Elly (Gaga) Maisara ! wat a cutie ! hahaha ! =DD
just now i was
waaaaaaayyy toooo bored at home.
so i asked my mum along to cwp. haha.. Along with the baby.
goshh.. wat am i gonna do with my life. HAHA ! =P
went to eat Nasi Ayam Penyet ! i like girl.. =D
then went to get my new headphones.
hahaa ! i wanna say i love Elly so much !
cos when i was getting my headphones, mum sat down on a bench and was milking her.
so i asked for money to get the headphones..
so i go get it. than came back to mum, Elly was crying.
i have the urge to buy some stuffs. LOLs..
so i asked my mum for some money again.
she asked for wat.. and i said i wanna buy some stuff lah.
then she said take it from her bag.
so i took out $10 from her bag.and i was like "yat amek $10 tau!"
but she was too busy focusing on Elly's crying. HAHAHA !
i think she didnt noe how much i took. and also how much the headphones cost.
if i knew.. i'd take out more than 10.
LOLssssss !
Let's go out with Elly together again ! =P
last saturday, went to have a just-for-fun prac with Mia Arman and Khai at airport.and our motive was also to meet Faddies too. =))
its a been awhile since Bengkongs took 858 together. hahhaha !
when we were on our way to aiport inside the bus.i think we were too loud ! HAHA !
cos keep melatah-ing Mia.
then the person next to me just had to shut us up. omg lahh !he was like "
diam lahh". cb betol !
abeh tros senyap.. LOLs..
but really ah.. i think we were a nuisance. HAHA !
well wat do u expecct.. we missed 858 too much ! =PP
Let's dance again soon !!
` Yayat.
Wtih Love.

heyho !
yay ! the baby is back home. wheeee..!
my life won't be that dull anymore when im home. hahha. =P
i think i dun wanna be called Uncle Doll ah. i think i want Uncle Gaga.
kayy.. -__- mcm2 ah aku.. *facekic sendiri*
and whenever can i get a new earpiece and a new bag ?! lol..
dalah sweater hilang. hahaha ! -__-
anyway, its a good thing lah i lost that sweater.
alot of ppl wear aready. haiyoo.. its getting common. tsk3. =P
and omg.. im starting to miss dance practice. like seriously..
i wanna dance ! and i miss being in RP with a whole lot of other dances !
especially when we are practicing for the same competition.
its like we're not even competitors at all.. =DDD
Let's dance again soon okayyy !!!! =)
Arman and Khai ! i miss u guys lahh !
ohh.. just now gotten the EVG Alumni tickets with Nifa and Mia.
4th Feb 10 !
wonder wats in store for us.. =D
okayy.. and Elly (Gaga) Maisara has been crying at night. -___-
nk tgk porn pon tak senang.. OMG !! HAHA ! joking lahh.. LOLs.. =P
then the other day.. i had to sleep in the living room on the couch (YES ON THE COUCH !) while my mum slept on the floor. cos baby didnt want to sleep. -____-
and the family just HAD to wake up at 6am to go to work..
ohh well.. i wanna take this blog opportunity to say that i love my bestfriends !

i cant wait for this baby to come back home !
OKAY ELLY GAGA MAISARA !! (this is just an imaginary name to me. haha.. but nice right if got "gaga". HAHA)
My sister has been admitted to the hospital since saturday.
and finally she gave birth on Tuesday at 1:14am. =DDDahhhhhh ! cos i keep pestering my mum asking her "kakak dah branak?"
hahaha ! then just now morning mum woke me up at 9.30am to go KK hospital.
so i woke up excitedly..
this time my mum just woke me up once(if it was for sch, she'd have to wake me up at least 3times. lol.) cos i was damn excited !
then reached KK.. had breakfast at Mac. Sausage Mcmuffins ! yummmmm !
then visit sis.. she keeps saying her butt pain ! -__-
then go see her new born baby !! and i keep laughing at my sister's walking.
cacat perr girl ! LOLs..
see the baby thru the glass window.
and i duno why..
i feel like im in a drama series. hahaha !
and omg ! the baby isssss sooooo CUTE !!so chubby ! so white ! ahhhh !
and i was practically waving at the baby when my sis carry it to show the face to us.
and my mum was like "eh2 budak nie.. mcm nmpk penyanyi gitu"hahaha ! i was really waving and bouncing lahh.. hahah ! =P
i cannot resit babies siaaa ! =DD
Uncle Doll can?
then like if ppl ask "why doll?"
"cos im a dollllllllll...!" (saying it like Nicole)
*baik PCD*
how bout that girl..
LOLsssss.. =PP
omg !
i soooo need a new earpiece !mine is spoilt ! the left side..
how can i live ?!
and i seriously need a new bag.. *looks at Mia* HAHA !
my bro has been using my Esprit bag lahh.. -_-
and my sch bag putus aready.. *looks at Mia after 3secs* =P
and my black bagpack is simply bleeaarghhh.. hah..
ohh well..
here are pictures that i feel like posting.

With Love.
on 9th Jan 2010, had a competition at RP called RPresenting. =)
it was the first competition in 2010 for us.
in fact its the first time we danced together as a crew for this competition, well at least with Zymma and Amy ah. eversince FFDC is on trial. *baik court order* haha.. =P
so yeaaa.. went as SSDC which stands for Soul Style Dollz Crew.
i kinda like the crew name ah. hahaha.. =P
we had fun on stage. ohh i did !! =D
even tho we didnt get a placing, we did our best with just 1month plus of practice together.
everybody put in alot of effort okay. love us !
and now my back and hips are hurting me. sriously.. =(
very pain.. it really hurts okay ! haiss.. saket !
but i keep watching it.. haha.. i noe its like -_- ah..
but to me its not. haha.. after months of practicing it.. finally can do ! =))
thanks to those who help me lah. =D
it was awesome dancing with SSDC !
gonna miss u guys. must dance again kay Amy and Zymma ! =D
and congrats for the first, second and third crews !
Fantastic Crew, Fhunkiestylerz and 3OT respectively ! =)
after RPpresenting.. straight away went to Bishan Juntion 8 to watch the H2O comp.
Faddies competiting. went to support !
went there with Zymma's daddy's car !
i love the car lah ! hahaha.. =P
then reached the place..
and i was practically hurting my thoat lah there..
shout so loud like one psycho crazy woman. LOLs..
and wat more, whenever there a crew was using PCD song.
we wud shout so loud !! hahaha ! and Kamil gets irritated. huahuahua !
and then there was the competition for the loudest shouting.
hahahaha.. i was nominated with Mia and Kat by the host. HAHAHA !
i shouted like high pitch giler ! hahaha..
and i didnt manage to shout loudest cos when yr nervous and u wanna shout infront of hundreds.. confirm shaky kan. HAHAHA !
and Mia won..! hahaha ! *baik Mariah Carey* LOLs..
and OMG ! Khai's scream was soooooooooooo high that it pierced all our ears !
*baik diva* haha ! all the crowd was literally blown away lah ! LOL..
tk padan 14 years old seh ! =P
Congrats Faddies for clinching third !
u guys were awesome okay ! seriously !
DOPE !! trust me ! DOPE giler ! =DDD
kayy.. =)
With Love.
i noe im late but still..
Hello 2010 ! =)
may it be a good and meaningful year for me.
i really really hope so. =)
Spread the love, spread the fun, spread colours to everyone in 2010 ! =D