haiss.. i've been coughing real bad now.
just now going home. train was damn crowded. peak hours. duhhh..
then i tahan2 my cough. very irritating. hmph !
itchy throat ! (angry)
then saw Shi Yu in the bus just now. she was so excited lahh i duno why.. haha..
okayy so.. i thot i figured out wats wrong with blogger.
but then i still cant upload pics thru blogger.
i mean the page is in order but i just cant upload it. urgh ! damn this thing !
just now sch was slack.. okay actually everyday.
hahaha.. always liddat one since studio project started.
come to sch frm 9 to 6.
but then we only do relevant stuff for an hour or two. slackers !
oh oh ! and then in class just now.. i did a special photoshop for mia. HAHHA !
i love wat photoshop can do okay ! LOL ! omg.. i wanna see the pic first.
wait... HAHAHAHAHA ! omg ! funny man ! huahuahua !
sorry huh.. joking jerr ! but u gotta admit its funny kan?! hahahahh ! woooooo(while wiping tears) !
ohh well.. just now buker-ed nasi campor. mum made roti hotdog !
wheee..! i love it ! =DDDD
and dun u guys agree that time flies very fast? hmmm..
can't wait to buker with BFFLs and Fresh Fix !
andand.. cant wait for rayer ! hahaha..
BFFLs promise to save 50bucks each for our upcoming chalet !
wheee-ness !! and im saving up to buy a new shoe.. *kening naek2*
ohh2.. and just now i played "Tap-Tap" at my classmates iPhone.
hahaha ! very fun ! i always play lovegame song. LOL !
whoooo..! Ramadhan month is here ! i love it !
Setan2 sudah di ikat. huahuahua !
buka-ed Seafood just now. wheeee..!
and as always, im the last to leave the table. LOL.
andand the song after the azan never gets old. i like it ! =D
so.. one of the three weeks of studio project is striked off aready.
wheeee..! just 2more weeks.. and then party time ! =DDD
but now puasa aready.. cannot go breakfast with teamates at mac.
HAHAHA ! and me and atika always like every 1 hour go out buy food.
now cannot do that anymore.. booooo..!
and i cant wait for post production.
i became iceman (photoshop much !) =DD
oh yah ! ytd i sahur eat very little.. VERY !
its like i put a small handful of nasik goreng on my plate and one nugget.
then mum said "eh eh, mcm makan kucing." LOL..
then then just now ! when buker right..
somebody knocked the door. then mum say not to open.
then dad say to open cos who noes neighbour wanna pass food.
then bro go open. then he thot org jual kuih and he said dunwan then he close the door.
then the person still outside then mum open. then it was our neighbour giving kueh !
cos she put the kueh in the plastic wrapper like the shop one so my brother thot it was someone wanna sell it ! hahahha.. funny man i tell u !
we all couldnt stop laughing at the table. LOL. kesian jiran tu.. =PP
ohh well.. just updating. and i think studio project going well. =D
omg ! lets go to PWH.BS. u noe i noe.. HAHA ! =P
(today's photoshoot for the other grp. it was damn hot okayy ! and i would'nt wear that Yellow Tprawks shirt to sch lahh. cos they ask me to wear bright yellow to show that im happy. -_- the top picture was random. HAHA !)
OMG ! studio project has been fun afterall !
hahahha.. seriously ! those 9-6pm daily has become fun !
lol.. cos we just simply slack inside the lab (at least i noe our grp) HAHAHA !
nothing better to do. just now..
i cant count how many mins we actually did stuff linking to studio project.
30mins? ahhahaha.. out of that 9hours.. we only use 30mins to do something related to studio project. HAHHAHA ! stupid siaaa..
cos we only do wat we are instructed to do. haha. so pemalas. LOL.
and today i think i ate alot ! seriously..
ate nasik ayam penyet. then go buy chocs and pringles.
then bought wedges. then at home sis bought kebab. omg lahh !
i duno why today has been a damn tiring day. LOL..
then the past few days, me and atika was like planning wat to eat the next day always.
hahahha.. just now was like "tmr we have breakfast with them lahh at mac.."
hahahaha.. our grp always go to eat like nobody's business.
cos got no CC. then like can go out anytime..
then ytd was like.. we need to present our ideas to our CC at 3pm.
then at 10am Angleline say we need to sketch one more idea.
then discuss2 aready. i say.. ahh okay 2.30pm we draw.
HAHAHA ! very slack one ! i wish sch was like this ! hahha !
and i duno why.. i also mistook the train.
i mistook the train two times in two days in a row.
on monday when going home with Sherlin and Weijie, i was being my dumb me and went to the other platform(towards marina bay). then i turn around both of them gone aready.
then i realise im on the wrong platform. then sherlin laugh. (angry)
then on tues when going home with sherlin again, but she going dhouby ghaut. the train came.
we werre at the escalator. then i thot it was my train so i rushed up the escalator.
then i realised its not my train. then i turn and mimed "its yr train (while pointing to it)"
HAHAH ! stupid siaa ! mayb i cant wait to get back home. LOL.
ohhh well.. tmr the last day of this week ! wheee..!
after this 3weeks hols ! whoooooo..!
i duno how long the hols. but the CC said its more than 3wweeks !
omg lahh ! shiok man ! Hari Raya holidays ! :D
and blogger is really fcuking me up in the ass..
i cant upload pics ! stupid !
there's so many pics i want to upload !
and the page is like so retarded !
(this scene are actually us running away from a BIG monster ! haha.. they're just gonna edit a shadow being overcast on us. =DD )
sucks isn't it?! VERY ! heeeergghhh !
i really hope i do my studio project properly. -_-
okayy sooo.. on other notes. today was the first day of the three weeks of studio project
yes.. the one which is 9-6pm.
and just one day.. it already feels like 3weeks ! urgh !
seriously sehh.. but then again. its not that bad.
to think of it.. its just 15days(well, now its 14days lahh)
i cant wait to end it ! after that.. 6WEEKS OF HOLIDAYS !
just now reached home around 7. THEN ! then kan then kan..
nobody was at home.. -_-
this hasn't happened to me since.. i duno.. sec 4?
really.. soooo long aready.. i always come home confirm got one member of the family.
then now today. like no one. so saddening..
like no one to share my tiredness to.
very sad u noe.. hmm..
then called mommy. said she's at NTUC.
i ask her to buy chocs and Potato chips.
then she say "if u want u come."
i said i was soooo tired.
but then.. she bait me with KFC ! -_-
how can i resist that !! HAHHA !
gotten Melts !! wheeeee..!
HELL for 14days.
i don't know why i couldn't upload pictures up to blogger. -_-
I don't want Monday to come !!

OMG ! wheeeeeeee..! but dun be shocked.. this picture very decceiving one. haha..
this pic bluff one ah. actually i bent my lef leg abit. LOL..
i cant wait til i can do it properly ! im quite happy i can reach this far.
im still ameteur lah.
lol. i really look up to those who can do it effortlessly ! =D
so just now, thot of going Fbodz prac. BUT THEN.....!
hmm.. nutt dun wanna go. then ape lagik.. Movie ah !
hahahha.. so watched UP with nutt and mia. wheee..!
and we were 20mins late for the movie.
it started at 7.35pm. but before that we ate at Banquet.
we are three stupid ppl u noe.
we looked at the time, it was like 7.40ish..
and we were like "eh cepat ah cepat ah.."
but then we continue to eat slowly and continue to laugh our ass off talking abt some stuff. *kening naek2* LOL.
stupid kan.. dah tau lambt lagik blh ketawe2. -__-
so we went in at around 7.55.
then we didnt realise we were following other ppl into other rooms.
HAHAHHAHA ! funny siaa ! seriously ! HAHAHA !
so then went home. and saw Canadian Pizza box on the table.
was soooooooo delighted ! huahahuahua..
but i said to myself later then eat. =D
so after that i got nuthing better to do..
so i plugged in my iPod to my Xbox and play music and just stretch in my room.
and i really did push myself this time. =P
i did splits, leg lift on the floor. and man, i felt good ! =DDD
andand.. OMG LAHH ! i soooooo learnt my lesson !
cos i fall just now with a loud thud !
until my mom went inside and ask wat happened..
then i said i fall then she laughed at me.. sooo bad ! =/
and it hurts okay ! urgh !
i learnt my lesson. should've taken Mia's advice then. LOL. =P
so yea.. stretch3.. and now my leg's a lil wobbly. hah.
oh and i recorded myself dancing to Kimberly's I don't wanna fall in love song.
hahahaha.. the DDWT version. HAHAH !
bodoh kann.. -_-

whenever i look at this picture.. i will think of the song "Come to me" LOL. =P

this is wat happened when u are too engrossed. =P

stupid person. -_-

muker maintain ah. mntk kene sepak.. =P

mom took this pic. LOL.
here on earth there's so much confusion.
people living in a kind of illusion.
sometimes the world is just so small.
u can reach anybody just by giving yr all.
as far as i go there's one thing i noe. its never too tough.
i'll give anything but up. =)

okayy.. let me start off with something.
i think SMRT should put something, somesort like a machine that enable us to check our Ezlink card balance at every bustops. seriously sehh !
like something when we swipe our card, it shows our balance.
like Timezone liddat. ahhhhhhhhh !
BECAUSE.. just now..! when i wanted to go to sch..
i wanted to take the bus.. then skali *tetetetetetete*(the irritating sound of the tapper)
ezlink no value ! then i check for my coins. NO COINS ! OOG kan !
then i was like "urgh.. wat to do wa to do?"
then this wonderful kind lady willingly offer me coins.
then i said "oh no, its okay."
then i go down and walk to the MRT station. OMG LAHH !
so embarrasing ! hmmm !
somemore the *tetetetetete* so demoralising. hahahahha !
haiss.. i think SMRT shud take this into consideration. lol
hmm.. and i really hate school !
starting next week for three weeks, STUDIO PROJECT !
OMG ! everyday 9am-6pm !
maner blh hidup gini ! haha.. really sehh..
how to survive.. everyday 9 to 6.
puasa somemore ! hmmm..
for three weeks !! haaaaaaaaaa.. i wanna cry. haiss.. =(
but after that HOLIDAY ! whoooooooo ! cant wait !
and i just wanna say thanks to Nadhirah Diyana for understanding and giving advice.
i took yr advice and yeaaa.. everything is better now.
i noe yr always there for me. and always will.
goshh ! i should have gotten to u first lah. hmmm..
now everything is fine. thanks Nutt !
and do u noe sometimes u freak me out. hahaha.. =D

sometimes when i see a person, no particular person tho
its like how i wish i was like them.
but then again, why wanna be like them when u noe yr different.
why wanna be typical?
i guess being different is being me. and im just being me by being different. =)

in the chalet. wheee..! i think i ate too much BBQ food.
speaking of BBQ.. just now i bought Mac.
then i ask for Sweet&Sour sauce.
then the person gave me BBQ sauce.
then i was like "nono, Sweet&Sour.."
then she was like "yah that one"
then i was like "no.. the green colour one"
and she was like "green colour? dun hav green colour"
and i was like "okay2.. nvm"
STUPID WOMAN ! hahaha.. -__-
just work Mac ytd ah?! skali betol ehh.. hahah.. =P
just now played bowling.
i got two strikes.. wheee !
then planned to watch G.I Joe.. then full. =(
got subway sia here !
tempting bodoh ! HAHAHH !
if only it was halal. haiss.. haha
i would soooooooo buy the 5.90 meal. LOL..
i want shower !
i smell BBQ-ish. hmmm..
tmr farr ajak all go 18chefs..
hmm.. i dun really noe wats that.. but sounds delicious.. lol.
but i cant.. im sorry. haiss.. =(
enjoy the nights purple !

(ehem2.. its Emporio Armani okay thankyouverymuch. courtesy of Nutt's. haha. ohh ! and i love my hair. HAHA !)
wheeee..! had fun today with BFFLs again ! goshh.. =D
except this time.. farr wasnt with us. =(
why always one gotta be like this? hmmm..
okay wait ! first of all ! i wanna say I AM DAMN BROKE !
seriously sehh. kering sia wallet aku ! -_-
so me, baby, nutt and aisyah fetch nifa frm TP.
ain't we the sweetest? sings *dun cha wish yr bestfriend was sweet like us*
okay wait.. i think i've sung this before. hmmm..
after fetched her went bedok to meet nifa's mum.
ate macdonald. but then shit. i have no money !
serious shit siaaa.. i have no money in wallet and no money in the bank.
i had to ask them for change for my bus fare. -_-
i feel sooooooooo urgh.. i think nad noes how i feel.
cos she also suddenly broke. omg lah nutt !
then no money to eat. and i told them "eh mcm tknk hidup seh"
HHHAHAHHA ! then baby laughed at me. -_-
i duno why suddenly im broke. hmm..
but then nvm..
baby blanja-ed me. thanks baby ! =D
i feel soooo dumb being broke. hahah.. really !
i go place the tissue on top of the chilli sauce.
then i scolded nad for spraying water padehal it was me.
then i blurt out my food in my mouth at baby. (not to mention in the bus, my saliva flew out to baby's bag three times when i talk.) lol.
really sehh.. i duno ah. dun feel like living. haiss..
okay back to BFFLs..
so then went ion orchard. esah bought her shoes.
then nifa and i worked at UniQlo for 5 mins liddat.
cos we both wear tags on our neck. HAHA !
we were like "hi ! welcome to uniQlo. " =D
then2 somebody ask nifa "if i dun fit can i exchange it?" AHHAHA !
and nifa straight away ran out of the shop ! hahaha
scared sia she !! LOL..
then we also work as flyer givers.
i took a wholesome of papers frm topshop and then stand outside and give it to ppl.
hahahah.. oh, did i mention nifa wore slippers? HAHAHHAHA ! =P
we planned to catch a movie but it was getting late. =(
but we had alot of fun !! crapping at Mac. and in the train. LOL.
with mia randomly tapping strangers. HAHA !

(our table at mac. the table was so small ! and our stuff was everywhere. after eating, all the chillis terbalek2. kesian cleaner kene clean maha clean. lol.)

(OMG ! this is funny ! hahahaha ! it looks like a trolley or a prime for babies right? but noooooooo.. its a chair stacked with our bags. HAHAHA !)

OMG ! love them !
OMG ! and now i found out my prepaid hot 128 has expired.
best ker per gini. just as i thot my life would'nt get any broker.
damn. why all today? hahaha..
i soooooooooo need to learn to save up !
no money in wallet. no money in bank. no money in prepaid. =,(

(aaawww.. i still rmbr this picture. it was my favourite. i think it still is. =D
the graphic "gejek2" aredy. cos its so long.. 2007. how cute.. LOL. =P )
had alot of fun with BFFLs today !
we went to town ! =DD
thanks EVERBODY ! except nifa wasn't there. still not complete yet. =(
actually the motive that we went town was to do my Photography assignment.
then all wanna follow. sooooooo cool kan. all for me. LOL.
kay yayat perasan. hahaha..
i had alot of fun !! it was FUN okay !
its been so long since we did all these.
merepek-ing in the MRT.
and just not think about sch. haisss.. i wish everyday was like this. =(
so we went town.
and it was my first time to ION Orchard.
it was niceee !! super nice !
i think its better than Vivo.. =DD
alot of shops !! i like !!
so after walk2 around ION orchard.
was getting very hungry. went to eat at Nasi Ayam Penyet Ria at Lucky Plaza.
whooooooo..! long time since i ate that. =D
all eat different.. i eat Bawal, baby Pecelele, esah ayam, nad bakso, farr.....
hahahah ! farr one special. she drink only.
ehh.. glamour u noe the drink. its called "Soda Gembira"
nad's bakso came late lah. and we were sooooo hungry.. -_-
it was fun ! we crapped inside the restaurant.
we sat there for quite long time. hahahaha !
crap3.. goshh ! i missed those times.. *sobs*
(&& aisyah duno wats mia's food.. then aisyah said "eh nk rase ikan nie.. ikan leceh..")
HAHAHAHA ! funny lah she ! she called the pecelele "ikan leceh" LOL !
ohhh myyy god.. i just LOVE laughing with u guys.. =D
then went back.. crapped again inside the train.
then when farr wanna take picture with DSLR, suddenly the lens come out..
HAHAHA ! it was damn hilarious lah cann.. LOL.
haiss.. i wish everyday was like this.. =(
i feel suck-ish.
i duno whyyyy.. hmm..
maybe some people just don't know how to be fair. -_-
i think they should remove the word "trust" and "secret" from the dictionary.
cos u cant keep a secret.
even to yrself, u tend to tell others. that burning feleing to tell others. cos u cant trust anyone including yrself.
cos when u say u gonna do that assignment. u trust yrself to do it.
but in the end u dun do it. LOL ! hahaha.. =P

omg ! blogging time ! =DD
i sooooooooo wanna blog abt ytd !
so many things happened ytd.
sooooo many funnyfunny things happened ! HAHAHA !
it was a tiring day !
in conclusion, we took the train SIX TIMES !
so ytd met baby to go to sch together.
then suddenly in the train..
we think2 like dun wan go sch.
so we decided not to go to sch. HAHA !
but we went to sch. contradicting kann.. LOL.
we went to sch but never go class.
then decided to go eat subway at Junction 8. huahuahua.. =P
then i came up with this STUPID game.
then we decided to play it. lol.
its called the "Straw Game".
so the game is to put a drink infront, then u close yr eyes, then the other person go adjust the straw within the cup then the person must figure out where the straw is with their mouth.
HAHAHA ! i tell u, it look REALLY3 STUPID ! LOL.
then one time, i tricked baby.
i move the cup away and she closed her eyes finding the straw.
HAHAHA ! i tell u she looked retarted ! seriously !
its like when u look at her, u think she'd belong to MINDS. LOL !
i cannot take it siaaa ! hahaha !
then just rmbred we were supposed to get tracing paper.
so we went junction8's popular. DON'T HAVE !
sialan kan. haha.. but i just kept my vulgarities inside.
just wait. hahaha !
so we decided to go back to NYP to buy the tracing paper there.
so before reaching mrt station, we went inside OP i think.
then we saw Kamil's bag inside.
then we said "baek Kamil !" HAHA !
i noee.. so the -__- LOL
then when going out of the shop kan, i sort of trip on the curb. haha.
then baby laugh at me. then then.. HAHA !
she laugh she also trip on the curb !
it was damnnnn HILARIOUS LAH ! HAHAHH ! =DD
then got another shop, we heard Lily Allen's Smile.
then baby suddenly baby move likee very randomly. VERY !
then i looked at her in disamazed. hahahaha !
then i said " OMG ! u called yrself a dancer?!" LOL ! =P
then2 got hilarious-er things happened !
so we went to take the train.
we took the lift. we didnt realise we took the wrong lift.
it led us to the Circle line instead.
so we realise it was wrong. so we went back up.
before that i FARTED in the lift. hahah..
then at level two got one wheelchair lady and her bibik come inside the lift.
THEN ! HAHA ! the lady slowly raise her hands to her nose and covers it.
HAHA ! then baby and me eye contact each other and we couldnt STOP laughing in the lift ! HAHAHA ! seriously sehh !
abeh org tua tu nk secret2 tutup hidung. i noe ah my fart smells.
but tkyah secret2 ah tutup hidung. hahahahha ! =P
oh and frm there, we decided to name her "Secret2" LOL.
then reached NYP, guess wat?
tracing paper out of stock. kurang ajar kan ! =P
sooooooooooooooo.. we decided to go to AMK to get it.
( i noe, just because of a tracing paper) -_-
so reached AMK, walk a long waaaay to go to the bookshop.
saw Popular but then baby said there's another bookshop there.
so we went baby's way.
took the stupid OLD KARAT lift !
hahaha ! then went in the bookshop.
find tracing paper. couldn't seem to find.
then that particular malay vulgarity suddenly came out of my mouth.
"Buto !" HAHAHA ! seriously, i will say that only when im fucked up and tired.
HAHA ! i was really2 tired already lahh. and so was baby.
then we asked the slaes assistant got tracing paper anot.
he say dun have !
and then we were so fucked up lahh.. we LITERALLY trashed the bookshop.
HAHHA ! we dropped files frm the shelves, we drop books off the shelves.
really !! the place was full of things on th floor !!
HAHAHA ! we were so bad lahh ! throw tantrums. HAH ! =P
then we went off. took the same OLD KARAT lift down.
then no one press the button.
i was like shouting "picit lah !" at baby.
then she say "asl u tknk picit ! picit jer lah !"
then i shouted again "tadi naek u picit perr ! picit lahhh !"
HAHAHA ! and we laughed so LOUD like we live in the lift liddat. LOL !
i dun wan pres cos the lift very karat ! so eeeew lahh ! hahahha ! =P
then2 baby suddenly randomly said "Manjel Putikel".
and i burst out of laughters just like that !
HAHAHA ! i couldnt take siaa..
it was soo random lah baby. hahahha ! =P
then we went Popular. FINALLY GOT TRACING PAPER ! =DD
then we had to walk a long way back to the MRT station.
and i was like WTH.. we were soooooo tired lah can.
i was seriously tired !
then i said ""eh Ya'Allah, penat nyer mcm nk buat split !"
and baby suddenly burts out in laughters. HAHA !
i was like serious seh that point of time. LOL.
then she laugh. then she go tambah laen2..
"penat seh mcm nk maen playground"
"penat seh mcm nk buat cake"
HAHHA ! at that point of time i seriously mean it.
but after some time when i think back.
omg its stupid ! damn stupid !
dah penat lagik nk buat split.
it will only makes u more tired kan.. -_-
hahahahhahh.. =P
then then baby accidentally said "dahu i saket ah"
HAHA ! dahu?!
LOL ! its supposed to be BAHU.
but then she said DAHU.
combination of DAGU and DAHU !
i couldnt stop laughing my ass off lah !
there's so much thing happened !
it as tiring but fun !
now im tired of typing.
byee purpple ! =DD
ohh.. i miss Fresh Fix soooooo much !
Bryan, Sulamain, Rush, Khai, Zul and Kamil !
and also Arman Haziqah Fee Amirah Haz and Duck !