To think of it, there goes the last Saturday and Sunday of 2009. =/
wow.. that fast ehh.. hmm..
then tmr will be the last Monday.
then the next day will be the last Tuesday.
then the next day will be the last Wednesday.
and the next day will be the last Thursday. =OOOO
and then........ its 2010 !!
but i love 2007 cos my birthday's date falls on like this.. 050607..
*baik telling people extra & random information*
hahahaha.. =P
and since Starhub is giving the viewers all channels for free(for i duno until, my mum have been conquering the TV lahh can for the day ! omg lahh ! irritating siaaa !
and guess wat channel? u noe wat.. guess the language first?
its all wat makciks love to watch..
yes Hindustand on Zmovie and ZeeTv.. OMG LAHH ! seriously sehh !
just now.. from the time i woke up from like 11.30am..
went out to Nifa's crib. went back home at around 7pm.
she still there sitting like a sack of potatos on the couch still watching Zchannel. urgh !
even my sister got fed up. hahaha ! fought over the remote ! my goodness !
all her fault ah go tell my mum abt the free channels. -____-
whenever i wanna touch the remote she'll go like "ahh..jgn tukar eh"
and whenever i wanna reach out my hand to the remote, she go tepis my hand away.
even whenever i look at the remote, she'll stared at me(with the background music goes "teng teng teng").. okay nolah, this one kidding ! hahaha !
but even when i THINK abt changing the channel... kay nolah, kidding again.. HAHAH ! =P
and yeaa.. we had to watch Singapore Idols Finals in the bedroom with 2 smokers, one pregnant woman and one tall hot dancer. *baik description* hahahah.. seriously sehh !
i hope Starhub cuts off Z. -____-
and only offers Vchannel and E! Entertainment. hahaha.. =D
ohh.. and congrats to Sezairi for winning the Singapore Idol Season 3 !
and omg lahh.. i love that girl name Charise.. she sang so wonderful..
i really did goosebumps watching her i swear !
her voice is just so amazing lahh.. =D
and where did my week of hols went? omg..
so fast ! another one more week and thats it.. haiss..
wat a day.. wat a week.. wat a year..
` Yayat.
With Love.

( tell me again why'd i post this pic? hmm.. yes, cos i wanna be a rockstar..
actually nolah.. bluff only.. hahaha.. =P )
not too soon.. my sis will be having her first babygirl..
wheee..! im so happy..!
but sad abit.. hmmm.. cos im the youngest in the family wat..
then if the babygirl born aready, no more "yayat.. yayat.." =(((
there'll be more of "baby.. baby.." lol..
goshh.. i hope i'd still be pampered by my parents.
hahaha ! baik confession ! =PP
ohh.. i wanna watch Avatar !
everyone makes it sound sooooooooooooo good ! hahaha..
im sooo gonna catch it ! =DDD
*its so tight*
6more days and its gonna be 2010 already.
time passes by so fast aint it? hmm..
but im sure 2009 will be a memorable year for me.
im sure some of u too.
this year 17.. next already 18..
goshh.. 18 years past with many lessons learnt and the future mistakes and lesson to learn too.
ohh well.. =)
okay.. its already Christmas.
soooo.. meanwhile.. Merry Christmas to all those who are celebrating aite ! =D
ENJOY 251209 !

i just realised that
Lady Gaga's Bad Romance has the most play count in my iPod; 114playsHAHAHA ! i never did not hear Bad Romance for one day.. *kening naik2*
then second is PCD's Bottle Pop; 102plays. =D
got some never played songs also. actually got play ah.
but the play count function is that u have to listen to the song til the end then only it will count.
Marina Gasolina playcount is 0. lol. cos nvr listen to the full song. HAHA !
XDDDD *baik Kamil style*
Had a sleepover with this cool bunch of people ! =DDwent to
Rush's gorgeous terrace house !but i got school.. so went there around 7pm liddat. damn..
The house very nice !
like every person's dream house. 3 story and 2 basement !
i love the kitchen lahh ! hahaha ! outdoor.. cool..
i came there and i was seriously wow-ed.. =DDD
before i came they all played
Rockband ! =((
i came then had dinner.. *smiles cunningly*
hahahaha ! Rush and Zul cooked.. lol ! good try.. 2 out of 10 stars. HAHA ! =P
lucky got the BBQ sauce. lols.
after dinner chilled at the outdoor kitchen. =D
after that went up(very tiring u noe) to Rush's room.
got two aircons btw. *baik tell ppl about things they dun need to noe !* hahaha !
very cold lahhh ! and those who stay in his room can be very lazy.
controls everywhere.. hahaha..
then waatch movie Saw 6 together.. off all the lights.. BEST !!
and i finish my Nougats that Haziqah bought from Australia.
and i had to ask Arman for some of his. hahaha ! =D
then2 after that.. the fun part !
it was raining heavily kan..
so Rush need to go down to close the kitchen bind so that it'll not be wet..
then he go alone. then we follow down.
then we play the killer game. rush is the killer..then me Mia Arman Fee and Kai became the victim.. HAHA !
scary siaa.. raining then like abit dark..
best ahhh ! like can make movie liddat.. go up and down the stairs holding each others hand.
but rush duno he's the killer.. -_-
we shouted very loud lahh..! hahaha.. like 12am aready..
after the game, watched PCD live london on the tv kat second floor.
then watch the Doll Domination tour.
THEN ! hahaha.. Arman kept disturbing Mia with his Fake plastic cockcroach. HAHA !
then Mia cannot take it aready, she threw it to the first floor.. LOLs !
then Arman got angry and he threw Mia's teddy bear downsstairs also and it hit the Chandeliers.
HAHAHAHAHA ! then the face all priceless siaa ! LOLssssssssss !
sumer takot !!! HAHAHA ! FUNNY AH ! =PPPP
then chills at Rush's crib til 3am.
then took cab to Arman's house.
haiyooo ! i never get to have enough fun at Rush house lahh !
i came at like wat.. 7pm?! HMPHS ! *baik Haziqah* =P
i never even got to play rockband lahh ! HISH ! =P
can we go yr house again? hahahaha..
reached Arman's house.. hungry..
called Mac.. ordered.. except for Mia. cos she slept. -_-
after eat sleep.
then morning Arman's mum ordered Pizza Hut for breakfast.
all set up on the table.. wheeee..!
ate two slice of pizza and one beef lasagne. =DDD
wooohooo !
i really enjoyed myself..! =D
i want this day again !
i wanna go Rush house again !!!! that one is a must ! hahaha..
i still havent test all the furnitures lahh.. -________-

(whooo.. i love this pic ! credits to Nutt for being my hairstylist and advice. and then she cried.. hahaha ! baik memories ! LOLs..)
Now i badly wanna go Night Safari.. haiss..
i seriously wanna go there with BFFLs.. the last we went out was like wat?
to Wild Wild Wet.. then get to see the Halloween parade. *kening naik2* =P
must go out at least once kay during this hols ! =((
Anyways.. just now went shopping with family ! i love it *HERGH !* =D
its been awhile since we went out together like this.. =)
went Suntec cos sis wanna take something.
then went M.Square and eat Swensen's..
i ate Mega Burger ! huahuahua.. the dish very mengenyang kan !
and desert, Choc Malt.. i like girl.. hah..
then thought of gg
313@Somerset but then i scared not many shops.
cos i noe Ion Orcahrd got alot of shops that im fond of. LOL.. =P
so head on to Ion.
ohh ohh.. seeing ppl in the train giving up seats for my sis made me wanna become pregnant also ah.. hahahaha ! like Diva siaaa.. cool errrr watt ? lols..
then went Uniglo.. omg, where's Nutt and Aisyah ?! hahaha.. kay.. -____-
bought something there.. fought with bro wat colour to buy then of cos he gave in. LOLs.
i want to call it a shirt but its a Tshirt.
i want to call it a Tshirt but its a shirt.
i want to call it a sweater but not really like sweater..
designers nowadays ah really like to make ppl confused ! (angry) hahaha..
ohh.. and i bought my new shoes at Pedro ! i really like it !
very nice.. omg lahh ! hahaha..
but actually its plain ah. but i like.. lol.. =DD
i was like walking past the shop then saw the shoes and i practically stop and pulled my mom.
hahahaha ! actually i wanna buy my shoes at Puma.
but then too expensive. =((
then saw Zul at Levi's store.. lol.. =D
bought Tees there. share with bro.. =DD
then my brother was like "bu, dier laki jer dah blanjer byk gini. nasib baik dier bukan pmpn.. klau tak.. nak beli make up lahh, nak beli bag lahh.."
then mum was like "ah tulah, nasib dier laki.. klau dier nak beli make up pon jgn. biar dier cuit2 dari kakak punyer.."
ohh well.. wat a tiring and fun dayy ! i want it again ! =DDD
ahhhh.. i <3 family..
okay sidetrack. im missing dance practice so much !
haisss.. just the thought of gg to dance prac during in class is no more there.. =(
i really miss it.. haiss..
i always look forward for sch to end very much..
but now not that much.. hmm..
anyways, i wanna taste the Peppermint at Starbucks..
but always out of stock !!
that time went Starbucks with Mia and Arman also out of stock, ended up bought the cherrie one. -_-
then just now also at Ion out of stock ! ended up buying the toffee nut.
i think the peppermint really dun have ah..
they just want to put three pictures there to make it nicer..
or or ! they noe ppl like peppermint.. so ppl will buy..
but they will say its out of stock(but actually mmg tkde)..
then the customer will be like panicked to buy wat alternative.
so its either the cherrie or the toffee nut..
OMG ! maybe that's their strategy ! hmmm.. (thinking)
WithL ove.

omg omg.. find me ! hahaha.. center of attention.. the one with masquerade. *kening naik2* hahahaha.. duno why suddenly i want to put this pic.. lol.. =D
i really love those moments.. great new friends made.. they are just so kind lahh..
not a competitor at all.. very nice ppl..
and it was really a great experience lahh cann !
from recording, to photoshoots, to OktoLIVE and especially the prize.. ahaha..
and the iPod i got from this thing is still working.. thankfully.. lol.. =D
oh well.. =)
Thursday went to follow Kat with Mia..
go Kat's graduation night for the year twos. hahaha..
so much for formal wear ehh.. LOLs.. =P
since her course is Digital and Audio Video Production, watch some movies.
hahaha.. cannot take it but comment on their work ah. lols..
but seriously, the course is interesting.. i like girl ! haha..
and then got one girl in front of me with janggot.. HAHAHA !
kidding lahh ! it seems to be that way.. my eyes playing trick on me. =P
then after all the movies, buffet time !
hahahaha ! seriously kanchiong.. we took alot..!
then i wanted to take the chicken then it drop on the table..
then Mia was like "alahh biar lahh.." HAHA ! =P
then after all that.. went home took bus home to yck..
then omg omg ! got A BIG FLYING COCKROACH inside the bus..
and we three ran away from the side lahh.. it was sooo eeky !
then i thought i was protecting myself, padehal i was protecting Kat. HAHAH ! -__-
then the cockcroach played peek-a-boo with one of the passenger.. LOLssss..
and i seriously wanna go shopping !!
its the end of the year, and somemore christmas..
confirm sale like mad ! been pestering my mum and dad/walking ATMs lahh.. -_-
just wait til they crack.. *kening naik2* hah !
i sooooooo need to get new stuff.. especially a new bag ! *looks at Mia* -_-
and shoes i guess.. =D
and yea.. one more week and thats it.. Term break ! technically 3more days uh.. lol..
but confirm got assignment.. haiyo.. (angry)
and i've been missing BFFLs ! haiss..
Aisyah Nutt Farr Nifa Mia !!
just miss being together !
must meet up soon oakyy ! very sad u noe nvr got to meet u..
and heard Aisyah started working at Cotton On Wisma.
wheeee.. gonna visit u okay friend !! =D
with love.

(EH EHH ! Farhan..! nak kat depan jer eh ! hahahaha..)
went to watch Dancing Through Seasons with Mia and Arman at RP.
15bucks u noe ! u ppl who dance better be appreciative of me coming there.. haha ! =P
anyway.. yea.. went to to support whole lot of ppl..
Khai, Farhan, Nini, Faizah (the girl who sniff loudly while dancing and then act like as if nuthing happened.haha.), Ella, Voguelicious and of cos all that noes me and i noe them. lol.. =)
i enjoyed watching it with Bengkongs.. <3
Excellent show kay guys ! =DD
and awww.. really gonna miss them loads..
gonna miss walking pass the whole bunch of them in RP and catch their attention. *baik confession* hahahahah !
gonna miss just hanging around with them..
gonna miss going home and walking to woodlands MRT station together.
haha.. oh well.. =)

(aperr jerr Luke.. HAHA !)