OMG ! my Starhub Cable Vision's Set-up Box is spoiled.. -___-
urgh ! irritating or wat?! daddy called starhub aready.
then they say tmr they send a new box !
omg lahh ! how to live sia like thiss..
no MTV for the day. my god !
no MTV for the day is like... haveing no meal for the day u noe !
Tuesday, went to Bugis with Mia after school straight away.
cos i wanna look for boots. haha..
then went bugis streets.. walk2.. and then found this one shop FULL of boots !
and i mean FULL of boots.. seriously sehh.. suddenly we two very hyper.
then mia tried the high heels boots. very nice !!
i wanna buy ! but not the high heels one lahh.. -__-
then ate at Long John, then go eat yoghurt ice cream. =P
then went home. and as usual in the train. melatah-ness all the way !
hhahaha ! wassup ya'll ! grab crouch yerr ! LOL ! =PP
Then wednesday, me and mia wanted to watch the Faddies perform at West Mall.
but then we arrived at around 12.50pm. the performance at 12.30.
HAHAH ! then saw Rihin Love U there. lol..
then call the faddies, they went home aready. like very -__-
then went to eat at KFC. then headed to prac at airport.
it was a DAMN LONG ride lahh.. from bukit batok to changi airport. haiyoo..
then took the usual routines; take 858 home with mia and arman.
HAHA ! this time round the melatah getting very more wow !
hAHAHA ! *strip yerr* LOL..
*NC 16 !!* HAHAHA !
baik milkshake !! turbo version.. hahah..
omg lahh.. and then the apek infront lagik siket saw that. hahaha !
haiyoo.. embarassing yet not sick of it. huahuahua..
and omg ! tmr performance with Faddies at RP. =DDD
soooo excited ! i duno if people can watch anot.
its for the halloween event at 7pm. im so excited..
i feel like a Diva i duno why.. haha.. =P
i hope i do well.. =D
oh oh.. and and.. shout outs to Wawa, Totot, Eypul, Kak siti, Rizwan Oths'(hah), Hakim, Ayim..
I miss korang ! see u guys soon okay..

Yesterday had rehearsal with the Dollz at Sengkang. (its okay, ppl dun need to the place) HAHA !
Had fun ! and got to meet Jannah for the first time. she talks very fast. LOL.
then rehearse the dance full dress. had a great time !
then rehearse the When I Grow Up item with Jannah.
i never got to practise that item with them.
so i had to figure out my position myself on stage.
*baik spontaneous position* hahaha ! thanks to Armanito ! =D
baik bobal on stage while performing. HAHA !
rehearse our crew dance twice. cos it was just fun ! hahaha !
then its a wrap. went to eat at Banquet at Compass Point.
and i ate Wanton Noodle. i duno why i ate that. hmm..
and i had to bring Arman's boots and Khai's (damn thick and heavy) jacket back home.
im sooooo wearing Arman's boots to sch tmr ! haha ! then go prac. =D
then went home took 965 with Mia.
and we played a game. HAHA !
baik make up game !
and i didnt noe i was that good with eyeliners lahh.. (bluff only) =PP
i did Mia's eyeliner. got Minah version, got Wayang Kulit version and got Emo version.
hahaha ! and doing eyeliner in the bus can be very dangerous lah cann ! haha..
and i duno why im so tired today.
both my legs are aching. haiss.. esp my thighs.. =((
ohh well.. Chot dier in the history of chotting EVER ! =DD
first week of school has been great..
new modules.. i think im gonna love Cinematography.
and i think im gonna hate Storyboarding. -__-
ohh yeaa !
and this 6th november gonna have performance at a Hotel (which i cant rmbr the name) for a charity event or something like that. can't wait ! with my FFDC Dollz. =DD
practise has been okayy.. just that we're rushing thru for the Demo. =(
sunday's the Demo.
ohhh well.. lets try to blog everyday kay Yayat. =)
byee !
BFFL chalet.
omg ! i enjoyed chalet with BFFLs sooooooooo much !!
i wanna do it again !
went there to check in with aisyah first..
farr came later with her bf which is also my hubby, an-an.
hahaha ! *baik bermadu*
then nad came arnd 5pm.
nifa and mia came later.
and we started BBQ-ing.. it was fun lahh !
the food waas awesome !! i love the garlic bread !
and then watched Gerimis di hati together.
and i duno wats so funny lahh that we laughed about. padahal citer sedeh. lol. =P
we really laughed like mad ! haha..
*baik Wiwi and Pooh Bear* LOL !
and the fun started soon enough. lol.
me and mia began to do each other's hair.. straightened it.
nad make up make up for aisyah and nifa.
and then me and mia danced to single ladies in the room ALOT OF TIMES ! *baik mesmerizes*
but the rest would just ignore us. we were very noisy siaaa.. HAHA ! really !
but the feeling is good. haha. thats why i said.. i love dancing to single ladies in a room with BFFLs where they would just ignore us. so its kinda like normal. HAHA !
and then me, mia and nifa re-enacted Lady Gaga's Paparazi performance on VMA with the video infront of us. HAHAHA ! and i was Lady Gaga. FUNNY OR WAT ?! LOLs ! *baik G-string on face*
but then nad and aisyah was like acting nuthing is happening in the room. hahaha !
best lah best ! :D
and then me and mia played Twister by ourselves.
yes by ourselves only.. *baik pathetic*
i'll upload the awkward position photos up real soon ! hurhur..
but somehow the night turned very emotional for us. hmm..
i love BFFLs okay !
*aku bukan oraaaannnggg...* hahaha !
then watched I Love You, Beth Cooper accompanied with Ben&Jerry's on lappy.
but then i fall alseep halfway. hurhur.. *looks at nifa and mia* =PPP
ohhhh welllllll..
the next day hung out at E-hub and photoshoot ! wooooo ! heh..
i wanna do chalet again !
i enojyed very very much !! =DDDD
sorry dear bloggy for not updating u. heh.
okay so.. life3? hmm.. right now, i just treasure everything that i have. =D
Raya has been great.. enjoyed myself..
i just duno wat to blog abt.. lol..
nvm, i'll soon get the mood to blog again..
meanwhile.. TMR CHALET WITH BFFLs !
wheeeeee..! cant wait !
its been awhile since we spend time together right right right?
tmr chalet just us spending time and BBQ-ing.. woooo !
i love us okay !
see all of u dearest tmr ! =))
Sorry for not updating..
no worries.. i WILL update soon.
don't stop visiting this blog kayy..
much loves kay bloggy.. <3
P.S: "will" is a future present tense (i think so) but the length of time is not determine yet.
*baik dictionary*