH ! i noe.. stupid me. ITS DAMN HOT !
more than 5KM i think !! haha.. but really ! its really really far !
i took like more than 30 mins to reach sun garden.
yes ! was walking alone in the scorthing hot weather.
i barely could walk anymore. and my body was raining on its own(yes sweat.eww)
i swear im not gonna walk that distance anymore. dun believe go see the map.
Jacob's is on the far right side. the font is in red.
then Sun Garden is on the farr left side near the lake there.
FAR RIGHT ?! told you.
then met them at the foodcourt.
and i kept whining. haha.. and i dun whine like a girl okay Wei Jie ! LOL.
haiss.. at least i got to take pics of flowers. =)))))))))0
more like cactus-es.. hahaha ! yay !
then got nuthing to do with DSLR. take silly pics. hahaha..

haha ! eh hello.. i said emo ! not some retarded freak. LOL. =P
LOL. i was full of unwanted poses. hahaha..

this so soooooo under-exposed. huahuahua..
yay ! i noe how to tweeeeeeeet already. haha.. i noe i shud have known this like last year.
but who cares.. i noe aready. hahaha.. thanks Rush for teaching me(whispering this sentence.hah)
had a blast again just now during prac. toured again. LOL.
singapore version. cooooooool or wat. Jessica not allowed pls.. =P
and i always laugh when Arman becomes Melody. haha..
ohh well.. im sooooooooo looking forward to weekends practices. *smiling mentel-ly*
omg.. i think i need to start on my assignment ley. wait !
not i think.. i MUST ! 2 weeks to do all.. not enough.
let me announce that one more time.. 2 WEEKS TO DO ALL.. NOT ENOUGH !
okay.. msg to BFFLs. i REALLY REALLY miss u guys !!
Aisyah Nifa Nad Farr and Mia(padehal mataer jumper also..
but yea.. miss going out and just talk nonsense and just be ourselves in public. lol.
really.. i miss u guys.. haiss.. dun forget each other okay.
everyone is unique.. but watever it is, i noe im the unique-est one of all.
haha.. maen2 jer lah(aisyah's style) hahaha..
ohh.. and i changed blogskin.. wheeeeee..
but im not really fond of this kind of blogskin.
i like the ones with navigations ya noe..
but then since i want to put twitter here.. must have this kind of blogskin.
hmm.. why must like that one.. hmph ! *flips hair while turning around*
wokayss.. soooooooooo looooooonnnnnngggggg my home silly biscuits !!
goshh.. i sound so ghetto. haha.
oh and i want to drink Mr Bean again.. Shut up Khai ! =P
wow..! i had sooo much fun today !first official practice with FFDC. its been sooooooooooo loooooonnnnnnggggg..and now my body is aching badly..i had fun.. with our Doll Domination Tour.Takin Over The World was funn ! haha..its damn tiring. lol.. but fun. i feel like touring. like really.. hahaha..kk.. i got funny story.. the other day right.. my mum made hotdog then i wanna eat.. then i go take the chilli.. then i opened the cap and suddenly got alot of ants came out. i had goosebumps ! eewww.. really..then i keep blowing on the cap so that the ants will go away.. i blow ALOT of times.then i want to go wash my hands to kill the ants on my hands.. then actually when i was washing my hands right.. i didnt realise i was still blowing. hahahahaha..and then my mum was like.. "kau knaper nie.. sawan ke aper?" hahaha.. then only i realise i was still blowing. haha.. then i stopped. LOL. big LOL.funny kann? huahuahua.. not funny also must laugh..cmon.. yr in my blog.. watever i say goes.. now, laugh ! gooooooooooooood.. =Pandand i think i have irritating fringe keeps poking my eyes when im playing with my laptop.cos the fan is like on top of me..i think my hair is too soft lahh( i noe right.. haha.).. haiss..i can take over Nicole for her Clear Shampoo advertisement. LOL. kidding !omg...... my pinggang hurts. and i duno why my neck hurts too. lol.and i seriously want to change phone lah !kayy.. random. hah. i feel like touring.okay i've said that..lets hope i get to dream about me touring around the world. *ohhmmmm..
yay ! term break finally here.. i can become sleeping beauty back. LOL.butttt wth.. every subject got assignment. this is sooooooo not holiday..oh oh ! and i uploaded some PCD videos live at singapore indoor stadium already at youtube.go to my channel yea.. comment ! =Dand go look at the video which Ashley waved at me.. LOL.. huahauahuahua.. a veryyyyyyyyy warm day !!i hate having a warm day..
its 2AM..i wanna sleeeeeeeeeep !!!!!but the whether's toooooooooo WARM. its HOT !!people !! can u please stop GLOBAL WARMING-ING !!! omg lahh..please someone.. rock me to bed.oh and baby.. get well soon okay.. rest well. sleep well.take good care of yrself. love u very muchy2 !! =))GOODNITE PEOPLE ! have a VERRRRRRYYYY warm night ! *evil laughs*=P
TADA !! PCD pictures ! only some.. if want go facebook aite.. :Dsorry.. the pics not in order ! lazy to organize.yes.. i got to capture this "PCD" pic on time. haha. during the don cha first i shot it was just "PC" LOL. yay !! can become professional photographer aready. -__-sorry if its TOO MUCH Ashleyssssss... cant get enough of her. ahahaha.. i was shaking sia. too excited. LOL.but i duno ah whats wrong with her that day. she doesnt seem herself. her dance also not that energetic esp Jai Ho ! omg.. tsk3.. dear Ashley, if its because u just broke up with yr bf, its okay.. u still have me. kay.. mcm paham. =P

ohh.. and i didnt reaply tags for soooooo loooonnnnnggg.. longer than it takes to grow a durian tree.. okay exagerrating only. haha.. i'll start frm the bottom. watever there is shown.. sorry if i didnt reply to some. =P
Zul: okay linked and go facebook for more pics ! im uploading the videos at youtube. haven finish yet. and thanks for the brithday wish. oh and today was fun but tiring. really tiring.. with the scortching hot whether. whoaa.. haha.. =P
Haz: hello Haz ! met u aready just now.. lol. prac together soon. lol. :D
WeiJie: omg thanks ! yay.. yahh ! i hope so too. lol. must pray for me hard2. haha.. :P
amirah: hey2.. yeai think i KINDA rmbr who u are.. lol. and thanks. and linked ! =)
Arman: yah2.. must make me laugh always.. *i dun wan EWW.. HAHA !! =P
far2: yea.. thanks BFFLs ! love u guys OH SO MUCH ! and i noe right. lol =P
Rush: if not then wat? huahua.. yes2 we trust u guys. must treat us well ah. haha.. =P
Fee: fee ! yr the one who brought the DSLR. yay i rmbred ! haha.. extreme awesome one? hmm.. can lah. but if i join aready, i will take over yr place. nolah kidding. aha.. oh and thanks for the birthday wish. =)
Mia: i noe right Ashley is the hottest.. haha.. of cos yr present is the most important one and special. i espeacially love the black colour cloth. *wink2. lol.. =P
Khai: yay i rock ! haha.. yay.. u guys better treat us well.. if not.. *thinking wat i wanna do* haha.. oh.. enjoy yr camp ! and that birth thingy.. question marks all over my face. haha.. see ya soon ! =D
SAR: leceh kau ! menyusahkan hidup aku jerr.. haha.. =P