ehh ! can assignments please stop coming in !
haiyoooooo.. alot to do siaa.
u think wat.. im Wonderwoman ah?
Singapore birthday coming also want to give assignments. cheh.. tkde link. haha.. =P
lets see..
1) Colour theory (must be approved by this week)
2) Design Fundamental (must be approved by this week)
3) Digital Photography
4) Visual Arts
5) Maths Home Based Exam. (this one really shit one. hmph !)
im so stressed lahh.. and after all this assignment finish.. comes the studio project.
OMG ! i soooooooo need KFC now ! -____-
just now went Vivo with farr and nifa and nifa frend !
wheeeee..! nifa and friend-in-law do assignment.
me and farr play lappy. LOL.
and i always distract nifa with my on-the-floor leg lift. LOL.
then friend-in-law treat drinks. =DDD
then decided to head to wdlnds for the NDP concert thingy.
oh yah.. in the train something VERY VERY FUNNY HAPPENED !
so there's this one guy who sneezes.. VERY LOUD !
somemore its very sudden. like "HACHOO !"
and then..(HAHAHAHA) nifa got schocked !! like really2 shocked !
and she melatah-ed "EHH !" as if scolding the person.
i tell u it was ULTIMATE FUNNY SIAA !
u try ah become Nifa now. then u do "EHH !"
with a very serious face while widening yr eyes acting shocked.
(skali krg betul2 buat eh. HAHA ! =P)
i could'nt stop laughing !! REALLY ! HAHAHA !
u need to be there to laugh out loud !! HAHA ! haiss.. =DD
then reached wdlnds.. then ran to the stage cos EVG mly dance was on.
right timing or wat?!
but then.. cikgu iswani wasnt there. instead, some new teacher. -.-
then2, shouted VERY loudly while singing stand up for spore. HAHA !
and i think i hurt my throat. hmmm.. -__- stupid !
too bad baby couldnt come. =(
hope u had fun just now with yr family ! =D <3
i veryyy sleepy. tmr sunday gonna spend the whole day doing assignment.
oh yah.. do u ever feel scared when u wanna sleep.
i alwayshave this phobia.. not phobia lah.
i always have this fear of something grabing parts of yr body.
i very scared to put my legs or hands out the bed.
its very irrtating u noe, somemore im tall(hmm, stop stating the obvious yayat. LOL =P) then like my feet will always hang out of my bed.
then i would bend my likes. very scary u noe !
so whenever i sleep, i would keep myself in my bed zone. LOL.
hmmm.. to think of it, i never never EVER change my blog URL since i started.
cool or wat? HAHAH ! -_-
hmm.. thinking of changing it but.. duno lahh.
gudniteeeeeeess !


this the poster i made for my photography assignment. LOL or wat?! hahahaha..
the assignment was to create a movie poster. actually due date last week. LOL
then terserempak ngn lecturer tu.. then i was like "mati.."
hahaha.. then do last min work. wheeee..
got inspiration from step up and stuff like that. haha..
but kind simple lahh. lol. im not that good at Photoshop ! =P
Sulaiman main character lah seh ! (but sedeh, cant see the face) hahaha.
"FFDC PRODUCTION (where all is seen) and DIGITAL FADFACTION (hearing everything)"
HAHA ! mcm paham sia yayat ! =P
this is soo a "D" graded poster. lol. =P
Fresh Fix won third for Da Shocase 8. weeee..!
so proud of all the fishes. go Goldeens !
and congrats Fantastic Remix for getting second
and of course congrats to Fhunkiestylerz for getting first ! =D i like !
and shit sia.. icouldnt take off my jacket on the routine. haha.
funny lahh. oh and ! i almost did a full split can !! haha..
goshh.. im so proud of myself.. haha..
but still cacat lahh.. im still ameteur at this.. hurhur.
i look up to everybody who did splits that day. woot woot !
it seems effortless kan. omg lahh.. =DDD
and goshhh.. im sooo gonna miss all the Goldeens !!
haisss ! im missing them already ! seriously !
can we go sentosa again and have fun?! =PP
oh i wanna say thanks personally here..
thanks Far for coming down altho yr sick.
thanks nifa for coming ! make sure come down for every of our performances !
thanks atika for coming after yr own competition. oh and congrats for getting 1st. =D
thanks JiaBao for borrowing me the jacket !
thanks baby's classmates for coming down too !
thanks Greg for being with us always ! ALWAYS ! =DD
oh and of course,
thanks Baby, Bryan, Khai, Sulaiman, Kamil, Rush and Zul for making Fresh Fix work !
i love it ! love spending time with all of u guys.. all those laughters.
those lame jokes. those lame steps. HAHA !
omg lahh ! im sooo gonna miss u guys lahh ! haisss..
everyday during sch.. i always look forward to finish school cos i wanna meet u guys.
to laugh, to dance, to joke, to do everyting with u guys. awwww..
must see soon okay ! =(((
Roshazmira, hope u have had a great time.
two parties sehhhhh !
best keper.. hurhur..
sooooo.. posting this in red. =))))))))
on sunday, went to celebrate her birthday at her house together with her family.
but too bad. not all BFFLs could come.
only me far and nifa. boohoo !
surprise baby. went her house.
haven mandi yet !!! ewwwwwww ! =PP
bought cake drinks and baby's mum cooked epok2. =D
then cut cake. then eat cake.
then all watch Fresh Fix on youtube. HAHA !
tkde kejer laen. lol.
then have fun.. then went home.
then on monday.
after school.. surprise her under her house again.
this time all BFFLs were there.. weeee-ness lah cann !!
miss Esah and Nutty ! =DDD
bought her cake again.
the cake nice ! cos nad and esah decorated it by themselves.
actually farr me and nifa also.
we talked on the phone wat to decorate. (man, im sooo lying. haha)
then celebrate at her house again. HAD FUN !
cut cake. take pics. then i throw goreng pisang at nifa. AHAHA !
then we watched da shocase together again on youtube. LOL.
only we four noe lahh. ahaha.. =P
too bad esah and nad had to leave early. awww.. =(
and baby received a very BIG BIG teddy bear !
and she named it EVA. LOL !
please ask her where she got the inspiration of the name.. HAHA !
then, took bus home with nifa.
while at the bustop, i asked her to do leg lift on the floor.
then suddenly she discovered she can do it..
man, was she excited ! hahahaha.. =P
baby, hope u have had a GREAT time aite ! =DDD
happy 17th again ! =DD
just now rehersal.. Went Penin with baby and Haziqah first to get my pants.
wheeee.. now if i wanna go shopping must ajak Haziqah. LOL.
she sooooo makcik lah can. hahaha..
can bargain for me. wheee.. =D
then ate at Qiji ! gosh i miss eating there !
just now eat the nasik lemak set 3. now feel like eating the laksa.
hmmm. craving siaa.. lol.
then head to youth park. met the rest.. got Arman and Greg also.
*eh minah..(while sitting on the pathetic chair)*
hahahah.. =PP
then something happened to Arman when taking the train.
HAHAHA ! funny siaaa ! then majok. lol
we thot it was part of the walk. haha.. =DDD
omg ! today is the day..
yeaa.. just like what Kamil say..
"When Vogue meets Hiphop.
What do u get?"
sooooo.. come down to find out =D
i love Jordin Sparks' Battlefield ! =DD
ohh... and i still owe Greg 6bucks. lol. =P
today Bryan brutally abused me ! (the brutally is so lying. lol.)
haiss.. iget back to this later. haha..
by the anyboohoo, today's practise was intensive. cos tmr rehearsal aready.
saturday comp aready. wheeee..!
i dun care if we dun get a placing cos i really had fun practising with Fresh Fix.
really ! all those times spent with Fresh Fix was really fun ! =D
i won't ever forget this. now that we have been chased out of our "home".
awwww.. memories lah cann. hmm.. so sad..
so yea.. back to Bryan abused me trial. hahaha..
cheh, mcm court gituu eh. hahaha..
so there Fresh Fix were, practising..
all tried to rehearse for taking out our first layer of clothes.
so practise, then SUDDENLY Bryan couldn't take off his jacket..
he had a BIG difficulty taking it off..
then he shouted.. then he rushed to position(still trying to take off his jack) and he dance(still trying very very hard to take off his jack) while not realising that he is hitting me many many2 times with his jack.
he was like swinging his jacket at me lahh. i got hit many times.
sedeh siaaa.. but HAHAHAH ! i cant stop laughing man !!
so did the rest.. it was damn funny lah ! lol..
lucky Haziqah recorded it. can see and laugh out loud again. lol.. =PP
oh.. and Kamil's jacket almost similiar like mine.
so sebok ah.. ahhaha.. kidding lahh !
and Sulaiman said he's gonna buy like Kamil's one.
so got three similar.. hmmm.. hahahha..
nevermind.. cool ppl wear that jacket. LOL. =P
then then.. we practise got another time.
then i accidentally step on Bryan's shoe and it came off !
HAHAHA ! i really can't stand when someone's shoe came off. hahahaha !
me and baby was practically laughing all the way. lol.
ohh.. speaking of baby. hahaha..
she hurt her foot. aawww..
cos she action want to do relevae with socks only. lol..
hahahha.. biler suro buat relevae tknk, biler tk suro buat nk buat. hahaha..
today like many accidental things happened. haha
*its britney, farah*
HAHAHAAHAHA ! funny lah !
so yea.. Da Sho'Case 8 in on saturday(25th July 09)
from 5pm-10pm at *Scape Youth Park.
support Fresh Fix !
if u wanna see hiphop-ers do vogue and vogue-ers do hiphop. then its us !
cheh.. mcm paham eh.
hahahha.. support all the other fabulous crews too ! =)
(i laugh a min ago. cos my brother very funny.
he go fry stuff. then i see.. wahh.. got nuggets, got ham, got omelette.
then suddenly got one piece of begedel there. hahaha..
and i duno why i laugh. he also found it awkward. LOL. slenger !)
wow three more days to Da Sho'Case 8. =DD
rehearsal on friday. wheeeee.. i can't waait to walk the runway. =DD
actually we combine three crew.
FFDC, Fad Faction and Where Is My Lunchbox(Mia alone).
so the starting will be like..
"FFDC, Fad Faction, Where Is My Lunchbox(singer version).... Fresh Fix !"
HAHAHAHAHA ! nolahh.. this one all make up stories one. hahaha.. =P
ytd very funny ! hahahhaha..
so ytd after prac me and baby wait for 858 bus.
then we wait in the queue. hahaha..
then i melatahkan baby "buang wallet dlm tong sampah !"
hahha.. first few attempts tk menjadi. then finally worked ! lol.
she really did throw her wallet inside the tong sampah.
HAHAHA ! soooo eww lahh..
then the bus came. and we were like "eh cepat amek wallet !"
and she litterally korek inside the tong sampah for her wallet !
HAHAHHA ! i cant stop laughing siaaa ! LOL. =PP
then just now went for FB prac for awhile.
then wait for baby to come. dance3..
i was asking around who can do split and leg lifts. hahaha
so far got 2 can do splits. got one can do leg lift.
cool siaaa ! =DDDD
i got my own leg lift style. the leg lift to baby's shoulder. lol.
after that went Fresh Fix prac.. finished the routine aready. wheeee..!
very tiring.. really.. haiss..
Bryan got new hairstyle aready. hahaha..
can change2 one.. lol.
blue colour somemore.. haha..
*eh kau bodoh ke per..* LOL.
klah thats it.. and yay ! next week colour theory and photography last lecture.
wheeee.. fun or wat.. =DDD
Replies to Tag :
sap: yea2 splits. hope i can do it soon ! =D
nabillah: lol. yalah. i where got forget old friends one. haha. alrite !
Bryan: hahaha.. *where is my lunchbox*
Greg: hahaha.. yea lets hope i can do it soon. and nooo. after i floss then i do. lol
Ayim 30t: hey2 ! alrite2.. keep on dancing yea !
far2: thank you farr ! baper lamer ah i never see u ! =P
Mia: awww.. happy 6months to u too baby ! love u love u ! and i sengajer nk letak "wearer". *eh cool ke per* hahaha..
Arman: cut my fringe? no way.. u cut yr bangs first then i'll cut my fringe. haha. :P
OMGOMGOMGOMG ! gotten new lappy ! soooooo happy !
love mommy and daddy so much ! the old lappy can throw away aready ah.
lets name this lappy of mine something. hmmm.. =DD
last fri had colour theory test together with baby.
haha ! at lecture hall. i sat infront of baby. lol !
and we just couldn't stop laughing to watever the lecturer was saying. hahha..
then came back the memory of secondary sch. aaaawwwwww.. =(
so before, during and after the test i was CHOTTING baby away. hahahahaha..
finally our classes came together. =DD
saturday went prac. did stuff and stuff. hahaha..
me, baby, Arman, Zul and Rush went for the briefing.
got a lil bit of rehearsal. Arman sebok only. hahah. =P
i loveeeeeeee the intro lahh cann.. =D
and i noe wat to werar aready !! yay ! at least i think. haha.. im happy for myself.
(at first thot of wearing HOTPANTS but noooooooooooo.. later baby cubit. hahahah ! kidding only lahh ! lol.)
and yay i chose orange !
the colour of youth and lively. (thanks to colour theory) =D
and omg ! left like 5 more days only ! hmmm.. lets work hard kay guys. =)
then sunday went survery laptops. ended up daddy say can buy.
wheeeeeeee..! ape lagik.. beli lahh. hahaha..
happy happy me !
oh i cut my hair aready ! quite short. =P
still got fringe. cos i look ugly without fringe. lol.
went prac just now. and im really2 tired. 5 more days sehh. haiss..
oh and just now Khai fall ! hahahaha ! funny sia !
this makes it the second time he fell while dancing using socks. haha..
see like me.. use socks never fall.
so professional i noe.. HAHA ! mcm paham yayat ! =P
im soooooo gonna work the runway this fri and sat ! =P
omg ! hope i dun fall or trip or sumthing like Khairul Asyraf.
oh yea for this saturday's (25th july '09) dance competition details.
its Da Sho'Case dance competition held at *Scape Youth Park(beside Cineleisure, Somerset)
time i not sure yet. confirm again.
come kay come kay ! support Fresh Fix and other crews too ! =D
baby, happy 6 months anni !
i didnt realise 6mths is already HALF a year until Haziqah told me. lol.
well time flies.. =D
happy 6 months again baby ! i love u.. muaackss (x1000) <3
(i wanted to post a pic but then realise got nuthing inside my lappy.lol)<
Goldeens ! i cant wait for friday !
oh and mommy now always close the door ever since she received that sms abt "the nenek tua jual kropok" thingy. hahaha ! funny lah she ! =P
hmm.. i just wanna blog about this.
baby, i noe we've been thru ALOT these days..
u've been thru alot, i've been thru alot.
its hard for u and its hard for me too.
but i noe u can only take in that much.. its really difficult.
we've got alot of hindrance but i hope im not one of it.
i stayed strong, and im still staying as strong.
promise me u must be strong to get thru this..
WE must stay strong..
but as of now, its a no big deal for me anymore.
yr always there on my side acting as a girlfriend as bestfriend at the same time.. that, i thank you.
i mean if u didnt force me, it will still be a BIG QUESTION MARK.
i still do not noe if u are okay..
cos whenever i speak of this, u were like as if gonna tear liddat.
but to me, its no big deal, im just tired.
oh well.. but i will always be on yr side.
and i loveeeeeeeeeee u.....! <3>
oh shit ! i feel like fcuking H1N1 up.. hahahah !
seriously sehh..now MDIS cancelled bcos of that.
i was so excited abt it lahh.. im soooooo bumped ! =(
nvm.. still got Da Sho'case 8 ! wheeeeee..!
still excited tho ! =D
omg ! i cant wait till i can do full split ! haha..
then can do jump split.. im so ameteur lah. i noe.. haha.
but im NEARLY(like two index fingers away frm the floor. i may be exageratting tho. haha..) there.
but must be patient. =DDDDDD
then after that can do leg lift. OMG !
i cannot wait for THAT day to come lahh. haha..
i think i estimate it end of september i can do split aready..
cheh ! mcm phm eh.. hahaha.. =P
oh myy.. mixing Victoria Secret's Sweet Temptation and Forbidden Fantasy is niceeeeeeeeeeee..
its damn nice !! u guys shud try ! i was like maen2 with the perfume.
then suddenly the aroma nice siaaaaaa.. haha..
its already been a week since i did this. =D
off to downloading Pokemon Stadium 2 ! =DDD

i just love this picture lahh.. haha.. LOL.
so self-obsessed. actually nolah. where got.. hah.
im very bored !!!!!!!! tmr school aready. haiss..
ohh just now i eat Tom Yum Ban Mian then my hingus terkeluar.
hahaha.. ewww.. *nenek taik hidung terkeluar* LOL.
i want go practise.. but today sunday. hmmm..
and i cant wait for semester break. wheeee..! =D
ohh well.. i duno wat else to say.
ohh and baby.. i miss u soooooooo much.
yay ! can go sch with u tmr. =D
this one i cannot afford Lady GaGa shades, so i use my fingers. cool right.. =P
i like my hair.. but i want cut it shorter soon. =D that girl in pink sebok ah..

the small small umbrella is called the "Mira Curry umbrella" LOL.
im dry. she's wet.. ooooooooo.. hahaha..
oh and i want new shoessssss !!
omg.. i didnt noe u ppl was so concern. lol.
its okay. im okay..
thanks for asking ppl.. was just venting it out ytd.
now okay aready. lol..
went prac just now.. baby didnt follow. =(
learn new choreo.. the Boom Boom Pow song.. niceeeeeeeeeeee ! i likeeee !
im soooooooo looking forward for everything to finish.
confirm lawar one the whole MDIS routine.. hahahaha..
action sia(Haz's style).. hahahah.. *i action*
and just now make fun of Miley. HAHHAHA ! funny !
and i..... i gotta keep TRYYINNNNGG ! *making the retarted face* LOL !
then frm there me and bryan make a new handshake out of that. hahaha..
and ohh.. i can do left lift while sitting on the floor with me hands touching my heels aready. wheeeeeeeee.. im sooooooo happy.. hahahaha.. =P
oh and i didnt realise today was my brother's birthday !
mum msg during prac, she say come home quick cos wanna order pizza hut.
haha.. well.. HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY ABG !
i cannot bare to wait anymore. so i salam everyone and went off.
Arman so bad.. never wait for me. bastard sia.. =P
wellllllllll.. just a short post. kinda bored tho. hmm..
why do i always get the blame?
why? why?
shit.. im fucking pissed off right now..
how many times have this happened?
not once, not twice but alot of times !
man ! im so tired of this.
so meaning im the bad guy here?
im a bad influence to u?
so because of me that they thought u became like this?
became a GREAT liar? became very rebellious?
is it? try to prove me right then i will understand and apologies..
i dun understand why would she accuse me of what you've become.
do u think im really the cause for all of this?
well, she thinks i am.
and im really sick of this.. REALLY SICK OF THIS.
whenever this happened, my mood would change totally.
(sorry for not replying and picking up yr call. i seriously was in no mood)
i always have this one word stuck in my head; "why?"
i duno how to endure with this anymore.
it demoralises me alot; seeing me as a bad impression.
just think what you've done to them that makes them to pin-point me.
one more time, yayat. just one more time.
see if i can handle this.
if not.. im just gonna let time decide.
cos nobody is making this easy.
(and i think that exclamation mark in that msg is very rude)
i've not been going for math lecture for quite sometime lahh.
haiss..i soooooooooo need to buck.......... IN DANCE ! HAHA !
nolahh kidding.. LOL. i sooooooooo need to buck in my studies..
oh oh ! speaking of dance.. and yeaaaaaa !
FFDC and FAD FACTION are collaborating to join MDIS.. as... FFFFFDC? HAHA !
im soooooooooooo looking forward to dance with FAD FACTION !
i wanna learn break !! someone teach me ! my cracker buddy teach me pls ! haha..omg !
FAD FACTION is coooooooool !
if u dunhav enough member just call me.. HAH ! =P
okay okay.. i want blog about SENTOSA !
it was to celebrate Rush, Khai and Haz birthday.
i want go again !!! =DD
i came at about 3 plus. then all of them was like bashing each other with cakes.
lucky i came on the right time. hahaha..
guys.. actually im Raven. nolaaaaaaaahhhhhhh ! hahahhah.. =D
then then.. eat cake(baby suap me one. =D). pop "champagne". (oh, and it was quite nice) =)
then played dog and bone. HAHA ! omg lahh !
wrestling ! esp Rush and Haziqah ! VIOLENT OI ! LOL..
and they always argue about little things lahh.. and then i would laugh. hahaha..
then go play with sea.. eeeeee.. salah nyer sentence aku. haha..
they play with sea while me and Kamil eat crackers. he's my cracker buddy frm now on. lol. i want the WASEBI PRAWN CRACKERS again ! very nicee !
Jom Kamil beli !
actually the story like this one.. they all play with the sea.
then me and Kamil watch them play while eating crackers.
different diffrent crackers.. hahaha..
and thats whyyyyyyyyyy (sound effect playing : TADA !) call cracker buddies !!
ohhh.. then rain came.. cos Arman sang "Come Clean" wrongly.
see.. thats the result for making fun of Hilary. *turn behind while flipping hair*
then most sheltered under this small shelter.. -__-
then rain stopped. then continued playing.. FUN !
then rain came again.. sheltered somewhere else. made a fool of ourselves there.
hahahha.. photoshoot-ed. wheeee..
FFDC and FAD FACTION are getting really close. =D
i had fun at sentosa.. i wanna do it again !
oh oh.. practise with FAD FACTION have been really fun so farrrrr..!
hahaha.. esp Bryan ! LOL..
*goldeen goldeen*
hahaha.. and then do the catwalk the cacat style..
but must momentum first.. HAHAHAHA !
im looking forward for every practices..!
wheeee..! =DDD

This people always make me laugh ! <3
i soooooooo want the Nokia Comes With Music Phone !
Shake up with Nokia Comes With Music!
wow.. my last post was like what. i duno.. count yrself. hahah..
and omg ! i wanna be on stage again. lol.
hiphopkickstart, MDIS..
oh yeaaa.. speaking of MDIS.. OMG OMG ! OOG ! OOG !
i really really hope it comes true. its been a dream ! a long long dream.
only baby and i noe. hahahh..
oh that day.. went to esp rooftops to meet my dearest FFDC-ians.
haha.. ate pizza and cake. wheee..
ohhh then went underground saw FIS. OMG FIS !!! hahah.. i like. =D
all the best for Jim Bean Dance Competition aite !
i duno when is it. but just all the best ! =DD
oh yea.. i realise i didnt blog about FB camp. haha..
i guess there's alot more exciting things than FB camps. lol.
but NIGHT WALK was superrrrrrrr COOL lahh !!
we came back just in time after rehearsal. =DD
it was superrrrrrrr freaking scary !
esp the ping pong ball. OOG LAHH !
sooooooo here's the story.. we reach another station; the ping pong ball.
so we need to go inside the toilet(with no lights, very very dark, and "ghost" everywhere) to fulfil the mission. i noeeeeeeee ! scaryyyyyyyyyy !
so nick mia nad and me went inside. and NAD !
hahhaha.. funny lah her ! she kept on saying "Ya' Allah ! BISMILLAH !"
ALOT OF TIME I TELL U ! hahahahh..
and there was like pontianak sitting under the sink. seriously it was DAMN scary ah ! =P
and my laptop is spoiled. shit. i think officially lah. hmm..
omg.. hiphopkickstart, MDIS and maybe suntec dance? hmmmm..
im back on the dance scene baybehh.. it feelsss soooooooo good !
ciowws ! oh man.. sch's in 3 days. =((